Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/745

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A9Q0VU0 - A90aiie6
JUL-DEC. 1977

i900ll39 (con.) Lddisidv H. Becka. Vb p. NS: abcidquent £, editocial revisioD. Hack S. Belaoote G Ladislav H. Berks: 20Sep77; 4900i|39.

A90044C. The Study of aetricatioD io cectral Hassachusetts; Interactive qualifyioq pro1ect» final report. By Hark S. BelBODte, LiBda J. Coucvilie £ Doreen £. Roodian. Sheets (117 p.) Hack S. Belaoute ( Ladislai B. Berka: 19Sep77: 4900040.

A900 41I1. Chordin' at the keyboard. By Lillian H. Founds Shav. 6 p. Lillian Founds Sbav; 20ct77: A9004m.

A900l|lt2. Student achieveaent diaqnostic questionnaire. sheets (3 p. ) Appl. au: Kenneth H. Hatthevs e Caciio L. Brovn. NH: revisions. Kenneth H. Hatthevs E Cacvin L. Brown: 22Auq77: A90ai|ii2.

A90011U3. Basic proqcaaainq (DEC-10) By Cynthia Sanaan Ha & Iratraud Stceker Seeborg. 187 p. Cynthia Sanaan Ha C Icatcaud Stceker Secborq: 13Sep77: A900I(U3.

A9a0>|ltl|. Elvis lives on. 1 p. Appl. au: Jaaes Uadkins. Jaaes iadkins; 15Sep77: A900lt4lt.

A900«ltS. Air-Sea Battle Gaae Proqraa instruc- tions, aodel CX-2602. Atari no. CO11i»02-02. 1 V. O Atari, Inc.: 29Sep77: A900mi5.

A900li<t6. Clevenqer's Hanual on safe repair. Co-authors: Averett Arthur Clevenqer € Fern Evelyn Rills. 1 v. A. A. Clevenqer 6 F. E. Bills; 11llay77; A9aa«il6.

A900«l|7. A Helpinq hand soothes the pain. Card. Appl. au: Clyde Eacich. Clyde Eacich: 8Auq77: A900Ult7.

A900ltl|8. Hear a leqend. 1 p. Appl- au: Donald a. Cook. The Airborne Coapanr: 15Sep77: A9001ite.

A90au!t9. Diceball: baseball-at-ho»e. By Gerald B. Klatt. 3 p. Prev. pub. 11SepS6, A2S0793. HE: additions. Gerald B. Klatt: 11Sep77: A900««9.

A900450. B-ball: basketball-at-hoae. By Gerald S. Klatt. 3 p. Prev. pub. 11SepS6, A25079I1. Ml: additions. Gerald E. Klatt; 11Sep77: »90au50.

4900 451. Tribute to Kentucky. By Harold A. Beldinq. 3 p. C Barold A. Beldinq: 30ct77; A9O0451.

4900452. Band and hydraulic knockout brochure. No. L-90S. 2 p. C Applied Ppiter. Inc., parent coapany of Enerpac (in notice: Applied PoHer. Inc.): 21Sep77: 4900452.

4900453. Fiaae resistant apparel: FE. 1977 cepoct of the Technical 4dvisocy Coaaittee, 4aecican 4pparel Manufacturers 4ssociation, Inc. 39 p. Appl. au: 4aerican Apparel Banuf actucecs 4sso- ciation. Inc. Aaecican 4ppacel Hanufacturers 4ssociation, Inc.; 23Sep77; 4900453.

4900454. 4n Introduction to bankinq procedures throuqh the purchase of your first set of wheels. 1 V. 4ppl. au: Georqe fl. Kirkland. Think/Education, Inc.; 1Sep77; 4900454.

A900455. Hy vild Irish iroes. By Kevin 0. Leahy. 79 p. Kevin D. Leahy; 30ct77; A900455.

A900456. Italian publishing in the seventies: an exhibition; Boston Public Library, Casalini Libci, Oct. 1977. 70 p. au: Boston Public Library. O Trustees of the Public Library of the city of Boston: 16Sep77; A900456. A900457. Agent opinion survey results. 1 v. State FacB Hutual Autoaobile Insurance Coapany; 22Jul77; A900457.

A900458. Country Kays, Inc. kits. 16 p. KB: additions. Country Bays, Inc.; 20Sep77: 4900458.

A900459. Startinq salary offers to qraduates of tvo-year colleges, 1976-77; final cepoct. Coapiled by Leo A. Polinsky. 2 p. O Hiddle Atlantic Caceer Counseling Association; 26Sep77: 4900459.

4900460. Finnish birch plywood: Finpiy, Coabi; basic technical inforaation. Technical bulletin no. 10, 1977. 9 p. Finnish Plywood Developaent Association — U.S.A., Inc.: 4Cct77; A900460.

A900461. Honey you can eat, crunch: the trick for people who can't do tricks. 2 p. Sterling Creations: 1Auq76; 490D461.

4900462. Scotch and soda; the trick that pays for itself! Folder. MH: revisions C additions. O Sterling Creations; 31Hay77: 4900462.

4900463. Coin in the bottle. Folder. NB: revisions & additions. O Sterling Creations; 18Jan77; 4900463.

A900464. Septeaber inventory. Poetry by Philip 4. Bentivegna. 1 v. O Philip 4. Bentiveqna; 27Sep77; 4900464.

4900465. Here I aa. use ae. By Wesley Stepp. 46 p. Bfcsley Stepp; 23Sep77; 4900465.

4900466. How to build a solar hot water heating system for your hoae. By Hinnie Jeanette Haailton. 14 p. M. J. Baailton; 29Sep77; 4900466.

4900467. Hhistle past the fox. By Richard Stine. 1 V. Bichard Stine; 314ug77: 4900467.

4900468. Stark Brothers spcaying quide. Helpful fruitqrowing tips fcoa Paul Stack, Jc. Folder. 4ppl. au: John Logan. Stark Brothers Nurseries and Orchards Company; 30Sep77; 4900468.

4900469. 4aos Bostetter: a successful specu- lator's approach to coaaoditics trading. By Horris Harkovitz. 59 p. Coaaodities Corporation: 1Sep77; 4900469.

4900470. Let's give a reading. 13 p. Appl. au: Buth E. Hilliaas (Fisher) Buth Fisher Hilliaas; «Oct77; 4900470.

4900471. Clan Haclntyie: a journey to the past. By Leslie Donald Kaclntyce, editor: 41ice Haclntyre. 82 p. O Leslie Donald Haclntyrc; 54uq77; 4900471.

4900472. Tribal candle. By Louise Louis. 71 p. NH: additions C coapilation. O Louise Louis; 29Sep77; 4900412.

4900473. Clacidge chalkboards, bulletin boards, rooB dividers, display cases, clothing storage systeas. deaountable walls. Cataloq 78. 31 p. NH: additions S revisions. O Claridqe Products and Equipaent, Inc.; 1Sep77; 4900473.

4900 474. Earninq your way through aath. By Peter 4. Pascaris. Sheets. NH: units 5-8 6 a drawing. O Peter 4. Pascaris; 294ug76; 4900474.

4900475. Body iaage in the school-age child. By Kay Lucille Freeaan. 118 p. Kay Lucille Freeaan; 30(;t77; A900475.

4900476. Self-directed retireaent plan for corporations. 51 p. O Delaware Charter Guarantee and Trust Coapany: 30Sep77: A900476.

A900477. The Executive and organizational loyalty; case study. 3 p. Appl. au: Bernard Bosen. 6 Bernard Bosen; 20Sep77; A900477.

A900478. Hinority quotas in law and aedicine. By Georqe H. Jaffin. 138 p. George B. Jaffin; 28Sep77: A900478.

A900479. Hini-meditations for Advent. By Florence Hedge. 24 p. Appl. au: Liguori Publications. Liguori Publications; 26Sep77; A900479.

A900480. How to discipline your child. By Jean E. Laiid. 24 p. Appl. au: Liguori Publications. Liguori Publications; 26Sep77; A900480.

4900481. Bow to love everyone in today's world. By Thoaas 4rtz. 24 p. Appl. au: Liguori Publications. O Liquor! Publications 26Sep77; 4900481.

4900482. The Guild aethod catalogue. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Chailes Lowe. Charles Lowe; 30Sep77; 4900482.

A900 4e3. Savings draft accounts. Folder. Consumers Power Credit Onion; 26Aug77; A900483.

A900484. Daddy cries too. By Haz Saith, editoc: Charles P. Honroe. 1 v. Haz Saith; 3Jun77; 4900484.

4900485. The lengthening shadow of Oils E. Bennett. By Essie Gandy Bennett. 90 p. O Essie Gandy Bennett; 16Sep77: 4900485.

4900486. Ives teaplate drawing and installation

instructions: number 359 self-latching


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