Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/747

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JUL-DEC. 1977

4900529 (con.) 6 aoQtqoaerv Hard aod Coapao?. Inc.; 8Sep77: i900529.

A900530. CohaDceaent on a shoestring; a story of a fanilv education project. By Audrey Oppeoheiaer. 1 v. Appl. au: Foothill Faailv Ser»ice. Foothill Faaily Service t, Audrey oppenheiaer: 2<tFeb77; A900S30.

A900531. ieir-qate crafts, 1977; naccaae supply cataloque. 14 p. Appl. au: Paul A. Dufresne. Paul A. Oufresne; 1itFeb77: A900531.

A900532. Linear proqraaninq. By aichard J. Tondra. 107 p. C Bicltacd J. Tondra; 1Har77; A900532.

A900533. How to stop the porno plaque; a siaple^ straightforward action plac that can work in your coaaunity. By Neil Gallagher. 252 p. Appl. states new teit except Bible quotes on p. 41-145 & newspaper & aaqazine clippinqs oo p. 7<t-86. Neil Gallagher; 1Auq77; 4900533.

A900534. Haterbury: authentic setting of old Tecaont, 1977-1976. Prepared by Haterbury Crossroads Association. Folder. Add. ti: Haterbury 1977-78 tourist brochure. Appl. au: Paul Edward (tiller. Paul Edward Killer (in notice: Biller) ; 30Aug77; A900534.

4900535. Directory of food service distributors: food, equipaent, supplies, 1977. Editor: Bichael Lanbe. 670 p. (Chain Store Guide) 4ppl. au: Irving Slobod. O Business Guides, Inc.; 26Jul77; 4900535.

4900536. Okraine and policy of the Entente. By 4rnold D. Bargolin, translated froa Russian by ». P. Sokoioff. 261 p. Prev. pub. 1921 as Ukraioa i politika Antanty. NH: translation, introd. C index. Lubov 4. Harqolena; 15Sep77: 4900536.

4900537, A Christaas carol. By Jack odell. 32 p. Appl. au: Pacific Garden Mission. e Pacific Garden Mission: 22Dec63 (in notice: 1961): 4900537.

A900538. Industry cooes to Freeman Bun; an oral aistorv of Freeaan Bun Valley, Potter county, Pennsylvania. By Harie Kathern Brisbois Nuschke. Ill p. (Pennsylvania's Preenaa Bun Vjlley, vol. 2) C Nancy Nuscake Baap; iesep77; A900538.

A900539. Texas blue book of life insurance statistics. 1977. 3i«th annual ed. 139 p. Add. ti: The Texas blue book, 1977. Appl. au: nrs. John C. Leslie (ollie n. Leslie) Becord Publishing Coapany; 18Aug77: 4900539.

4900 5K0. Now to build a coin portfolio (without resorting to deviousness, courting bankruptcy, or coinshooting a aiser's hoard) By B. A. Caapbcll. 13 p. B. A. Caapbell: 17Sep77: 49005«0.

A900541. Appreciating theatre; an introductory guide. Edited by Joseph H. Epolito. 277 p. 3 plays prev. pub. NH: coapilation & additiQns. C Joseph a. Epolito; 9Sep77; A9005t1.

A9005IJ2. The uitch cat. By Berthe Aaoss. 1 v. Berthe Aaoss; 10Sep77; A900S02.

A900543. Teaching yourself conversational Italian. By Anthony N. Teolis. <46 p. C Anthony N. Teolis; 12Sep77; A9005D3.

A9005'44. The Soap opera guiz book: official, vol. 1. By Boseaary Siapson (fioseaary Siapson Aragon) 70 p. Add. ti: The Official soap opera quiz book. Boseaary Siapson; 19Sep77; A900544.

A9005U5. A Cancer therapy; results of fifty cases. By Bax Gerson. 3rd ed. 432 p. Appl. au: Charlotte Gerson Straus. 6 Charlotte Gerson Straus; 3Jul77; A9005145.

4900546. The Ouick book. 1 v. NB: pictorial aatter rev. textual aaterial. lilliaa anderwood Coapany; 14Jun77: A900546.

A900547. The Judiciary: the Supreme Court in the governaental process. By Nenry Julian Abrahaa. ' 4th ed. 228 p. Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 2Jan77; A900547.

A900548. The Forgotten aray; the British Aray systea, 1716-1746. By Andrew uordon Hollinger. Bicrofila. Andrew Gordon Bollinger; 15sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A900548.

A900549. Process design for treating shower wastewater by ultrafiltration. By Daniel Sherwood Lent. Bicrofila. Daniel Sherwood Lent; 15Sep77; A9005'19.

A900550. Physiological responses to progressively lower teaperatures in four overwintering species of insect larvae found in goldenLOd (Solidago canadensis L.) ball galls. By Bonald Andrew Belstraz. Bicrofila. O Bonald Andrew Belstraz: 15Sep77; 4900550.

4900551. Seasonal diet of the Blackbeard Island white-tailed deer. By Claude Victor Vansant 3rd. Bicrofila. O Claude Victor Vausant 3rd; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); 4900551.

4900552. The Concept of spiritual freedoa in the Brahaa-Sutra. By Carol Kellogg Pitts. Bicrofila. S Carol Kellogg Pitts; 15Sep77 (in notice; 1976); 4900552,

4900553. Self -acceptance: basis for authentic response to life. By Brother Denis Bichael Hever, F. B.S. Bicrofila. O Brother Denis Bichael dever, P. B.S.; 15Sep77 (in notice; 1976); A900553.

A900554. The Larval developoeot of Uippolyte zostericola (Saith) and H. curacaoensis Schaitt (Decapoda: H ippolytidae) from Biscayne Bay, r'lorida. By Peggy Gilbert VanAraan. Bicrofila. O Peggy Gilbert VanArman; 15S6p77; A900554.

A900555. Accuracy of perceiving physically disabled and non-disabled persons. By Paul Uilliaa Balbick. Bicrofila. Paul Hilliaa Balbick; 15Sep77; A900555.

4900556. Selectedly substituted iaidazolidi- nethiones and thioiaidazolines; syntheses. structure, cheaical reactivity and pharaacological properties. By Janice Baraon Arceneaux. Bicrofila. O Janice Baraon Arceneaux; 15Sep77 (in notice; 1976); A900556.

A900557. The Byth of the Great Secret: eaptiness and knowledge in Nagarajuna and Eckhart. By Edwin Clark Johnson. Bicrofila. O Edwin Clark Johnson; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A900557.

4900558. Sketches and paintings of Louis 1. Kahn, analysis and cataloque raisonne. By Jan aochstifi. Bicrofila. O Jan Hochstia; 15Sep77; A9U0558.

A90055!). A Busical analysis of fifteen southern folk hyans. By Sfairl J. Ataell. Bicrofila. Appl. states all new except Busical exaaples throughout T:he dis- sertation. Shiri J. Atwell; 15Sep77: 4900 55S.

4900 560. Platelet sateliitisa; a study in the iaaunopatbology and clinical aedicine of the platelet to leukocyte adherence phenooenon. By Joseph Buez Belvin, Jr. Bicrofila. O Joseph Buez Belvin, Jr.; 15Sep77; 4900560.

4900361. The Physicocheaical liauology of Striker Creek Beservoir, Texas. By Pratt Deen son. Bicrofila. C Pratt Deen Johnson; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A900 561.

A90056 2. A Profile of adult students. By Barion B. Lowenthal. Bicrofila. Narion H. lowenthal; 15Sep77; 4900562.

A900563. Generic prescribing and/or brand substitution prograns — no panacea: a position developed through a review of the related econooic, quality and legal issues. By John Joseph Burns. Bicrofila. John Joseph Burns; 15Sep77; A900S63.

A90056II. Nevada woaen and coronary heart disease: evaluation of selected dietary and aedical factors. By Nina J. Davis. Bicrofila. Nina J. Davis; 15Sep77; 4900564.

A900565. The Kalaaazoo County citizens probation authority; a descriptive analysis of the referral and selection criteria, January 1, 1973-January 1, '1974. By Katherine Buth Balzahn-Bass. Bicrofila. O Katherine Buth Balzahn-Bass: 15Sep77: 4900565.

4900566. Rilliaa Henry Green: Princeton theologian. By Dwayne Davis Cox. Bicrofila. O Dwayne Davis Cox; 15Sep77; 4900566.

4900567. Ezprint: a Cobol print prograa generator for sequential tape and disk files. By Bobert Edward Lynds. Bicrofila. Bobert Edward Lynds; 15Sep77 (in ootice: 1976); 4900567.

4900568. Sailing through the deathless waters of silence: a study of sea and land iaagery in Nikos Kazantzakis' The Odyssey: A Bodern sequel. By Evanthia Elias Laabrakupoulos. Bicrofila. O £vanthia Elias Laabrakopoulos; 15Sep77; A900568.


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