Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/693

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JUL-DEC. 1977

4898 3511. Sex, crine* and the law. By Dooal E. J. HacNanara 6 Edvard Saqarln. 291 p. O The Free Press, a division of Hacnilian Publishing Coapany. Inc.: 26Sep77; 1898351.

1898355. Networks and places: social relations in the urban setting. By Claude S. Fischer & othecs. 229 p. Appl. au: Claude S. Fischer, author Z. employer £or hire of contributors. Appl. states all new except for portions of chap. 7 fi 8 C scattered quotations. The Free Press, a division of Hacaillan Publishing Coapany, Inc. : 5Sep77: A898355.

1898356. The Holf by the ears: Thoaas Jefferson and slavery. By John Chester fliller 319 P. Substance of this book was delivered as public lectures at the Virginia Military Institute. Nfl: coupilation of illus. & text, except for scattered quotations. O The Free Press, 1 Division of Hacaillan Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 12Sep77; 1898356.

1898357. The Incredible television aachine. By Lee Polk e Eda J. LeShan, illustrated by Boy Doty. 1U6 p. on text; Lee Polk e Eda LeShan: 12Sep77: 1898357.

1898358. Detective work: a study of criainal investigations. By flilliaa B. Sanders. 226 p. O The Free Press, a division of Hacaillan Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 26Sep77: 1898358.

1898359. The Origin of negative dialectics: Tbeodor R. Idorno, ialter Beniaain, and the Frankfurt Institute. By Susan Buck-Horss. 335 p. O Susan Buck-Horss; 2eSep77: 1898359.

1898360. Dictionary of business and econoaics. By Christine laaer C Dean s. laaer. 461 p. O Christine laaer; 5Sep77: 1898360.

1898361. East-Hest trade: a sourcebook on the international econonic relations of Socialist countries and their legal aspects. Vol. 2. Coapiled £ edited by Dietrich Indre Loeber. 578 p. MH: coapilation of docuaeuts fi source notes. Dietrich 1. Loeber: 30Sep76: 1898361.

1898362. East-Hest trade: a sourcebook on the international economic relations of socialist countries and tneic legal aspects. vol. 1. coapiled 6 edited by Dietrich Andre Loeber. it2i| p. NH: coapilation of documents S source notes. C Dietrich A. Loeber; 28Jul76; 1898362.

1B98363. East-Hest trade: a sourcebook on the international econoaic relations of socialist countries and their legal aspects. Vol. 3-4. Coapiled f- edited by Dietrich Indre Loeber. HH: coapilation of docuaents t source notes. O Dietrich 1. Loeber; 9peb77: 1898363.

•898364. How to throw a curveball. Written £ deaonstrated by Don Sutton, created by Jia luker. 1 V. Janes Inker; 20Jul77; 1898364.

1898365. Hellington's. Br Hare Olden. 342 p. Hare Olden: 6Sep77; 1898365.

1898366. The Signet book of Aaerican wine. By Peter Quinae, pseud, of John P. Balker £ Elin Haiker. 293 p. NM: extensive revisions throughout text. O Peter Quiaae (pseud, for John F. Haiker and Elin Haiker) ; 6Sep77: 1898366.

1898367. Sun signs and dreaas. By Doris Kaye. 199 p. Doris Kaye; 6Sep77; 1898367.

1898368. The Boad to science fiction: froa Giiqaaesh to Hells. Edited 6 with an introd. £ notes by Jaaes Gunn. 404 p. NH: introd., notes, coapilation £ editing. O Jaaes Gunn; 20Sep77: 1896368.

1898369. Beach house. By Stephen Lewis. 374 p. O Stephen Lewis; 151ug77; 1898369.

1898370. Essays on Hesopotaaian civilization. Selected papers of 1. Leo Oppenteia, edited by Eric Seiner £ Johannes Benger. Hicrofiche. NH: coapilation C foreword. The Oniversity of Chicago; 1Jul77; 1898370.

1698371. United States staaps and stories, 1978. Executive editor: Harvey B. Hara £ other editors, illus.: Jia Sharpe. 4th ed. 240 p. Appl. au; Scott Publishing Coapany. O Scott Publishing Company; 1Sep77; 1898371. (See also United States staaps and stories, 1978; 1Sep77: 1916846)

A898372. HoPed Bike Tales aaqazine. Folder. Appl. au: Edward G. Council. NH: additions. O Edward G. Council; 241ug77; 1898372.

1898373. The Hanageaent process. 1 p. Appl. au: Donald B. Gertsaan. Gertsman and Associates; 41uq77; 1898373.

1898374. Hanageaent planning sessions. Folder. Ippl. au: Donald fi. Gertsaan. O Gertsaan and Issociates; 41ug77; 1898374.

1898375. Natural foods and laetrile. Vol. 1. By Grace Costantini. 21 p. b Grace Costantini; 12Jul77; 1898375.

1898376. God and me, down the old dirt road. By Jo Inn Cox. 39 p. Jo Ann Cox; 1iug77; 1898376.

18 9837 7. Look down froa above: prayers at the sickbed. By Hilliaa August Lauterbach. 32 p. Ippl. au: Concordia Publishing House. Concordia Publishing Bouse; 21JU177; A898377.

A898378. Psalas of praise; selections ^roa Psalms/now. By Leslie Brandt. 1 v. Appl. au: Concordia Publishing House. O Concordia Publishing House; 21Jul77: AB983V8.

Aa98379. Psalas of strength; selections froa Psalas/now. By Leslie Brandt. 1 v. Appl. au: Concordia Publishing House. Q Concordia publishing House; 21Jul77; 4898379.

A89838D. Psalas of ioy; selections froa Psalms/now. By Leslie Brandt. 1 v. Appl. au: Concordia Publishing House. O Concordia Publishing House; 21Jul77: A898380.

1898381. Psalas of comfort; selections from Psalas/now. By Leslie Brandt. 1 v. Ippl. au: Concordia Publishing House. O Concordia Publishing Bouse; 21Jul77; 1898381.

1898382. The Goosehill Gang and the C. B. convoy caper. By Hary Blount Christian, illustrated by Betty Bind. 32 p. Ippl. au: Concordia Publishing House. O Concordia Publishing House; 21Jul77; 1898382.

189838 3. The Goosehill Gang and the Christaas shoe thief. By Hary Blount Christian, illustrated by Betty Hind. 32 p. Ippl. au: Concordia Publishing House. O Concordia Publishing Bouse; 21JU177; 189838 3.

1898384. The Goosehill Gang and the pocket park problea. By Hary Blount christian, illustrated by Betty Hind. 32 p. Appl. au: Concordia Publishing House. O Concordia Publishing House; 21Jul77: A698384.

A898385. The Goosehill Gang and the aystery of the runaway house. By Hary Blount Christian, illustrated by Betty Hind. 32 p. Appl. au: Concordia Publishing House. O Concordia Publishing House; 2ljul77; A89838S.

1898386. Garnishes, relishes and sauces for foodscrvice menu planning. Selected by Eulalia c. Blair, editor: Jule Hilkinson. 181 p. CBI Publishing Company, Inc.; 21Sep77; A898386.

A898387. Sex differences and the school. Ey Hilliam J. Stewart. 18 p. Hilliaa J. Stewart; 10Jun77: A898387.

A8983e8. Good morning yesterday: a salute to the past. Editor: Tommie Harrison, researched by students of the Local History Class of Thompson High School. 129 p. Local History Class of Thompson High School; 1Hay77; A898388.

A8983e9. 24 magazine. Vol. 7, no. 1, July 1977. Editor: Thoaas B. Hhite £ other editors. 43 p. Appl. au: The Church of the Hay, Inc. O East Ridge a.a.d. £ tradename of The Church of the Hay, Inc.; 8Jul77; A896 389.

1898390. Otoe and Iowa Indian language: alphabet, conversational phrases and drills. Book 1. By Otoe and Iowa language speakers with Lila Histrand-Bobinson. 110 p. Idd. ti; Jiwele-Baxo je uao*stige uk'enye ich'e. Ippl. au: Jiwere-Baxoje Language Project £ Jimm Garette Good Tracks. O Jiwere-Baxoje Language Project; 9Sep77; 1898390.

1898391. Capitalization. 1 v. Ippl. au: Bae Lynn HacChesney. o Bae Lynn HacCkesney; 15Jun77; 1898391.

1898392. Trace your roots: a step by step do-it-yourself workbook for recording your family tree. By Grahame Hughes, pseud, of Janet Clark. 1 v. Janet Clark (whose pseud, is Grahame Hughes); 20Hay77; 1898392.


Gold Power. 1 p. Appl. au: David


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