Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/68

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A873055 - A873093
JUL-DEC. 1977

A873055. The World's finest music catalog* July-Aagust '77. Graphics: Dorothy Fournier Art Services. 24 p. ippl. au: Stanley N. Bernstein. @ Stanley N. Bernstein d.b.a. Horninglory Hasic: 30Jun77: A873055.

A873056. Ace/Janeson clutch parts for rebuilding Spicer clutches: CT-1951, June 1977. 17 p. e Ace Electric Coipany: 17Jun77; A873056.

A873057. As practical as they are beautiful* as versatile as they are durable — Kirsch woven woods: shades* draperies* cafes* folding doors* and room dividers. Folder. Add. ti: Kirsch woven woods flyer, e Kirsch Company; 130ct76; A873057.

A873058. Kirsch woven woods catalog. 27 p. NN: revisions- € Kirsch Company: 50ct76; A873058.

A873059. Doing business in Europe; proceedings from Seminar sponsored by Health Industry Manufacturers Association* Marriott's Lincolnshire Resort* Lincolnshire* IL* Sept. 9, 1976. Report no. 76-4, Edited by Frank E. Samuel* Jr. 138 p. Proceedings of the Educational Seminar on Doing Business in Europe. Health Industry Manufacturers Association; 26Nov76: A873059.

A873060. Revised pages of the Stationery and office supply price list compilation* July 6* 1977. 1 V. C Stationers Price Service Company; 6Jul77; A873060.

A873061. Physical, occupational and speech therapies. 33 p. Add. ti: Physicians manual: physical medicine. Appl,. au: Harry D- Royal* Marietta Ann Bakken 6 James A. Everhart. S Hinsdale Sanitarium and Hospital: 17May77 (in notice: 1976); A873061.

A873062. Conhsted continued hairstyling education. Photography by John Tandel* design/illus . by Rainbow Grinder. 2 folders. Appl. au; Conhsted, Inc. e Conhsted* Inc.; 20Mar77; A873062.

A873063. Lehman Ford diesel marine engines* models: 4021(2* 4D254* 6D363* 6D363TC, 6D380 — operators manual and parts identification* June 1977. 1 v. Appl. au: Roger Lehman. Prev. reg. A755316* 28Hay76. @ Lehman Manufacturing Company, Inc.; 1Jul77: A873063.

A873064. Study guide for examination number 1: The Economics of transportation. Prepared by Edward J. Bardi. 2nd ed. 76 p. Appl. au: American Society of Traffic and Transportation. Prev. pub. June 1970. American Society of Traffic and Transportation, Inc.; 1Jul77: A873064.

A873065. Camping convenience on a shoestring. 25 p. Appl. au: Jerry T. Seng. Jerry T. Seng: 16Jun77; A873065.

A873066. Conceptual framework — our analysis and response: FASB public hearings. August 1, 1977. January 16* 1978. 119 p.. (Ernst and Ernst financial reporting develop- ments, June 1977) 3 Ernst and Ernst; 16Jun77; A873066.

A873067. Ernst and Ernst management consulting services guidelines to practice. 4th ed. 224 p. Add. ti: Ernst and Ernst MCS guidelines to practice; £ and E management consulting services guidelines to practice. Ernst and Ernst; 24Jun77; A873067.

A873068. How to reduce tension* stress and anxiety! By Pat Morgan* pseud, of pasquale Philip Muccigrosso. 1 p. 6 P.M. Services (sole owner: Pasquale Philip Muccigrosso); 5Jul77; A873068.

A873069. Studies with isolated bovine adre- nocortical cells. By Phillip A. Johns. Sheets (197 p.) e Phillip A. Johns; 12Dec76; A873069.

A873070. The Dong. 12 p. Appl. au: Alfred Kessler* Jr. 6 Alfred Kessler* Sr. e Kessler Manufacturing; 20May77; A873070.

A873071. Promotion to railroad stockman* New York City Transit Authority. Examination no. 6541. 6 p. Add. ti: Examination for promotion to railroad stockman. O Department of Personnel* City of New York; 29Jun77; A873071.

A873072. Cul-brook water conditioners; ins- tallation 6 operating instructions. 21 p. Add. ti: Culligan Cul-brook water conditioners. Appl. au: Soger D. Mueller. Q Culligan International Company; 1Jun77; A873072.

A873073. Gard-series; installation & operating instructions. 8 p. Add. ti: Culligan gard-series. Appl. au: David Joseph Puk. 8 culligan International Company; 1Jun77; A873073.

A873074. International Fertility Research Program maternity record. 1 p. NM: revisions 6 additions. O IFRP a.a.d. for the International Fertility Research Program; 23Jun77; A873074.

A873075. International Fertility Research Program registro de parto hospitalario. 1 p. © IFRP a.a.d. for the International Fertility Research Program; 25Peb77; Ae73075.

A873076. International Fertility Research Program estudio de insercion de diu postparto. 1 p. S IFRP a.a.d. for the International Fertility Research Program; 12May77; A873076.

A873077. International Fertility Research Program IDD study admission record. 1 p. @ IFBP a.a.d. for the International Fertility Research Program; 7Mar77; A873077.

A873078. International Fertility Research Program estudio de dispositivos intrauterinos (DIU) — seguimiento. 1 p. IFSP a.a.d. for the International Fertility Research Program; 7Apr77; A 873078.

A873079. International Fertility Research Program maternity record. 1 p. IFBP a.a.d. for the International Fertility Research Program: 5May77; A873079.

A873080. International Fertility Research Program pregnancy termination study — vacuum aspiration with and without methergin premedication. 1 p. IFBP a.a.d. for the International Fertility Research Program; 18Mar77; A873080.

A873081. Royaume du Maroc* Hinistere de la Sante Publique — VDMS projet: visites a domicile de motivation systematique pour la premiere visite. 1 p. O IFRP a.a.d. for the International Fertility Research Program; 24Bar77; A873081.

A873082. International Fertility Research Program estudio de esterilizacion masculina — ficha de seguimiento. 1 p. 6 IFRP a.a.d. for the International Fertility Research Program; 19Apr77; A873082.

A873083. International Fertility Research Program estudio de dispositivos intrauterinos (DID) — admision. 1 p. IFRP a.a.d. for the International Fertility Research Program (in notice: International Fertility Research Program); 11Mar77; A873083.

A873084. International Fertility Research Program ItJD study follow-up record. 1 p. IFRP a.a.d. for the International Fertility Research Program; 15Feb77; A873084.

A873085- American MCD: American motor carrier directory; southeastern ed. Issue no. 22* 1977. 245 p. Appl. au: H. H. Hite. 3 Guide Services* Inc.; 14Jun77; A873085.

A873086. Summer training workshop, June 1977; training manual. Sheets. New York State Financial Aid Administrators Association (NYSFAAA) ; 11Jun77; A873086.

A873087. Mother* why do you hold me so tight to your breast? A collection of poems about charity 6 the retarded child. By Martin Aaronson. 1 v. 6 Martin Aaronson; 30Jun76; A873087.

Ae73088. American art, 1900-1950, from the collection of the Hhitney Museum of American Art, New York. Kriter of essay: Patterson Sims* editor: Charles Cowles. 24 p. e The Seattle Art Museum; 29Jun77; A873088.

A873089. Guy Anderson. Writers: Nallace Baldinger S Tom Bobbins* editor: Sarah Clark. 35 p. 3 The Seattle Art Museum 6 Henry Art Gallery: 29Jun77; A873089.

A873090. Psycho-social nursing skills. By Fran Power Rowan. Lynn Schumann Theurer S Margaret Ramsden Welch. 1 v. 8 Nursing Consultation, Inc.; 9Mar77; A873090.

A873091. Shoe bulletin. No. 82, July 5, 1977. 4 p. 3 Friction Materials Standards Institute, Inc.; 5Jul77; A873091.

A873092. Poems for speech improvement in the primary grades or special education. By Patricia Thomas Darling, illus. by Charles H. Perry 6 Marilyn Flanders. 1 v. 3 Patricia Thomas Darling S Charles H. Perry: 2ejan77; A873092.

A873093. 43027 electric governing control 8230-084 with check panel 8230-085.

Woodward bulletin 82816. 63 p.


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