Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/718

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JUL-DEC. 1977

&899370. Self-requlatioD and children's task performance: a comparison of self- instruction, copinq and attribution approaches. By Stephen Bobert Alkus. Microfilm, e Stephen Bobert ilkus; 15Sep77: A899370.

A899371. The Dance in the art of Pieter Bruegel the Elder. By Clandine Ma^zels. Microfilm. C Claudine Majzels; 15Sep77; A899371.

AB99372. Pulmonary arterial tree: architectural and functional desiqn. By Bamalingaier Gopalakrishnan. Hicrofila. Baaa- linqaier Gopalakrishnan; 15Sep77; A899372.

A899373. Leonardo Bruni and the renaissance of history in Italian humanism. By Joseph Andrew Blackman. Microfilm^ O Joseph Andrew Blackaan; 15Sep77; A899373.

A89937it. The Narratee in the novels of Albert Camus. By Karen Leslie Miselis. Microfilm. Karen Leslie Miselis; 15Sep77; A89937«.

A899375. Germany's naval resurgence, British appeasement, and the Anqlo-Geraan Naval Agreement of 1935. By Mark Lee Alch. Microfilm. 6 Mark Lee Alch; 15Sep77; A899375.

A899376. Coffee supply, trade, and demand: an econometric analysis of the world market 1930-1969. By Derek James Ford. Microfilm. Derek James Ford; 15Sep77; A899376.

4899377. The Value of critical thinkinq in computer-assisted systems analysis. By Stephen Kenneth Martman. Microfilm. e Stephen Kenneth Hartman; 15Sep77: A899377.

A899378. The Effectiveness of selected case- findinq approaches in locatinq handicapped individuals residinq in areas with specified demoqraphic characteristics. By Catherine Nelson Atkinson. Microfilm. Catherine Nelson Atkinson; 15Sep77; A899378.

A899379. Photon correlation spectroscopy: an assay of bacterial motility. By Gregory B. Stock. Microfilm, e Greqory B. Stock; 15Sep77; A899379.

A899380. The Motets of ms. Bologna, civico Museo Biblioqcafio Musicale, Q 15. Pt. 1 £ 2. By Bobby iayne Cox. Microfilm. Appl. states all new except musical examples, e Bobby Hayne Cox; 15Sep77: A899380.

4899381. The Political evolution of the village-commune in North Vietnam, 1802-1970. By Michael Peter Mau. Microfilm. Michael Peter aau; 15Sep77; A899381.

A899382. A Historical review of secondary education in Hestern Nigeria: 18a2-1976. By Oyewole Olayioye Aiala. Microfilm. e Oyewole Olayioye Aiala; 15Sep77; A899382.

4899383. Corporate adaptations of urban migrants: American Indian voluntary associations in the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area. By Uayne Gleun Bramstedt. Microfilm. e Hayne Glenn Bramstedt; 15Sep77; A899383.

A8993811. Franconia Mennonite Conference and American Protestant movements, 18'*0-19'40. By Beulah Stauffer Hostetler. Microfilm, e Beulah Stauffer Hostetler; 15Sep77; A899384.

4899385. The Simultaneous method of source-point data accrument: the design and analysis of a teaching procedure. By William Thomas Barry. Microfilm. Q william Thomas Barry; 15Sep77; 4899385.

A899386. Programmable peripheral controllers for control ptocessing systems. By Philip John Moylau. Microfilm. @ Philip John Moylan; 15Sep77: A399386.

A899387. Studies on the stimulus-induced release of gamma aminobutyric acid and glycine from synaptosomes. By Diana Nelson Krause. Microfilm, e Diana Nelson Krause; 15Sep77; A899387.

A899388. Intra-cultural variability and ethnographic description: a decision- making analysis of funerary behavior among the New Guinea Kafe. By Harold Gary Levine. Microfilm, d Harold Gary Levine; 15Sep77; A899388.

A899389. The Idea of self-realization in the works of Anna Seghers. By oksana Olna Isajiw. Microfilm, d Oksana Olna Isajiw; 15Sep77; A899389.

A899390. The Becuay ceramic style: a re- evaluation. By fiaphael Xavier fieichert. Microfilm. Q Baphael Xavier Beichert; 15Sep77; 4899390.

A899391. Madhvite logic: a critical edition and translation of the Prapancaaithyatva- numanakhandana of Madhva and the tika of Jayatirtha with extracts from the commentary of Vyasaraya and an intro- ductory essay on the development of logic in the Madhvite tradition. By Jeffrey John Lunstead. Microfilm. NM: introd. , editorial notes, translation S glossary, e Jeffrey John Lunstead; 15Sep77; A899391.

A899392. The Cour des Aides de Paris: pers- pectives on the seventeenth-century French magistracy. By Philip Leo Sheehy. Microfilm. O Philip Leo Sheehy; 15Sep77; A899392.

A899393. Larra: satire as a magical purification of Spain. By Beinhard Teichmann. Microfilm. 6 Beinhard Teichmann; 15Sep77; A899393.

A899391I. The Clash of values in ecological decision-making: Best Virginia legislators and the movement to abolish the strip mining of coal. By Keith Lewis Smith. Microfilm, e Keith Lewis Smith; 15Sep77: A899391t.

A899395. Anglo-American diplomacy and the Pacific Har: the politics of confrontation. By David Hyman Klein. Microfilm. 6 David Ryman Klein; 15Sep77: 4899395.

4899396. Some efficiency characteristics of local government. By Patricia Ann McGuire. Microfilm. Patricia Ann McGuire; 15Sep77; A899396.

A899397. Inbreeding as measured by isonymy and pedigrees in two Swiss villages. By Baiter Samuel Ellis. Microfilm, e lalter Samuel Ellis; 15Sep77; A899397.

4899398. Flowers in design; a guide for stitchery and fabric crafts. By Shirley Marein. 173 p. e on black 8 white photos. 6 text; Shirley Marein; 10May77; 4899398.

A899 399. Hangman; a classic American game for two. Kit. 8 Milton Bradley Company; 17Feb76; 4899399.

A89940a. F3I crime resistance game. Kit. a Milton Bradley Company; 16Peb76; 48991(00.

4899101. Hire sculpture. Kit. @ Milton Bradley Company; 11Feb74; A899401.

A899402. Silly Sandwich game. Kit. © Hilton Bradley Company; 10Feb7S; A899402.

A899403. The Great grape ape game; directions. No. 4607. Box top. e Milton Bradley Company; 10Feb75: A899403.

A899404. Sunken Treasure. No. 4640. Kit. Q Milton Bradley Company; 5Jan76; 4899404.

4899405. Hey Taxi! No. 4511. Kit. e Milton Bradley Company; 3Har75; 4899405.

4899406. AirTrix; the airstream game. No. 4650. Kit. Hilton Bradley Company; 17Feb76; A899406.

A899407. Chopper Strike; the two level land/air battle game. No. 4612. Kit. Milton Bradley Company; 17Feb76; A899407.

A899408. Ophthalmic plastic surgery; a manual prepared for the use of graduates in medicine. By Bernd Silver. 3rd ed. 332 p. Appl. au; American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology. O American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology; 29Jun77; A899408.

A899409. Small fractional parts of polynomials. By Holfgang M. Schmidt. 41 p. (Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences regional conference series in mathematics, no. 32) 6 The American Mathematical Society; 30Aug77; 4899409.

A899410. Terrorism and business. 48 p. (Executive action series, no. 210] d Bureau of Business Practice, Inc.; 18JU177- A899410.

A899411. Policy for National forests in the Eastern Onited States: the lands nobody wanted; a Conservation Foundation report. By Hilliam Z. Shands C Bobert G. Healy. 282 p. Add. ti: The Lands nobody wanted: policy for National forests in the Eastern United states. 6 The Conservation

Foundation; 29Apr77; 4899411.


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