Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/666

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11897239 - S897282
JUL-DEC. 1977

A897239. Judqc David E. Davis: autobiographical sketches. 5 9 p. Appl. au: Heirbert Sidney Davis. e Herbert S. Davis; 21Har77: 1897239.

4897240. Clock repair and restoration: parts, tools, supplies, equipoent. Catalog no. 877. 36 p. e Hamel, Eiqlander and CoBpany, Inc.; 15Sep77; i8972't0.

4897241. Visualized Bible verses: 4cts. Vol. 1. Sheets. e Child Evanqellsji Fellovship, Inc.; 30Jun77; 4897241.

4897242. Hestern Canada. 1 p. Giant Photos, Inc.; 14uq77; 4897242.

4897243. Logistics technology and nanageaent. By Joseph 0. Patton, Jr. 1 v. NH: additions & revisions. Q Joseph D. fatton, Jr.; 104uq77; 4897243.

4897244. To the man uith hat in his hand, vith love. 4 novel by Bed Jordan 4robateau. 216 p. e Bed Jordan 4robateau; 21Sep77; 48972"! It.

4897245. Consumer behavior cases; a marketing management approach. By Joseph P. Vaccaro- 204 p. G Joseph P. Vaccaro; 20Sep77; 4897245.

4897246. CB log. 1 v. Bernie Straub Publishinq Company, Inc. : 12Sep77; 1897246.

4897247. ^hat you should know about receiving Holy Coamunion in the hand. 4 scrip- tographic booklet by Channing L. Bete Company, Inc. 7 p. <d Channing L. Bete company. Inc.; 16Sep77: 4897247.

4897248. The Financial side of retirement planning. 4 scriptographic booklet by Channing L. Bete Company, Inc. 15 p. Q Channing L. Bete Company, Inc. ; 224ug77; 4897248.

4897249. Play it safe — away from electricity. 4 scriptographic booklet by Channing L. Bete Company, Inc. 15 p. Q Channing L. Bete Company, Inc.; 174ug77; 4897249.

4897250. 4bout John Wesley. 4 scriptographic booklet by Channing L. Bete Company, Inc. 15 p. 6 Channing L. Bete- Compeiny, Inc.; 9Sep77; 4897250.

4897251. Hhat everyone should knov about oil shale. 4 scriptographic booklet by Channing L. Bete Company, Inc., 15 p. & Channing L. Bete Company, Inc. ; 304ug77; 4897251.

4897252. Hhat everyone should know about the guality of drinking water. 4 scrip- tographic booklet by Channing L. Bete Company, Inc. 15 p. Q Channing L. Bete Company, Inc.; 9Sep77; 4897252.

4897253. What you should know about chemical safety. 4 scriptographic booklet by channing L. Bete Company, Inc. 15 p. 6 Channing L. Bete Company, Inc. ; 124ug77; 4897253.

A897254 About your child’s emotional health. A scriptographic booklet by Channing t. Bete Company, Inc. 15 p. e channing L. Bete Company, luc. ; 104ug77; A897254.

4897255. Black heritage in 4rizona. By Richard E. Harris. 54 p. e Bichard E. Harris; 19Jun77; 4897255.

4897,256. Discover the joy of weaving with your ABIC4 loom. 16 p. 4dd. ti: Discover the joys of weaving. © ABI Corporation; 12Sep77; 4897256.

4897257. 4 Guide to security analysts groups by industry and region, 1977-1978. 12 p. 4ppl. au: David Gottlieb. David Gottlieb 4ssociates; 19Sep77; 4897257.

4897258. Play Double Bingo Odd Bingo Even. Ser. no. 18. Card 6 2 p. 6 Mallory-Bandall Corporation, Oansico Associates division; 6Sep77; 4897258.

4897259. How to make a profit selling wedding invitations. By Floyd J. Nikolai. 1 v. e Floyd J. Nikolai; 64ug77; 4897259.

4897260. Canal capers: pun-ting about the English midlands. By Alvira Lillian Christop- herson. 42 p. & 4. L. Christopherson; 21Sep77; A897260.

A897261. Test manual for the Firefighter personal description inventory. 26 p. Appl. au: David 4. Bownas, Harvin D. Dunnette & Leaetta &. Hough, d Personnel Decisions Research Institute; 22Sep77; 4897261.

4897262. Cedar Lake home cookin* ; a collection of recipes by the staff and Home. 64 p. 4ppl. au: Dolores Odermann. Q cedar Lake Home of the Benevolent Corporation of the Uisconsin Conference of the United Church of Christ; 24Sep77; 4897262.

4897263. Brookstone hard-to-find gifts, fall 1977. Catalog no. HC542. 48 p. a Brookstone Company, Inc.; 26Aug77; A897263.

4897264. Brookstone hard-to-find gifts, fall 1977. Catalog no. IIC5B1. 48 p. e Brookstone Company, Inc.; 264ug77; 4897264.

4897265. Brookstone hard-to-find gifts, fall 1977. Catalog no. gC5C1. 48 p. Brookstone Company, Inc.; 26Aug77; A897265.

A897266. Brookstone hard-to-find tools and other fine things. Catalog no. 1274, fall 1977. 68 p. 6 Brookstone Company, Inc.; 26Aug77; 4897266.

4897267. Brookstone hard-to-find tools and other fine things. Catalog no. 127B, fall 1977. 68 p. Add. ti: Brookstone Company hard-to-find tools and other fine things. Q Brookstone Company, Inc.; 26Aug77; 4897267.

4897268. Spiegel Christmas, 1977. 387 p. S Spiegel. Inc. ; 6Sep77; 4897268.

4897269. Hyatt Industries, Inc.: fractionation tray flooding. 6 p. 4ppl. au: John T.

4897 270. The Bible in folk songs; teacher guide. A six-session unit for grades 5 S 6. Prepared by Donald Hinkle e B. Harold Terry, edited by Allan Hart Jahsmann. 31 p. e Parish Life Press; 20Sep77; 4897270.

4897 271. Five studies for adults — for weekend conferences and special interest groups. Edited by Baymond Tiemeyer. 96 p. To be used in conjunction with Heekend conference handbook. @ Parish Life Press; 19Sep77; 4897271.

4897272. Pathophysiology and therapeutics of myocardial ischemia; proceedings of the 4. N. Bichards Symposium, Philadelphia, Hay 6-7, 1976. Edited by 411an a. Lefer, Gerald J. Kelliher & Michael J. Bovetto. 536 p. G Spectrum Publications, Inc.; 5Jul77; A897272.

4897273. Topics in child neurology. Edited by Hichael £. Blaw, Isabelle Bapin & Harcel Kinsbourue. 343 p. Proceedings of the 1st International Congress of Child Neurology, held in Toronto, Canada, Oct. 1975. Spectrum Publications, Inc.; 8Sep77; 4897273.

4897274. Biological bases of psychiatric disorders. By 41an Frazer G Andrew Binokur. 271 p. O Spectrum Publications, Inc. ; 24Aug77; A897274.

4897275. Historical dictionary of Sierra Leone. fly Cyril P. Foray. 279 p. (4frican historical dictionaries, no. 12. Editor: John Horonoff) 6 Cyril P. Foray; 10Aug77; 4897275.

4897276. Health personnel: meeting the explosive demand for medical care. iith the assistance of Harold H. Goldstein 6 Morris 4. Horowitz. 128 p. e 4spen Systems Corporation; 8Jul77; A897276.

4897277. A Practical guide to the Occupational safety and health act: law. principles and practices. By Halter B. Connolly, Jr. 6 Donald B. Crowell 2nd. 2 v. 9 New York Law Journal Press; 24Jun77; 4897277.

A897278. Stamford, past and present: 1641-1976; the commemorative publication of the Stamford Bicentennial Committee. 96 p. Appl. au: Stamford Bicentennial Cor- poration. Q Stamford Bicentennial corporation; 19Apr76: 4897278.

4897279. Stamford from Puritan to patriot: the shaping of a Connecticut community 1641-1774. By Estelle S. Peinstein. 236 p. © Stamford Bicentennial Corporation; 28Jun76; 4897279.

4897280. Dinosaurs and other reptiles from the beginning. By 41ma Gilleo, illustrated by John Nelson. 30 p. @ The Child's Horld, Inc.; 22Aug77; 4897280.

4897281. Land travel from the beginning. By Alma Gilleo, illustrated by John Nelson. 32 p. The Child's Horld, Inc.; 224ug77; 4897281.


Communications from the beginning. By


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