Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/735

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JUL-DEC. 1977

4900053 (con.) Pharaaceuticals, division of Sandoz* Inc. C Sandoz, Inc.; 22iuq77: A900053.

69000511. A Problem that beXonqs in the hands of the family physician. Sheets (22 p.) ippl. au: Editorial staff of Sand02 Pharmaceuticals, division of Sanduz, Inc. US: p. 2-5, 8-19 S 21-22. O Sandoz, Inc.; Uug77: A90005II.

1900055. He looks too good to be a Uyderqine patient! Sheets (15 p.; Appl. au: Editorial staff of Sandoz Pbaraaceuticals, division of Sandoz, Inc. Sandoz, Inc. ; 1Auq77: A900055.

A900056. Headache and its treatment. Sheets (137 p. I Appl. au: Editorial staff of Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, division of Sandoz, Inc. O Sandoz, Inc.; 1Sep77; A900056.

A900057. Depression and its treatment. Sheets (198 p.) Appl. au: Editorial :ita£f of Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, division of Sandoz, Inc. O Saudoz, Inc.; 1Sep77; A900057.

A9O0058. If there's a reason for codeine, there's a better reason for Fiorinal vith codeine C3 capsules. 11 p. Appl. au: Editorial staff of Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, division of Sandoz, Inc. Sandoz, Inc.; 6Sep77: A900058.

A900059. Depression in the elderly. 10 p. (Care. vol. 2, no. 5) Appl. au: Editorial staff of Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, division of Sandoz, Inc. Sandoz, Inc.; 6Sep77: A900059.

A90006a. Paranoia in the elderly; represen- tative's guide. Authors: Carl Eisdorfer, Leon Epstein, Bernard Stotsky C Hurray Baskind. 12 p. (iorksbop on aging, pt. 1) Appl. au: Editorial staff of Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, division of Sandoz, Inc. Sandoz, Inc.; 29Auq77; A900060.

A900061. Discovery Dible study. Editor: Eldor Kaiser. sheets (96 p.) O Board of touth Ministry of the Lutheran Church-Hissouri Synod (in notice: The Lutheran Church- Hissouri Synod); 25Auq77: A90Q061.

A900062. The Pick-a-party idea book (includinq the party-planninq qame party) By E. aaz Paris, pseud, of Haz Polisar. 87 p. E. naz Parxs, pseud, of Max Polisar; 19JU177; A900062.

A900063. Curriculum development; class project, Edu<iation 6020. By Gem K. Grenioqer. 116 P. Add. ti: skills for curriculum development. Besearch Advisory Council, East Tennessee State Oniversity; 2itHay77; A900063.

A90006U. Tou'd never believe it. By Zoella Deane Richardson. 149 p. Zoella Deane Bichardson; 26Jul77; A900064.

A900065. Besearch review: listening. By Bichard C. culyer 3rd. 36 p. (The Vineyard series, vol. 37) Richard C. Cnlyer Jrd; 11Jun7l4; A900065.

A900066. Stcat-t^qies for implementinq a deve- lopmental readinq program. By Bichard C. Culyer 3rd. j2 p. (The Vineyard secies. vol. 31) O Bichard C. Culyer 3rd: 8Apr7«; A900066.

A900067. Besearch revie»: spellinq. By Bichard c. Culyer 3rd. 35 p. (The Vineyard series, vol. 36) O Bichard C. Cu.lyer 3rd; 11Jun7V; A900067.

A900068. Selecting and using materials: c. By Bichard C. Culyer 3rd. 32 p. (The Vineyard secies, vol. 42) Bichard C. Culyer 3rd: 11JaD7i|; A900068.

A900069. Selecting and usinq materials: A. By Bichard C. Culyer 3rd. 26 p. (The vineyard series, vol. 21) O Bichard C. Culyer 3rd; 11Juo7«: A900069.

A900070. Hays to make learning fun. By Bichard C. culyer 3rd E Gail 8. Culyer. 32 p. (The vineyard series, vol. 29) Bichard C. Culyer 3rd f- Gail B. Culyer; 2Jan7«; A900070.

A900071. Boles and responsibilities for implementinq a developmental readinq proqran. By Bichard C. Culyer 3rd. 33 p. (The Vineyard series, vol. 30) Bichard C. Culyer 3rd; 8Apr7it; A900071.

4900072. Ideas for developinq comprehension: B. By Bichard C. Culyer 3rd. 33 p. (The Vineyard series, vol. 33) O fiichard C. Culyer 3rd; 154pr74; 4900072.

4900073. 4 Ueu approach to seiectinq spellinq words: A. By Gail B. Culyer. 40 p. (The Vineyard series, vol. 38) Gail B. culyer; 12Jun74: 4900073.

4900074. 4ntibodies in human diagnosis and therapy. Editors: Edqar Haber C Bichard n. Krause. 413 p. (Boyal Society of Hedicine Foundation series) Baven Press Books, Ltd.; 17Feb77; 4900074.

A900075. Stroke. Edited by Bichard A. Thompson & John B. Green. 237 p. (Advances in neurology, vol. 16) Baven Press Books, Ltd.; 11Feb77; A900075.

A900076. Poker; a guaranteed income for life by using the advanced concepts of poker. By Frank R. Ballace, pseud, of Uallace Hard. 246 p. originally pub. in 1968. BH: additions 6 revisions. O Frank R. Hallace (pseud, of Hallace Hard) ; 6Jun77; A900076.

A900077. Emergence: a transsexual autobiography. By Hario Hartino, pseud, of Angelo Tornabeue vith Harriett, pseud, of Harriett Biicoien. 273 p. KB: text 6 compilation of photos. O Hario Hactino (pseud, of Angelo Tornabene) e Harriett (pseud, of Harriett uilcoxenl ; l4JuJ.77; 4900077.

A900078. Ssod with icon. By C. 8. Nemsoae. 177 p. C. H. (Buck) Neiisoae; 23Jan76 (in notice; 1975); 4900078.

490U079. Cciioa diary; crisis diplomacy in Dairen. By Paul Paddock. 274 p. O Iowa State University Press; 11Jul77; 4900079.

4900080. Tape: a radio news handbook. By P. Gifford. 224 p. Nil: additions, updating C F. Gifford;

A900081. Life insurance; theory and practice. By Bobert I. Hehr. 758 p. NB: updating & revisions. Business Publications, Inc.; 5Hay77; A900081.

A900082. The Single man's guide to fun and games cookbook. By Julian G. fiichter, cover art & illus. by Biriaa Ortiz. 177 p. Julian G. Blchter; 19Jul77; A900082.

A9000B3. Hitler's war and the Germans: public mood and attitude during the Second Hocld Har. By Harlis G. steinert, edited S translated by Thomas £. J. De Uitt. 387 p. Appl. au: Ohio Oniversity Press. Originally pub. as Hitlec's Krieg und die Oeutschen. NB: abridged English translation & index. O Ohio University Press; IOAuq77: A900083.

A900084. Essays of an information scientist. Vol. 1: 1962-1973 t vol. 2: 1974-1976. By Eugene Garfield, with a foreword by Joshua Lederberq. NB: compilation or editorials. O Euqene Garfield; 22Aug77: A900084.

A900085. Principles of industrial water treatment. 310 p. Add. ti: Drew principles of industrial water treatment. Drew cheaical Corporation; 22Aug77; A900085.

A900086. Discovering Idaho: a history. By Dwight Billiam Jensen. 293 p. O Dwight Uiiliaa Jensen; 1Sep77; A900086.

A900087. Hyde Park Division, Bay State Street Bailway; Dedham-Norwood-East Ualpole Line, Eastern Hassachusetts Street Railway. By Roger Bnrrup b Carl L. Smith. 84 p. (Transportation bulletin, no. 82, Jan. -Dec. 1975) NB: additional text £ compilation. O Roger Borrup 6 Carl L. Smith; 25Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; A900087.

4900088. 4Berican Samoa reports; containing opinions of the High Court of Aaerican Samoa, Appellate and Trial Divisions. Vol. 1: 1900-1938. 705 p. Appl. au: Eguity Publishing Corporation. NB: headnotes. tables 6 digest. The Government of Aaerican Samoa; 27flay77; 490008b.

4900009. Acts and resolves passed by the General Assembly of the State of Vermont, fifty-fourth biennial session, 1977. 693 p. Add. ti: Laws of Vermont, 1977. Appl. au: Equity Publishing Corporation. O Secretary of State of Vermont for the State of Vermont; 21Jon77; A900089.

A900090. Tiapson, TI, telephone directory, September 1977. O Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 23Sep77; A900090.

A90U091. Aubrey, TX, telephone directory, September 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 23Sep77; 4900091.

A9a0092. Center, including Huxley, TX, telephone directory, September 1977. O Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 23sep77: A900092.


Baxahachie, TX, telephone directory.


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