Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/766

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A901308. LaboratoEv experiences in huaan physioloqy- By Kenneth A. Hichaelis. Greta B. Hacker 6 Donald D. HccaMley. 2nd ed. 289 p. e Burqess Publishing Cospany; 19Sep77: A901308.

A901309. Borkbook in folk, social, and square dance. By B. Dvaine Goodiiin £ Hancy K. Hepner. sheets (78 p.) SB. Dvaine Goodnin S Hancy K. Bepner; 2<(Aag77; A901309.

A901310. Basic chenistrv; study guide t labocatory exercises. By Dexter S. Plunlee. 2nd ed. 102 p. Dexter S. Plumlee; 1ilSep77: A901310.

A901311. Introduction to accounting. By Harianne Frye 6 Laurence Syck. 81 p. Marianne rrye 6 Lawrence Syck; 1tSep77; A901311.

A901312. Power for reading. By Bandy Branson. 2nd ed. 102 p. Bandy Branson; 31Auq77: A901312.

A901313. A Behavioral approach to self-control behaviorally taught; an aid in developing self-control using behavioral principles. By Gerald C. Mertens. 1 v. Gerald C. aertens; 31Aag77; A901313.

A90131t. Basic theory, techniques and exercises for introductory biology. By Janes L. Koeveniq. Sheets (202 p.) O Janes L. Koevenig; 19Sep77; A90l3ia.

A901315. Hinter activities. By Holly Bedmond. 57 p. e Holly Bediond; 31Aug77; A901315.

A9013ie. Investigations in general chemistry: quantitative techniques and basic principles. By Fitzgerald B. Braavell, Clyde B. Dillard, Chandru J. Shahani K Grace H. Wieder. 216 p. Fitzgerald B. Branuell, Clyde E. Dillard, chandru J. Shahani & Grace H. lieder; 19Sep77; A901316.

A901317. Bappiness is helping children know and use their bodies; a manual for parents, teachers & teachers* aides. Compiled by Hichael K. Grimes. 105 p. 3 Hichael K. Grimes; 19Sep77; A901317.

A901318. Clothing 1: lecture outline and study guide. By Buth Harshall. sheets (127 p.) in envelope. 6 Burgess Publishing company: 7Sep77; A901318.

A901319. Learning modules for the biological sciences; preliminary ed. By H- F- Fulton £ U. D. Beaney. sheets. O U. F. Fulton £ H. D. Beaney; 1Sep77; A901319.

A901320. Plant biology study guides. By Arthur G. Carroll. 2nd ed. 1 v. e Arthur G. Carroll; 25Aug77; A901320.

A901321. Creation and evolution: the renewed controversy. By L. Duane Thurmau. 82 p. O L. Duane Thurman; 7Sep77; A90I321.

A901322. Animal biology tape scripts. By John H. Thornton. 2nd ed. 1 v. G John H. Thornton; 23Aug77: A901322.

A901323. Animal biology laboratory manual. By Charles D. Hise, Harold L. Zimmack, James C. List £ Byron G. Torke. 65 p. e Charles D. Rise, Harold L. Zimmack, James C. List £ Byron G. Torke; 1Sep77; A901323.

A90132«. Elementary applied mathematics. By John A. Dyer, Everett D. Gibson, Colonel Johnson, Jr., Philip Quartararo, Jr., Dolores R. Spikes 6 Vernon Hilliams. 152 p. John A. Dyer, Everett D. Gibson, Colonel Johnson, Jr., Philip Quartararo, Jr., Dolores E. Spikes £ Vernon Hilliams; 25Aug77; A901324.

A901325. Typewriting techniques and production typewriting 1. By Harianne Frye. 1 v. e Harianne Frye; 1i(Sep77; A901325.

A901326. BELE: (Heaningful, enjoyable, learning experiences) in microbiology. By Donald P. Durand, Peter A. Pattee, Fred D. Williams £ Paul A. Bartman. 3rd ed. Sheets. Iowa State Oniversity; 31Aug77; A901326.

A901327. Laboratory guide for an introduction to plant taxonomy. By J. B. Hassey, D. K. S. Otte 6 B. D. Bhetstone. 210 p. S J. E. Hassey, 0. K. S. Otte £ B. D. Whetstone; 25Aug77: A901327.

A901328. Teaching in the secondary school; a book of readings. Editors: Joy S. Lindbeck £ Vincent J. Biondo. 2nd ed. 314 p. Burgess Publishing company; 1Sep77; A901328.

A901329. Individualized competency-based education CBE 116. By Gary B. Langer. 2nd ed. 164 p. G Gary B. Langer; 1Sep77; A901329.

A901330. Hy book of trials; or, 29 months behind bars. By Dixie (Greenwood) Chambers. 79 p. Appl. states all new except for poems on p. 60-63, prev. pub. Dixie (Greenwood) chambers; 10ct77; A901330.

A901331. Membership handbook: American Society of Professional Superintendents (ASOPS) 15 p. Appl. au: Donald Hooper. 6 Donald Hooper; 60ct77; A901331.

A901332. Pennsylvania conoy colored trade bead chart. Vol. 11. Appl. au: Gerald B. Fenstermaker. Gerald B. Fenstermaket; 23Sep77; A901332.

A901333. Code of ordinances: town of Briny Breezes, Florida; adopted, July 28, 1977, effective September 22, 1977. 1 v. NH: compilation fi editorial matter, e Hunicipal Code Corporation; 9Sep77 ; A901333.

A901334. Speak English. Book 1. 40 p. Appl. au: Barbara Kruger Peterson (Barby K. Peterson) 6 Barby K. Peterson; 30Sep77; A901334.

A901335. Thauol SF-265 polyol in urethane applications. 7 p. NH: revision £ additions. @ Jefferson Chemical Company, Inc.; 50ct77; A901335.

A901336. The Dallas, Fort North area weather calendar, 1978. Editors: George lilliam Jensen £ Eon Gamble. MH: compilation £ original matter. 6 George Hilliam Jensen; 60ct77; A901336.

A901337. Prospective producer letter- 2 p. Add. ti: New Life Foods, Inc. prospective producer letter. C New Life Foods, Inc.; 70ct77; A901337.

A901338. Buyers letter. 2 p. Add. ti: New Life Foods, Inc. buyers letter. O New Life Foods, Inc.; 60ct77; A90133B.

A901339. Hasked rituals, August 17-November 13, 1977. 36 p. © The Queens County Art and Cultural Center, Inc.; 27Aug77; A901339.

A901340. Playing with blocks: an exploration of multiharness overshot. By Erica D. Voolich, photos, by Haureen Boche £ Bennett Joiner. 55 p. 6 Erica Voolich; 10ct77; A901340.

A9013'H. Effective career management for hygienists; the interdependence of self-assessment, value £ reward. By Joan Lampner. 119 p. Expansion £ revision of Everything you've always wanted to know about dental hygiene. NH: addition- £ revisions. © Joan Lampner; 13Sep77; A901341.

A901342. Organization for survival; proceedings of the ninth annual convention of the Association of Black Psychologists, Aug. 11-15, 1976, Chicago, IL. Edited by: Jean Thomas Griffin £ Buth' E. G. King. 1 v. © The Association of Black Psychologists; 13Aug77; A901342.

A9ai343. Effective cycling; instructor's manual. By John Forester. 1 v. John Forester: 20Sep77; A901343.

A901344. Five ethnic patterns. By Yvonne B. Porcella, photography by Bandy Hagnus. 16 p. e Yvonne Porcella; 20Sep77; A901344.

A901345. Update 77. 1 V. © Mid-America Automated clearing House Association; 30Sep77; A901345.

A90134e. Addendum to The Hodern theories of relativity refuted. By John Paul Fernandez. 13 p. NH: editorial revision £ additional text. © John Paul Fernandez; 60ct77; A901346.

A901347. 0. S. disarmament in treaty goal. By Josephine L. Hindman. i v. © Josephine L. Hindman a.k.a. Jo Hindman; 30ct77; A901347.

A9ai348. Geometric constructions and calculations for advanced intermediate and junior high. By Thomas H. Sass. 1 v. © Thomas H. Sass; 19Sep77; A901348.

A9bl349. How to save for your dreams and make then come true. By Alan E. Svehaug. 33 p. © Alan B. Svehaug d.b.a. Beidar Press; 30Sep77; A901349.

A901350. Ancient glass collections. By Clara E. Hiltse. 1 V. O Ball State Oniversity Art Gallery; 20ct77; A901350.


Carriage "n' cart. Pattern no. 215. 2


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