Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/648

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JUL-DEC. 1977

»896553 (coo.) Steak House, Oakland Hall Shoppicq Center, Trov. Bichiqan. Foe: York steak House Systems, Inc., documents prepared by Bichard Henry Eiselt. 1 v. idd. ti: York Steak House, location; Oakland Ball Shopping Center, Troy, Hicfaiqan. © Bicliara Henry Eiselt; 26&uq77: A896553.

i896551t. Cuestionario para aspirantes a trabaio. 2 p. HH: translation. e V. U. Eiolcke associates. Inc.; 1Sep77: A896554.

A896555. Inforae de tardanza. Porna SI 22. 1 p. NH: translation, e V. V. Eimicke Associates, Inc.; 25iaq77: S896555.

S896556. Price list. 2 p. Add. ti: Laurel forms price list. NB: revisions. O 7. R. Eioicke Associates, Inc.; 1Sep77; A896556.

A896557. Tarieta dc datos del nuevo empleado. Forma S 133. 2 p. NB: translation. V. 8. Eimicke Associates, Inc.; 1Sep77; A696557.

A896558. Formas para desarrollar el personal. 2 p. HB: translation. 6 T. 9. Eimicke Associates, Inc.; 1Sep77; A896558.

A8S6559. Solicitnd de empleo. Forma S101. Folder (4 p.) KB: revisions. O T. H. Eimicke Associates, Inc. ; 8Sep77; A896559.

AB9e560. Pictures, poems and dulcimer pieces. By Kevin Both, musical transcriptions by Frank Diqiovanni, photos, by Daniel Axler, David Teeple 6 John Beeves. 15 p. © Kevin Both Productions; 2Aaq77; A896560.

A89e561. East Bemphis and Shelby County, suburban east business telephone directory, February 1977. Betro Publishinq Company: 1Feb77 (in notice: 1976); A896561.

A896562. Expediency, your honor. 1 p. Appl. au: Bose Peebles Eatcliffe. Eose Peebles Eatcliffe: l4Feb77: A896562.

A896S63. Carter's drummers drumminq real drums. 2 p. Appl. au: Bose Peebles Eatcliffe. e Bose Peebles Eatcliffe; 15Nov76; A896563.

AB96S64. Brotherhood or businq? 2 p. Appl. au: Bose Peebles Batcliffe. Q Bose Peebles Eatcliffe; aiDec76: A896564.

AS96565. Mailorder your way to happiness. By Eick Bochenski. 24 p. Eick Bochenski; 1Auq77; A8965b5.

A896566. Astrology 1 — a course in basic astrology. By Terry Hill Burke & Theresa Blesz Hill. 1 V. Terry B. Burke e Terry B. Hill; 70ct7S; A896566.

A896567. Frame House Gallery limited edition collector prints catalog. 64 p. 6 Frame House Gallery, division of Leo Burnett Company, Inc. (in notice: The Frame House Gallery, Inc.) ; 10ct76; A896567.

A896568. Horrid horoscopes. By Hehttam Naqilluc, pseud, of Battheu J. Culliqan, illustrated by I. Bason Williams. 1 v. NB: compilation. 6 Hatthew Culliqan: 13Bay77; A896568.

A896569. Betha's birthday party. Cary groiis a peanut. By Lelia B. T. Allen. 1 v. (Ilio short stories) 6 Lelia B. T. Allen; 1Jul77: A896S69.

A896570. Analysis and solution of the Hiddle East problem. 7 p. Appl. au: Carl Bashe. NB: additions. 9 Carl Bashe; 1Sep77; A896570.

A896571. The Development of pattern and form in animals. By Lewis Holpert, drawings by Derek Hhiteley. 2nd ed., rev. 16 p. Appl. au: Carolina Biological Supply Company. O Carolina Biological Supply Company; 1Sep77; A896571.

A896572. Human blood grouping and typing: BioKit; teacher's manual. 13 p. NB: additions £ revisions. © Carolina Biological Supply Company; 25Aug77; A896572.

A896573. 15-5847 Sordaria genetics: BioKit; teacher's manual. 7 p. 6 Carolina Biological Supply Company; 10Sep77; 4896573.

A896574. "Price-it-right" contest rules. 1 p. Appl. au: Henry Cohen. @ Henry Cohen; 22Auq77; A896574.

A896575. Paradoxical experiential therapy: a description of the technique and rationale of a non-behavioral therapy for an unselected patient population. By Alice Kutzin. Sheets (26 p.) © Alice Kutzin; 18Feb77; A896575.

A896576. Beter records from. 1 p. Appl. au: Sarah J. Ualker. © Sarah J. Halkcr; 5iug77; A896576.

A896577. Bienvenidos al hospital. 1 v. 6 ABI Arts, Inc.; 18Aug77; A896577.

A896578. America's finest golf game. Sheets G cutouts in box. Appl. au: iilliam C. Noyes. © gilliam C. Hoyes (in notice: Noyes) ; 15Auq77; A896578.

A896579. Vedanta philosophy. Sheets. (Haster course, pt. 2) Appl. au: Saiva Siddhanta church (this work was jointly authored by a group of five Saivite fathers of the Saiva Siddhanta Church) Haster Subramuniya; 1Apr77; A896579.

A896580. Saiva Siddhanta. Sheets. (Haster course, pt. 3) Appl. au: Saiva Siddhanta Church (this work was jointly authored by a group of five Saivite fathers of the Saiva Siddhanta Church) © Baster Subramuniya; 8Jul77; A896580.

A896581. The Children's house manual; a guide to the social system, physical environment & instructional strategies of an American Hontessori public school. By Nancy Bccormick Eambusch. 279 p. © Xavier Oniversity; 1Jun77; A8965ai.

A896582. Uedman stenotype system: theory and skill building. Book 1. By Charles B. Hopkins £ Bargaret A. Borton. 183 p. Appl. au: The Hedman Company. © The Hedman Company (in notice: Hedman Stenotype, Inc.); 11Jun77; A896582.

A896583. No need of glory: the British Navy in American waters, 1860-1864. By Begis A. Courtemanche. 204 p. © Dnited States Naval Institute; 1Jul77; A896583.

A896584. In the shadow of His wings: a history of the Franciscan Sisters. By Sister Hary Assumpta Ahles C.S.F. 555 p. Fran- ciscan Sisters; 1Aug77; A896584.

A896585. A Hindow in the bosom: the letters of Alexander Pope. By James Anderson Binn. 247 p. NH: compilation £ editorial text. S James Anderson Rinn; 8Jul77; AS96585.

A896586. Header's Digest story of the great American Rest. Editor: Edward S. Barnard £ other editors. 384 p. Appl. au: The Eeader's Digest Association, Inc. NH: compilation of material prev. pub. plus additional material. @ The Header's Digest Association, Inc.; 15Aug77; A896586.

A896587. Bath (Sagadahoc County, BE) including Arrowsic, Georgetown and others city directory, 1977. Vol. 9. © The Price and Lee Company; 3Nov76; A896587.

A896588. Restfield (Hampden County, HA) including Southwick city directory, 1977. C The Price and Lee Company; 23Har77; A896588.

&896589. Eranford (New Haven County, CT) including North Eranford city directory, 1977. The Price and Lee Company: 31iov76; A896589.

A896590. Southington (Hartford County, CI) city directory, 1977. © The Price and Lee Company; 29Apr77; A896590.

A896591. Gardner (Worcester County, HA) city directory, 1977. Vol. 82. The Price and Lee Company; 3Nov76; A896591.

A896592. Bidgefieia (Fairfield County, CT) , including Georgetown, Bedding, and Bedding Eidge city directory, 1977. Vol. 10. © The Price and Lee Company; 7Apr77; A896592.

A896593. Old Saybrook (Hiddlesex County, CT) , including Chester, Deep Biver, Essex, and Hestbrook city directory, 1977. Vol. 7. © The Price and Lee Company; 28Apr77; A896593.

A896 594. Brunswick (Cumberland County, HE), including Bdwdoin, Bowdoinham, Barpswell, and lopsham city directory, 1977. Vol. 9. © The Price and Lee company; 70ct76; A896594.

A896535. Avon (Harttord County, CT) city directory, 1977. Vol. 7. © The Price and Lee Company; 18Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A896595.

A896596. Fitchburg (Worcester County, HA) city directory, 1977. Vol. 105. © The Price

and Lee Company; 26Jan77: A896596.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.