Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/733

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JUL-DEC. 1977

« 899 969 (COD. I Filler, Geoiqe J. Sotos G Hichael 0. Heioec. 1 *. F.5. and i. Associates fin notice: F.S. and i) : 25Aaq77: «899969.

4899970. HcCacty values inventorv booklet; includinq answer sheet. S p. App.l. au: kicbard E. ncCart/. VH: additions C revisions. fiichard E. IlcCacty; 1i|Jun77: »899970.

»a99971. Speech foe the college freshnaD. By B. J. Dodson. 2nd ed. 7it p. O a. J. Dodson: 27jun77: »899971.

4899972. Bepoct on the Federal qcand jury of the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division. Chairaan; tfilliaa B. Pabst. ^S p. Nn: coapilatiou. William B. Pabst; 19Sep77; 4899972.

4899973. Solar energy experinents Cor hiqh school and colleqe students. 4uthor: Thoaas i. Norton. 129 p. Bodale Press, Inc.; 25Hay77: 4819973.

48999714. The Eeadlnq Hocks Coapany presents Puzzles for pastiaes. By Janet 4dell Schuster. 1 v. Janet 4. Schuster; 20llay77: 48999711.

4899*75. 4ay. »ol. 1, no. u. By Jack Tippit. 7 p.. 4ppl. au: The fieqister and Tribune Syndicate, Inc., eaployec for hire. The Beqister and Tribune Syndicate, Inc.; »4uq77: 4899975.

4899976. you've qot to reach 'en to teach 'ea; the teacher's quide to coaoiunica tinq styles technoloqy. By 4nita siaon 6 Claudia Byraa. 132 p. 4dapted in part froB I speak your lanquaqe, developed by Paul P. Hok. NH: application of CST to education. C TA Press, Inc.; 194uq77; 4899976.

4899977. 4yden, Bethel, Faraville, NC, and others, the phone book, 1977. O Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 94uq77; 4899977.

4899978. Yoqa of awareness for the new aqe- No. 1. uall chart. 4ccoapanied by sound recording, req. Nii6001. O aarjocie Thoaas a.k.a. Riaat Productions; 254ug77; 4899978.

4899979. "Herpie," the new VD around town. Produced by Charles chic Thoapson C 0. G. Turner 3rd. 15 p. £ filastrip. AccOBpanied by sound recording, ceg. 11116002. in Lax. Appl. au: Bedia Fair, Inc. C Creative Cartoon Coapany, eaployers foe hire. O Hedia Fair, Inc. C Creative Cartoon Coapany: 12Sep77; 4899979.

4899960. Personal energy aanageaent. By Gerald Lee BichardsoD C Greqory Bradford Bunyan. 74 p. 4ccOBpaDied by sound recording, req. NII6003 6 Nt6004, in box. O Gerald Lee Bichardson C Greqory Bradford Bunyan; 16JU177; 4899980.

4899981. It's easy qettin' stoned pushin* rocks. 1 p. Appl. au: John Hilton Pope, Jr. John Hilton Pope, Jr.; 1Jul77; 4899961.

4699982. Fourteen country songs. By Franklin N.

4R99983. Bio-log: a topical guide to General Biology 151-152. Edited by N. Keith Uartberq. 140 p. 4dd. ti: 4 Topical guide to General Biology 151-152: bio-log. O General Biology Coaaittee, Department of Bioloqy, Georgia Southern College; 21Jun77: 4899983.

48999811. A Curriculua handbook foe kindergarten teachers based on the letters of the alphabet. By Inez S. Bruno. 70 p. O Inez S. Bruno: 1llar77; 4899984.

A899985. Playaetric diceaetric T. 2 p. Add. ti: Diceaetric T aetric dice board gaae. Appl. au: Stefan Pribil. Hetricon, Ltd.; 9Bay77; 4899985.

Ae99986. Besearcb Institute aarketing for sales executives, July 21, 1977. 6 p. Add. ti: Besearch Institute of Aaerica aarketing for sales executives, July 21, 1977. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzaann. The Besearch Institute of America, Inc. ; 21JU177: 4899966.

A8999e7. filA aanageaent alert: personal report, July 13, 1977. Polder (p. 140-143) Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzaann. O The Besearch Institute of Aaerica, Inc.; 13Jul77; 4899987.

AB99988. Siapsons-Sears enquete sur I'attitude ues cadres. 60 p. O Sears, fioebuck and Coapany: 17Nov76; A89998e.

A899S89. Siapsons-Sears executive attitude survey. 54 p. Sears, Boebuck and Coapany; 101lav76: 4899989.

4899990. Siapsons-Sears executive attitude survey. 41 p. O Sears, Boebuck and Coapany: 130ct76; A899990.

A899991. Annual report, 1976: Sears, where Aaerica shops. 40 p. Add. ti: Sears annual report, 1976. O Sears, Roebuck and Coapany; 10Apt77; A899991.

A899992. criteria for describing oxyqen-cut surfaces. No. AHS C4. 1-77. Prepared by Aaerican Uelding Society Coaaittee on Gas Uelding and Oxygen Cutting. Folder. O Aaerican Uelding Society; 29Aag77: A899992.

Ae99993. Pediatric play prograa: Pontiac General Hospital; a prograa developaent pub- lication. By Nancy Josephine Heiney, Brenda Sue Bartus, Bonnie Beaa e Sue Uildfong. 194 p. (Early Childhood publications, ser . 2, 1975) Early Childhood Area, School of Education, Oakland Dnivecsity; 20Seo76: A899993.

A899994. A Pathway to success. Course DB-101. By John Bawlins, pseud, of Louis Allan Blanchard, Jr. 23 p. Bacarda Coapany; 29Auq77; Ae99994.

A899995. Siaple fractions. Nritten by Gary P. Evans 6 Biriaa Ann Pasqual. 1 v. O Curriculua Onliaited; 1Jul77; A899995.

4899996. Tax and probate chart. 1 p. Appl. au: Paul J. Barton. NB: coapilatia J. Barton: 15Jul77; Ae99996.

A899997. Campus arts, '77 1 v. Bakersfield College: 28Apr77; A8999997

A89999B. Pellon fuseline. Vol. 1, no. 2. Folder. NB: additions. Pelion Corporation; 10Jun77; A899998.

A899999. Eating slia: a treataent aanual for effective weight control through behavior therapy and nutrition education. By Barbara K. Paulsen, uilliaa B. Beneke o Charlene Boore. Sheets. NB: editorial revisioli £ additions. O Lincoln Oniversity; 1Sep76; A899999.

A900000. Christian prayer: the liturgy of the hours. English translation prepared by the International Cojaission on English in the Liturgy. 1599 p. NB: coapilations, editorial revisions C additional text. O Catholic Book Publishing Coapany; 2Sep76; A900000.

A900001. Christian prayer: the liturgy of the hours. Edition with ausic. English translation prepared by the International coaaission on English in the Liturgy. 2079 p. NB: editorial revisions, additional text (hyans) C pictorial Batter. O Catholic Book Publishing Coapany; 13Sep76: A900001.

A900002. The Afterlife. Poeas by Larry Levis. 6 1 p. Poeas prev. pub. in Choice £ others. NB: coapilation. Larry Levis; 19Sep77: 4900002.

4900 00 3. Bister Broadwater: an autobiography by Haver Bruner and early history of Broadwater. Nebraska. 87 p. Add. ti: Rister Broadwater: au autobiography of Haver Bruner and early history of Broadwater, Nebraska. Appl. au: Haver Bruner £ Noraan G. Taylor. O Noraan G. Taylor; l3Aug76: A900003.

A900004. Zaaunizations: are they necessary? nritten by Bandy Neustaedter. 23 p. NB: revision. Hering Faaily Health Clinic: 1JU177; A900004.

A90000S. Centennial-Bicentennial activities in Nheat Eidge, Colorado, 1976. Coapiled by the wheat Bidge Centennial-Bicentennial Coaaission Publications Coaaittee. 52 p. Appl. au: Wheat Bidge Centennial- Bicentennial Coaaission. O Hheat Bidge centennial- Bicentennial Coaaission; 20Aug77; 4900005.

4900006. Jehovah's witnesses: do they have the truth? 8 p. 4ppl. au: 4rnald Hoffaan 6 Jack 4. Billups. O Jack A. Billups; 14Apr77; 4900006.

A900007. Ten years old and under in Virginia 100 years ago. By Buckner Ragill Randolph, foreword e epilogue by Louise Bandolph Hartley. 127 p. NB: foreword 6 epilogue. O Louise Bandolph Hartley; 15Bar77; A900007.

A9a0008. Ear acupressure. By Pedro Chan. 109 p. O Pedro Chan; 12Aug77: A900008.

A900a09. Dou*t go overseas until you've read this

book. By Neil Gallagher. 123 p. NB:


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