Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/675

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A897620 - A897657
JUL-DEC. 1977

A897619 (con.) iDtercul tucal fiesearch Getter (in notice; Lanquaqe and Intercult urai Research Center, BriqJiai Younq University): lJun77: i897619.

»897620. BuiXdinq bridqeu of undcrstandinq: people of Honq Konq. 22 p. &ppl. au: Lanquaqe and Intercult urai Research center. BTd. Lanquaqe and Intercultural Research center (in notice: Language and Intercultural Research Center, BriqfaaD Younq University) ; 10Auq77: A897620.

A897621. Building bridges of uoderstandinq: people of Sanoa. 22 p. Appl. au: Lanquaqe and Intercultural Research center, BTO. Lanquaqe and Intercultural Research Center (in notice: Lanquaqe and Intercultural Research Center, Briqhan Younq University); 9»uq77; A897621.

A897622. Building bridqes of understanding: people of Philippines. 26 p. Appl. au: Lanquaqe and Intercultural Research Center, BYU. Lanquaqe and Intercultural Research Center (in notice; Language and Intercultural Research Center, Briqham Younq University); 25Aug77: A897622.

A897623. SherlocJi Holies calendar, 1978. Art by Philip C. Thompson C Ned Shaw, text by Jack ». Tracy. Jack i. Tracy; 23Sep77: Ae97623.

A89762<t. A Narrative chart hiqhliqhtinq outstanding aenbers of the Eighteenth Dynasty of ancient Egypt »ith eipbasis on those noted by various authorities as liaving African affinities. By Tarharka, pseud, of Phaon Goldnan. 10 p. O Tarharka, pen name of Phaon Goldoaii d.b.a. Tarharka publishing CODpany (in notice: Tarharka Publishing CoBpany, a division of Del Mehari, Inc.); 21Sep77; A89762<l.

A897625. Powder diffraction file search aaoual for freguently encountered phases, inorganic, alphabetical, Hauavalt, Fink, 1S77. conpiled by the JCPDS — Inter- national Centre for Diffraction Data. 331 p. O JCPBS — International Centre for Diffraction Data; 16Sep77; Afl97625.

A897626. Hetric and British catalog. No. 3009. 296 p. NH; revisions C additions. 6 Hetric and flultistandard Coaponents Corporation; 26Sep77; A897626.

A897627. Influencing financial decisions adninistrator’s guide. 118 p. Acconpanied by sound recording, reg. Hit5826. C Tratec, Inc. 10Sep76; A897627.

A897628. A Manual on how to play the S-strinq banio for the coaplete iqnoraaus. By Uayne Erbsen. <t8 p. Acconpanied by lusic. req. Nit5e28 e sheet ausic, req. EP37U239. Nil: additions 6 revisions. Peabroke Husic Coapany, Inc.; 19Jul77; A89762e.

A897629. The Sands of tiae: a book of birthday qeas; containinq thoughts to build on each day of the year. 280 p. Appl. au: Diane L. Payne, Lucy C. Payne £ Ernest B. Payne. NB: compilation. C Diane L. Payne, Lucy C. Payne 6 Ernest E. Payne; lAug77; A897629.

A8976J0. Depression: behavioral, biochemical, diagnostic and treataent concepts. Edited by Donald H. Gallant £ George a. Siapson. 351 p. O Spectrua Publications, Inc.; 8Jaii76; A897630.

A897b31. Child of Satan, child of God. By Susan Atkins with Bob Slosser. 290 p. O Logos International; 29Auq77; A897631.

A897632. Anointed for burial. By Todd Burke 6 DeAnn Burke. 2S9 p. O Logos Inter- national; 12Sep77; A897632.

A897633. Give me that old-tiae religion. By Martha Childers Uuabard with Bill Arastronq. 156 p. O Loqos International; 7Sep77; A89763J.

A897634. Current developments in psychophar- aacoloqy. Vol. u. Editors: yalter B. Lssman 6 L. Valzelli. 296 p. O Spectrum Publications, Inc.; 2i»Auq77; 4897631.

A897635. How to live to be 100 and enjoy it. By Steven Hest in collaboration with Donald Tyburn-Lombard. 220 p. Aabbott McDonuell-Hinchester, Inc.; 1Aug77; Ae97635.

A897636. A Spectrua of life. By i. Keith Custis. 186 p. M. Keith Custis; 1Aag77: A89763b.

A697637. The Poetic vision of Bobert Penn Harren. By Victor H. strandberq. 292 p. O The University Press of Kentucky; 29Jul77; A897637.

A897638. Philosophical coaaentaries. By George Berkeley, transcribed froa the ms. £ edited with an introd. £ index by George H. Thomas, explanatory notes by A. A. Luce. 353 p. George H. Thoaas; 21Auq77 (in notice: 1976); A897638.

A897639. Twentieth-century short story exp- lication: interpretations 1900-1975, of short fiction since 1800. Compiled by Harren S. Balker. 3rd ed. 880 p. The Shoe String Press, Inc.; 18JU177: A897639.

A8976"t0. The Letters of Bobert Southey to John Hay, 1797 to 1838. Edited with an introd. by Charles Bamos. 323 p. NH: editing £ introd. O Jenkins Book Publishing Company, Inc.; 13Hay76; A8976H0.

A8976I11. Pennsylvania Superior Court reports, containinq cases decided by the Superior Court of Pennsylvania. Vol. 239. Beported by Francis X. Diebold. 737 p. NM; compilation of advance reports. O Bureau of Publications, Department of Property and Supplies of the Comaonwealth of Pennsylvania; 7Feb77 {in notice: 1976) ; A8976it1.

A897642. Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court reports, containinq cases decided by the Com- monwealth Court of Pennsylvania. Vol. 24. Beported by Uilliaa L. Uilks. 661 p. NH: coDpilation of advance reports. Bureau of Publications, Department of Property and Supplies of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; 6Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A8976lt2.

A8976U3. The Dinosaur world. By Edwin Harris Colbert, illustrated by Ceorge Geygan £ Paul Geyqao. 6i( p. Some material originally appeared under the title The Norld of dinosaurs. NH; over 75» of text £ over set of illus. are new. O Edwin U. Colbert; 15Aug77; A8976I13.

A8976a4. Better Homes and Gardens oriental cook book. 96 p. Heredith Corporation; 15Sep77; 4897644.

A897645. Better Hoaes and Gardens deck and patio projects you can build. 96 p. Heredith Corporation; 15Sep77; A8975it5.

A8976II6. Better Hoaes and Gardens Hezican cook book. 96 p. Heredith Corporation: 15Auq77; 4897645.

A897647. Better Hoaes and Gardens furniture projects you can build. 96 p. O Heredith Corporation; 15Sep77; A897647.

4897648. Profit planning for real estate development: the coaplete guide for builders, lenders, and other investors. By Michael C. Halpin. 560 p. NH: editorial selection, coapilaticn of prev. pub. text £ new text. O Hichael C. Halpin; 284pr77: 4897648.

4897649. Offshoots: the H. F. Lee faaily book. By Lillian Lee Huaphrey 6 Ninona Lee Fletcher. 1 v. O Lillian Lee Humphrey 6 Kinona Lee Fletcher; 8Jul77; A897649.

4897650. Insect eating plants; teacher guide £ script. 6 p. (Gateway to biology) 4ppl. au: James G. Kimos G Daniel J. Lyons. O Croft, Inc.; 1Hay76; 4897650.

A897651. The Biological cave; teacher guide £ script. 7 p. (Gateway to biology) Appl. au: James G. Kimos £ Daniel J. Lyons. O Croft, Inc.; 1Hay76; A897651.

A8976S2. Venomous reptiles and their bites; teacher guide 6 script. 7 p. (Gateway to bioloqy) Appl. au: James G. Kimos £ Daniel J. Lyons. Croft, Inc.; Iflay76; A897652.

A897653. The Physical cave; teacher guide G script. 7 p. (Gateway to biology) Appl. au: James 6. Kimos £ Daniel J. Lyons. Croft, Inc.; 1Hay76; A897653.

4897654. Feeding: a need for survival; teacher guide G script. 7 p. (Gateway to biology) Appl. au: Jaaes G. Kimos £ Daniel J. Lyons. O Croft, Inc.; 1Hay76; A897654.

4897655. Poisonous insects and their relatives; bites and stings; teacher guide £ script. 7 p. (Gateway to biology) Appl. au: James G. Kiaos G Daniel J. Lyons. O Croft, Inc.; lHay76; A897655.

A897656. Irritants and venoms from water and woods; teacher guide £ script. 6 p. (Gateway to biology) Appl. au: James G. Kioos £ Daniel J. Lyons. Croft, Inc.; lHay76; 4897656.

4897657. 4niBal chemistry: color and camouflage;

teacher guide £ script. 6 p. (Gateway to


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