Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/725

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A899653 - A899689
JUL-DEC. 1977

A899653. iDfocnation letter. 2 p. &ppl. au: Barbara J. Kerr. Onlted Disciples Miaistr?: Ukaqll; 4899653.

18996514. Oklabona historical colorinq book. No. 301. 1 V. Appl. au: Billy Nevbarn Kennedy. NB: draninqs 6 text. Bill N. Kennedy d.b.a. Biq "B" Publications; 11JU177; A89965'».

»899655. Bi-Lines. Ball chart. O Life Lines, Inc.: 1Jan77: 1899655.

1899656. iild and wonderful. By Nina Hortellito S Cynthia B. Stebbins. 243 p. NH: new cOBPilation of photos, with new text. O New lork Zoological Society; 28Jun77: 1899656.

1899657. Eat DOW, fly later; or, Bow to Bake kites froB McDonald's haaburqer boxes. By Leon Dinkin. 112 p. Leon Dinkin; 25JU177; 1899657.

1899658. The Story of the Bockland public schools. pt. 2: 100 years as the town of Eockland, 187U-197it. 1 v. ippl. au: aartha G. Caipbell. O Hactha G. Caapbell; 1Auq77: 1899658.

1899659. Issei Christians: selected interviews froi the Issei Oral History Proiect. Editors: flichiyo Lainq, Carl Lainq, Heihachiro Takarabe, Isako Tokuno 6 Stanly Oaeda. 219 p. Ippl. an: I^isei Oral History Proiect, Inc. O Issei Oral History Proiect, Inc.; 26Jul77; 1899659.

1899660. Hedical office procedures worktext. By Joan L. Follis & Barilyn T. Fordney. 179 p. Joan L. Follis 6 Marilyn T. Fordney; 1Sep77: 1899660.

1899661. In Ode to the aundane in hopes of a rise; selected poeas of Suzanne £. Harc-lurele. 194 p. Ippl. au: Suzanne E. Marc-lurele. Inc. O Suzanne E. Marc- lurele. Inc.; 31Dec76; 1899661.

1899662. Holly's friends, and other titles. Cards in box. (Character education card packet series) laerican Institute for Character Education: 221oq77; 1899662.

1899663. The Milky way, cosaos, solar systea sundial. » p. Ippl. au: Lea-Claire Massari Mascio. NM: abridqeaent £ revisions. Lea-Claire Massari Mascio; 28(lay77; 1899663.

1899664. BIL advanced codinq techniques DSECT's, Switches and debuq aacros, leson 323.11. 57 p. idd. ti: B4L efficencies 2: DSECT's, switches and debuq aacros. Edutronics Systems International, Inc.; 11uq77: 1399664.

1899665. The laportant story behind life-scope! 3 p. Ippl. au: Bayaond Hill Caaeron. B. H. Caaeron; 311uq77; 1899665.

1899666. How does your child qrow and learn? 19 p. Ippl. au: Early Childhood Education Section, Missouri Departaent of Eieaentary and Secondary Education. O Missouri Departaent of Eieaentary and Secondary Education; 1Mar77: 1699666.

1899667. X-sectional anatoaical report. 1 p. Ippl. au: Fred C. Shipps. Fred C. Shipps; 11uq77; 1899667.

1899668. Minibeaa load cells. Fora 15-26. 2 p. NM: coapilation e new text. O Interface, Inc.; 1Sluq77; A899668.

1699669. How to run a fan club. By Noma Barthel. 1 v. O Noraa Barthel; 201uq77: 1899669.

1899670^ Savinqs association operations: a functional approach; text. Edited by Naoai U. Peralta. 369 p. Ippl. au: The Institute of Financial Education. Ippl. states copyriqht not claiaed in any oaterial taken froa U.S. Govt, sources. O The Institute of Financial Education; 1Jul77; 1899670.

1899671. Parco Specialty Manufacturing Coapany pluabing, heating. 88 p. Parco Specialty Manufacturing Coapany; 20Juo77: 1899671.

1899672. Flex, fira, and fun: exercises for the older person. By Linda Wright, Bonnie Buinovsky 8 Cynthia Grahaa, illustrated by Dorothy Mohr. 18 p. Linda Bright, Bonnie Buinovsky, Cynthia Grahaa G Dorothy Mohr; 10iug77; 1899672.

1899673. Pictorial Guilford: a New England town in photographs. Text by Jaaes B. Lindsay. 39 p. O Guilford Keeping Society; 271uq76; 1899673.

1899674. International Epideaiological Asso- ciation, Inc. aeabership directory, history, constitution and bye-laws, July 1977. 237 p. 6 International Epide- aiological Association, Inc.; 18Aug77; 1899674.

1899675. God also loves ailitary people. By Bobert L. Hole. 374 p. O General Conference of Seventh-day Idventists; 251ug77: 1899675.

1899676. Papers and proceedings, Idaho State's eiqhteenth annual Tax Institute. Coapiled 6 edited by Jaaes H. Kelly. 135 p. Held Nov. 12-13, Pocatello, ID. Jaaes H. Kelly; 2Slug77 (in notice: 1976); 1899676.

1899677. Happy, sad, silly, stupid or just plain bad. By Tinker Lee Kirk, pseud, of Lorna Bilson. 1 V. Lorna Bilson; 191uq77; 1899677.

1899678. Colleqe quide to the 1977 suaaary reports. Issued by the Idaissions Testinq Prograa of the College Entrance Exa- mination Board, prepared by Educational Testinq Service. 51 p. Ippl. au: College Entrance Exaaination Board. O Colleqe Entrance Exaaination Board; 14Sep77; 1899678.

1899679. South Carolina college-bound seniors, 1977. Issued by the idaissions Testing Prograa of the College Entrance Exa- aination Board, prepared by Educational Testing Service. 15 p. C insert. Ippl. au: Colleqe Entrance Examination Board. Colleqe Entrance Exaaination Board; 14Sep77; 1899679.

1899680. Bhode Island college-bound seniors, 1977. Issued by the Idaissions Testing Prograa of the College Entrance Exa- aination Board, prepared by Educational Testing Service. 15 p. & insert. Ippl. au: College Entrance Exaaination Board. O College Entrance Examination Board; 14Sep77: 1899680.

1899681. Pennsylvania college-bound seniors, 1977. Issued by the Idaissions Testing Prograa of the College Entrance Exa- aination Board, prepared by Educational Testing Service. 15 p. 6 insert. Ippl. au: College Entrance Exaaination Board. College Entrance Examination Board; 14Sep77: 1899681.

1899682. Oregon college-bound seniors, 1977. Issued by the Idaissions Testing Prograa of the Colleqe Entrance Exaaination Board, prepared by Educational Testing Service. 15 p. 6 insert. Appl. au: College Entrance Exaaination Board. O College Entrance Exaaination Board; 14Sep77: 1899682.

A899683. Oklahoaa college-bound seniors, 1977. Issued by the Idaissions Testing Prograa of the College Entrance Exaaination Board, prepared by Educational Testing Service. 15 p. & insert. Appl. au: College Entrance Exaaination Board. College Entrance Exaaination Board; 14Sep77: A899683.

A899684. Ohio college-bound seniors, 1977. Issued by the Idaissions Testing Prograa of the College Entrance Exaaination Board, prepared by Educational Testing Service. 15 p. E insert. Ippl. au: College Entrance Exaaination Board. college Entrance Exaaination Board; 14Sep77; 1899684.

1899685. North Carolina college-bound seniors, 1977. tssued by the Idaissions Testing Prograa of the College Entrance Exa- aination Board, prepared by Educational Testing Service. 15 p. & insert. Ippl. au: College Entrance Exaaination Board. O College Entrance Exaaination Board; 14Sep77; 1899685.

1899686. New York college-bound seniors, 1977. Issued by the Idaissions Testing Program of the College Entrance Exaaination Board, prepared by Educational Testing Service. 15 p. & insert. Ippl. au: College Entrance Exaaination Board. College Entrance Exaaination Board; 14Sep77; 1399686.

1899687. New Mexico college-bound seniors, 1977. Issued by the Idaissions Testing Prograa of the College Entrance Exaaination Board, prepared by Educational Testing Service. 15 p. t insert. Ippl. au: College Entrance Exaaination Board. College Entrance Exaaination doard; 14Sep77; 1899687.

1899688. New Jersey college-bound seniors, 1977. Issued by the Idaissions Testing Prograa of the College Entrance Exaaination Board, prepared by Educational Testing Service. 15 p. 6 insert. Appl. au: College Entrance Exaaination Board. College Entrance Exaaination Board; 14Sep77; 1899688.

1899689. New Haapshire college-bound seniors,

1977. Issued by the Idaissions Testing


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