Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/642

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&896305 - i89631(1
JUL-DEC. 1977

1896305. Betty Crocker's Growinq your ava hoaseplants. By Jacqueline Heriteau. 79 p. Appl. au: iestern Publishinq company. Inc. , employer for hire. © Western Publishinq Company, Inc. ; 9&uq77; a896305.

4896 306. Halt Disney's Donald Duck capture the monkeys qame. Kit. Appl. au: Halt Disney Productions. Q Halt Disney Productions; 31»uq77: &896306.

11896307. Honey Hill Bunch paper dolls. 1 ». O Mattel, Inc.: 9Auq77: A896307.

A896308. A Place for me. Level 7, teacher's ed. By Eldonna L. Evectts, Bernard J. Heiss G Susan B. Cruikshank. 267 p. Portions prev. pub. under the titles A Place for ae & Skills practice, duplicating masters for A Place for me and A Time for friends. NH: nev material. 3 Holt, ainehart and ffinston. Publishers, Inc.; 3JaD77; A896308.

A89e309. People need people. Level 9, vol. 2, teacher's ed. By Eldonna L. Evertts 6 Bernard J. Weiss, p. 228-U31. NH: additions & revisions, e Holt, Einehart and Winston: 3Jan77: A896309.

A89e310. Pets and people. Level 5, teacher's ed. By Eldonna L. Evertts, Bernard J. Weiss 6 Susan B. Cruikshank. 112 p. NM: additions & revisions. @ Holt, Binehart and Winston: 3Jan77; A896310.

A896311. Freedom's ground; teacher's ed. Level 1t, vol. 2, units 1-6. By Bernard J. Weiss. p. 465-880. Portions prev, pub. as Freedom's qround S Skills practice, duplicating masters for Freedom's ground. NK: additions, e Holt, Binehart and Winston, Publishers; 3Jan77: A896311.

A896312. Never give up! Teacher's ed. Level 11, vol. 1« units 1-2. Language arts: Eldonna L. Evertts, linguistics C curriculum: Bernard J. leiss. 304 p. Portions prev. pub. as Never give up! C Skills practice, duplicating masters for Never give up! NH: additions, e Holt, Binehart and Winston, Publishers; 3Jan77; A896312.

A896313. Never give up! Workbook. Level 11. By Eldonna L. Evertts, Bernard J. Weiss, Patricia Brennan Oemuth 6 Loreli Olson Steuer. 125 p. NM: additions e revisions. 6 Holt, Binehart and Winston, Publishers: 3Jan77; A896313.

A8963ia. Hear, say, see, write! Teacher's ed. Level 2. Language arts: Eldonna L. Evertts, linguistics & reading: Bernard J. Weiss & reading £ language artsr Susan B. Cruikshank. 286 p. Portions prev. pub. as Hear, say, see, write! 6 Skills practice, duplicating masters for About me and Hear, say, see, write! NM: additions. C Holt, Binehart and Winston, Publishers; 3Jan77; A896314.

ABseais. A Time for friends; teacher's ed. Level 8, units 1-3. Language arts: Eldonna L. Evertts, linguistics S reading: Bernard J. Weiss G reading G language arts: Susan B. Cruikshank. 368 p. Portions prev. pub. as A lime for friends 6 Skills practice, duplicating masters for A Place for me and A Time for friends. NM: additions, e Holt, Binehart and Winston, Publishers; 3Jan77: A896315.

A896316. Angina pectoris. Edited by Ephraim Donoso e Bichard Gorlin. 200 p. (Current cardiovascular topics, vol. 3) 6 Stratton Intercontinental Medical Book Corporation; 19JU177; A896316.

A896317. A History of swimwear reflecting some sociological and technological changes. By Terrie Ellen Bust. 127 p. NM: new text, compilation & pictorial matter. e Terrie E. Rust; 15Jul77; A896317.

A8963ie. When a family needs therapy; a practical assessment guide for parents, lay therapists, and professionals. By Gina Ogden G Anne Zevin. 190 p. C Gina Ogden G Anne Zevin; 2Dec76; A896318.

A896319. The Cesarean birth experience: a practical, comprehensive, and reassuring guide for parents and professionals. By Bonnie Donovan, with a foreword by Buth Allen G an introd. by Muriel Sugarman. 240 p. e Bonnie Donovan; 12May77; A896319.

A896320. The Kabir book: forty-four of the ecstatic poems of Kabir. Versions by Bobert Bly. 71 p. NM: additional versions G revisions. @ Bobert Ely; 11Feb77; A896320.

A896321. Busing. By Thomas J. Cottle. 127 p. e Thomas J. Cottle; 260ct76; A896321.

A896322. Behavior mod and the managed society. By Bobert L. Geiser. 175 p. 6 Robert L. Geiser; 30Apr76; A896322.

&896323. On being human religiously: selected essays in religion and society. By James Luther Adams, edited G introduced by Max L. Stackhouse. 257 p. Appl. au: Beacon Press. NM: compilation, editor's introd., introductory chapter material G chap. 8. e Beacon Press; 2Apr76; A896323.

4896324. Nursing hones: a citizens' action guide. By Linda Horn G Elma Griesel, introd. by Maggie Kuhn. 190 p. Add. ti: Nursing homes: citizens' action guide. © Linda Horn 6 Elma Griesel; 11May77; A896324.

4896325. Help yourself to a job: a guide for retirees. By Dorothy Winter. 158 p. e Dorothy Winter: 30Nov76; 4896325.

4896326. Family day care: a practical guide for parents, caregivers, and professionals. By Alice H. Collins G Eunice L. Watson. 144 p. e Alice H. Collins G Eunice L. Watson; 11Jun7e; 4896326.

4896327. Toward a new psychology of women. By Jean Baker Miller. 143 p. Portions of chap. 1 G 2 prev. pub. in another form in the American journal of orthopsychiatry, 41 (1971) e Jean Baker Miller; 9Sep76; A896327.

A896328. Talking about death: a dialogue between parent and child; a new ed. with a parent's guide G recommended resources- By Earl A. Grollman, illustrated by Gisela Heau. 98 p. NM: parent's guide G recommended resources. 6 Earl A. Grollman; 15Mar76; 4896328. culinary guide for the ecogourmet. By Beverly White, illustrated by Julie Maas. 142 p. e on text; Beverly white; 28Mar77; 4896329.

4896330. Bean cuisine: a culinary guide for the ecogourmet. By Beverly White, illustrated by Julie Haas. 142 p. on illus. ; Julie Haas; 28Har77; 4896330.

A896331. Studies in critical philosophy. By Herbert Marcuse, translated by Joris De bres. 227 p. Portions prev. pub. in Die Gesellschaf t, 1932 G others. NM: English text of [i. 209-223. Herbert Marcuse; 28Feb72; A896331.

A896332. Theory "and practice. By Juergen Babermas, translated by John Viertel. 310 p. Appl. au: Beacon Press. Abridgment of the 4th ed. of Theorie und Praxis, pub. 1971; portions prev. pub. in Technik und Hissenschaft als "Ideologie". 6 on translation; Beacon Press; 290ct73; A896332.

A896333. Got me on the run: a study of runaways. By Bichard D. Bock G Abigail English. 237 p. The Sanctuary; 22Feb73; 4896333.

A896334. The Black Muslims in 4merica. By Charles Eric Lincoln. 302 p. Portions prev. pub. in 4uerican journal of sociology (July 1937-May 1938) 6 others. NM: introd,, revisions G updating;. 6 C. Eric Lincoln; 16Mar73; 4896334.

A896335. Lorca and Jimenez: selected poems. By Federico Garcia' Lorca G Juan Bamon Jimenez, chosen G translated by Bobert Bly. 193 p. English G Spanish. Portions prev. printed in Cafe solo G others. NM: p. 100-104, translations G corrections, e Bobert Bly; 27Apr73: A896335.

A896336. Time and reality in the thought of the Maya. By Miguel Leon-Portilla, foreword by J. Eric S. Thompson, appendix by Alfonso villa Gojas, translated by Charles L. Boiles G Fernando Horcasitas. 176 p. Appl. au: Beacon Press. Translation of Tiempo y realidad en el pensamiento Maya: ensayo de acercamiento. @ on translation; Beacon Press; 20Sep73; A896336.

A896337. Strategy and program: two essays toward a new American socialism. By Staughton Lynd G Gar 41perovitz. 109 p. on introductory; Staughton Lynd; 22Mar73; 4896337.

4896338. Strategy and program: two essays toward a new American socialism. By Staughton Lynd G Gar 41perovitz. 109 p. O on p. 1-48; Staughton Lynd; 22Mar73; 4896338.

A896339. strategy and program: two essays toward a new American socialism. By Staughton Lynd G Gar Alperovitz. 109 p. 6 on p. 49-109; Gar 41perovitz; 22Mar73; 4896339.

4896340. 50 spirit master activities in general science. By David E. Newton. 3 p. G sheets (SO p.) in box. 6 J. Weston Walch, Publisher; 3Feb76; 4896340.

A896341. 50 duplicator masters on whole numbers. By Carolyn Anderson. 14 p. G sheets (50 p.) in box. J. Weston Walch, Publisher;

2Mar76; A896341.


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