Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/750

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A900647 (con.) Hicrofiln. 6 Cleophus Cerrutheous Hatcher: 15Sep77; A900647.

A900648. A Study of coopetency qoals for teachers who Hill Hork with multicultural student populations. By Thomas Larry Bjelland. Hicrofiln. 6 Thomas Larry Bielland; 15Sep77; A900648.

A900649- Teen^qe preqnancy: a personality comparison or prenatal and abortion qroups. By Virqinia Lee Dixon. Kicrofiln. 6 Virqinia Lee Dixon; 15JU177: A900649.

A900650. The Chemistry of phosphorus ylide anions and the addition of stronq nucelophiles to unsaturated acyl phosphoranes. By Baoanui GosnaiDi. Nicrofiln. 6 fiaaanuj Gosuami; 15Sep77; A900650.

A900651- The Janus face of contemporary Aaerican fiction: tJorman Hailer and John Barth. By John Douqlas Hamaqe. Microfilm. G John pouqlas Bamaqe; 15Sep77: A900651.

1900652. The Stranqe machine: Diderot and lanquaqe. By Harry Nicholas Bakalar. Hicrofilm. 6 Harry Nicholas Bakalar; 15JU177; A900652.

A900653. An Experimental analysis of the effectiveness of different types of commercials on children. By Joseph H. niller. Jr. Kicrofilm. @ Joseph H. Miller. Jr.; 15Sep77; A900653-

A90065U. An Analysis of student and teacher attitudes toward seven basal reader proqrams. By Janet Boy Norby. Microfilm. e Janet Boy Norby; 15Sep77; A900654.

A900655. An Investiqation of the relationship between teachers* attitudes and teachers* perceptions of students* communication behaviors- By Hary Elizabeth Huneycutt. Microfilm. G Mary Elizabeth Uuneyqutt: 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976); A900655-

A900656. Of f-of f-Broadway theater: its phi- losophical foundations. By Joel Edward Horton. Microfilm. 6 Joel Edward Horton; 15Sep77; A900656.

A900657. A Study of faculty perceptions toward selected aspects of" collective barqaining by residential instructional staff at ffashinqton State University. By Sam Acosta. Microfilm. Sam Acosta; 15Sep77: A900657,

A900658. The Doctrine of prayer in the life and works of John Henry Newman. By Thomas Peter Ivory. Microfilm. C Thomas Peter Ivory; 15Har77 (in notice: 1976); A900658.

A90(r659. An Analysis of Isaiah 10-44:23 utilizinq the creation-redemption model of the creator-kinq and process theoloqy. By Kevin Christy Clark. Microfilm. 6 Kevin Christy Clark; 15Sep77; A900659,

A900660, Brainstem afferents to the abducens nucleus in the cat. By Baymond Julien Haciewicz. Microfilm. 6 Baymond Julien Haciewicz; 15Sep77: A900660.

A900661. The Belationship between continuing education and identity in adult women. By Prederica Herrmann Amstey. Hicrofilm. C Frederica Herrmann Amstey; 15Sep77; A900661-

fr900662. Professional responsibilities and the rights of handicapped children: the development of a training curriculum for school personnel. By Mary Mccluskey McCaffrey. © Mary McCiuskey McCaffrey; 15Sep77; A900662.

A900663. ASB 190 replacement cost disclosure and the pulp and paper industry — an atti- tudinal study. By Ernest Vincent Correia. Microfilm. @ Ernest Vincent Correia; 15Sep77; A900663. A900664. Associative responses to double-eutendre words in relation to druq using behavior. By Pamela Denise Green. Microfilm. Q Pamela Denise Green; 15Sep77; A900664.

A900665. A Numerical method for systems of ordinary differential equations. By Arthur Baefsky. Microfilm. 6 Arthur fiaefsky: 15Sep77; A900665-

A900666. Turnover rates of nursing aides as compared to selected factors related to directors of nursing in long-term care facilities in the state of Maryland. By Jeanette Goodwin Nehren Chamberlain. Microfilm. 3 Jeanette Goodwin Nehren Chamberlain; 15Sep77: A900666.

A900667. Compatibility of teaching and learning styles as a determinant of academic success. By John Robert Scerba. Microfilm. Q John fiobert Scerba; 15JU177; A900667.

A900668- Jean-Paul Marat; the rebel as savant (1743-1788) a case study in careers and ideas at the end of the Enlightenment. By Norman Bernard Mandelbaum. Microfilm. Add- ti: Jean-Paul Marat: the rebel as savant (1745-1788) a case study in careers and ideas at the end of the Enlightenment. Q Norman Bernard Mandelbaum: 15Aag77; A900668.

A900669. The Development and evaluation of a test of critical listening for use with college freshmen and sophomores. By Bogec Allan Richards. Microfilm. Q Boger Allan Richards; 15Aug77; A 900 66 9.

A900670. A Delphi st'jdy on acupuncture. By Steven J- Froae. Microfilm. O Steven J- Frome; 15Jun77; A900670.

A900671. Predicting public education adminis- trator styles through administrator values, organization environmental factors, self-actualization levels, and specific demographic information. By James fi. Myers. Microfilm. 6 James B. Myers; 15Aug77; A900671.

A900672. The Medieval guidebook to Santiago de Compostela: book 5 of the Codex calix- tinus, a translation and cpmmentary. By euth Hay Gover. Microfilm. Buth May GOver; 15Jun77; A900672.

A900673. Photographs, a play. By Joan Stamatakos Beeder. Microfilm. Q Joan Stamatakos Beeder; 15Jun77; A900673.

A900674- Oxygen-18 leaving group kinetic isotope effects and transition state structures for non-enzymatic and enzymatic ^cyl transfer reactions of esters. By Charles Brush Sawyer. Microfilm. 6 Charles Brush Sawyer; 15AQg77 (in notice: 1976); A900674.

A900675. Culture and sport. By Paula Rogers Lupcho. Microfilm. 6 Paula Rogers Lupcho; 15Jun77; A900675.

A90Qa76. Expectations of registered nurses for meeting con tinning education requirements for relicensure. By Elaa Tulioch-Beid. Microfilm. © Elma Tulloqh-fieid; 15Jun77; A900676.

A900677. Politics and planning: a national study of the American Institute of Planners. By Michael Lee Vasu. Microfilm. Michael Lee Vasu; 15Aug77; A90q6T7.

A900678. Capital asset pricing, valuation of the firm and optimal capital structure. By Colin Harvey Borke. Microfilm. Q Colin Harvey Eorke; 20Hay77; A900678.

A900679. The Elementary structures of political life. By Grace Ellen Goodell. Hicrofilm. is Grace Ellen Goodell; 15Aug77; A900679.

A9Q0680. Validation of a self -estrangement scale. By Gui Noel Van De Voorde. Microfilm. Gui Noel Van De Voorde; 15Jun77; A900680-

A900681. Belati'onships among anxiety, expressed satisfaction with body image and maladaptive physiological responses in pregnancy. By Shirley Joan Gordon. Microfilm. Q Shirley Joan Gordon; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); A9006B1,

A900682. Postnatal adipose tissue study in lamb and rabbit: development, lipolysis, lipogenesis-influence of hypophysectomy and growth hormone treatment. By Andre Vezinhet. Microfilm. Q Andre Vezinhet; 30NOV76; A900682.

A900683. Atomic configurations and electronic structures of edge dislocations. Ety Josephus Theodorus Maria De Hosson. Microfilm. Josephus Theodorus Maria De Hosson; 30 Nov 76; A900683.

A900684. Periodic and daily marXets in highland Ecuador. By Baymond John Bromley. Microfilm. Baymond John Bromley; 30NOV76; A900684.

A9006a5. Structures for wave digital filters and their real time realisation on a minicomputer. By Axel Sedlmeyer. Microfilm. Q Axel Sedlmeyer; 30Nov76; A900685.

A900686. Beactions of 4-substituted pyridines and their salts with Grignard reagents. By Luc MatUieu Maria Thiessen. Microfilm. Luc Mathieu Maria Thiessen; 30Nov76: A900686.

A900687. The 2,4,6- and 2,4.9-trithiaadamantane ring systems synthesis and physical properties. By Goran Lindgren. Microfilm. & Goran Lindgren; 30Nov76;



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