Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/776

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JUL-DEC. 1977

1901711 (con.) cholesteroleDiic and coarcted svine. By Christopher Paul Cheney. Hicrofilm. e Christopher Paul Cheney; 15Sep77: &901711.

S901712. The Ose of dialogue in early French orqan music. By Kenneth Oean Nienhuis. Hicrofila. 6 Kenneth Dean Nienhuis; 15Sep77: 4901712.

&901713. Analysis of the tissue-implant interface of titanium dental blade-vent implants in bone. By John Beyer Brunski. Hicrofila. John Beyer Brunski: 1SSep77; A901713.

A901714. Etruscan bucchero chalices in the Dniversity Huseum. By Barry John Brady. Hicrofila. Barry John Brady; 15Sep77; &90171H.

A901715. Self concept and reading achievement in open and self-contained classrooms. By Harylen Evalita Harmon. Hicrofilm. S Harylen Evalita Harmon; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); &901715.

A901716. Additive processes defined on a finite Harkov chain. By Baimi Aiibola Kasusu. Hicrofilm. Q Baimi Ajibola Kasuau; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A901716.

A901717. A Guide on Armenian immigrants, studies, and institutions. By Gary A. Kulhanjian. Hicrofilm. 6 Gary A. Kulhanlian; 15Sep77; A901717.

A90171B. The Language theory of the Abbe de Condillac. By Betty Ruth Hursh Sapir. Hicrofilm. 6 Betty Buth Hursh Sapir; 15Sep77: 1901718.

A901719. The Hethodoloqical issues and problems of administrative theories: an analytical study. By Bufus Isaac olumba. Hicrofilm. Bufus Isaac olumtaa; 1SSep77 (in notice: 1975); A901719.

A901720. History of the accreditation program for private trade schools in New York State, 19U9-1952. By Julius Andre» Kerpel. Hicrofilm. e Julius Andrew Kerpel; 15Sep77; A901720.

A901721. An Analysis of the effectiveness of products liability underuriters. By Barry Barnet Schifeig. Hicrofilm. © Barry Barnet Schneig; 15Sep77: A901721,

A901722. Hortality in Cuba; trends and deter- minants, 1880-1971. By Sergio Diaz- Briquets. Hicrofila. 6 Sergio Diaz- Briquets; 15Sep77: A901722.

A901723. Teachinq critical life issues in nursing: a philosophical analysis. By Evelyn G. Hartiqan. Hicrofilm. Evelyn G. Hartigan: 15Sep77; A901723.

A90172H. Effect of 2,t50 HHz microvave radiation on microorganisms. By Jung Fu Hu. Hicrofilm. O Jung Fu iu; 15Sep77; A901724.

A901725. Evaluating distribution policy alternatives in a highly perishable product environment. By Tom Franklin Badqett. Hicrofilm. 6 Tom Franklin Badgett; 15Sep77; A901725.

A901726. Development and evaluation of a mathematical model for the production of single cell protein from cellulosic materials. By Hilliaa Bauer Armiger. Hicrofilm. Q iilliam Bauer Armiger; 15Sep77; A901726.

A901727. The Developing of community support for public transit systems. By Harry Stegner Boss, Jr. Hicrofila. O Harry Stegner Boss, Jr.; 15Sep77; A901727.

A901728. The Effects of training on body-size estimation of schizophrenics. By Barbara B. Seruya. Hicrofilm. & Barbara B. Seruya; 15Sep77; A901728.

A901729. Automatic adjustment clauses in electric utility tariffs and their effect on risk. By Hichael Bay Schmidt. Hicrofilm. O Hichael Bay Schmidt; 15Sep77; A901729.

A901730. The Demand for automobile services vith an emphasis on waiting interval; a cross section study. By Jieh-jou Hu. Hicrofilm. Jieh-jou Bu; 15Sep77; A901730.

A901731. Paths of transformation: explorations of transpersonal psychology and visionary anthropology. By Alan James Strachan. Hicrofila. 6 Alan Janes strachan; 15Sep77; A901731.

A901732. Becent changes in undergraduate political science. By Hary Lou Callahan. Hicrofila. e Hary Lou Callahan; 1SSep77; A901732.

A901733. The Prediction of school achievement at the beginning of the second grade based on a multidimensional preschool test. By Joseph iayne Baldwin. Hicrofilm. Joseph Iayne Baldwin; 1SSep77; A901733.

A901734. An Analysis of various acupuncture needle materials. By Soo Ho Lee. Microfilm, e Soo Ho Lee; 15Sep77; A90173II.

A901735. A Complete concordance to The Rakefield pageants in the Towneley cycle. By Hichael James Preston. Hicrofila. © Michael James Preston; 15Sep77; A901735.

A901736. Experimental studies on individual decision making under risk: an information processing approach. By Paul Johannes Bubertus Schoemaker. Microfilm. Paul Johannes Bubertus Schoemaker; 15Sep77; A901736.

A901737. A Concordance to The Digby plays. By Michael James Preston. Hicrofilm. © Michael James Preston; 15Sep77; A901737.

A901738. Eoosevelt and Poland. 19«3-19*S: decision-making as a choice among value-goals. By Blaine David Benedict. Hicrofilm. 6 Blaine David Benedict; 15Sep77; A901738.

A901739. Public debate and the social bases of politics: Philadelphia, 184it. By John Stephen Bartolomeo. Hicrofilm. 6 John Stephen Bartolomeo; 15Sep77; A901739.

A90171t0. The Effects of a systematic training program in responding skills on dental hygiene students at Texas Roman's Dniversity. By David Rilliaa lallace. Hicrofila. O David Rilliaa Rallace; 15Sep77; 4901740.

A901741. Corporate planning and forecasting; an analysis of the state of the art in the service industry and development of a generalized approach for the needs of 1970*s and 1980's. By Bala Baaanathan Subramanian. Microfilm. Bala Bamanathan Subramanian; 15Sep77; A9ai741.

4901742. Evaluation of the mid-management concept in a practical setting. By Jerry Ouane Strader. Hicrofilm. Jerry Duane Strader; 15Sep77; A901742.

A901743. The Problems of mature women students enrolled in a selected community college. By Kathie Beckman Smallwood. Hicrofila. O Kathie Beckaan Smallwood; 15Sep77: A9ai743.

A9ai744. A Study of the goals for public school education in Texas. By Jimmy Orman Sogers. Microfilm. O Jimay Oraan Bogers; 15Sep77; A901744.

A901745. The Positions, roles, and perceptions of black elected public school board members in Mississippi. By Mildred Hudgins Bust. Hicrofilm. © Mildred Hudgins Bust; 15Sep77; A901745.

A901746. The Formulation of a theoretical construct and the development of an instrument for the evaluation of curricula in nursing. By Frances M. Bicks. Microfilm. © Frances M. Hicks; 15Sep77; 49017^6.

4901747. A Coaparison of the career interests, locus of control, attitude, and achie- vement scores of community college introduction to business "on-campus" students and "open-circuit instructional television" students. By Kathryn Nadine Heige Hegar. Hicrofilm. © Kathryn Nadine Reige Hegar; 15Sep77; A901747.

A901748. The Otilization in sculpture of ceramic shell piece molds for specific nonex- pendable materials. By Bonnie Joseph Garcia. Hicrofilm. © Bonnie Joseph Garcia; 15Sep77; 4901748.

A901749. A Theology of transformation: a look at the contribution of est to my theology. By Hesley Burton Parish-Pixler. Hicrofila. © Hesley Burton Parish-Pixler; 15Sep77; A901749.

A901750. Full Circle: the game of the Aguarian age. Kit. Appl. au: Bussell C. Kick, Jr. © Bussell C. Kick, Jr.; 9Sep77: A901750.

4901751. Harder in Mallorca. By Rilliam Angus, pseud, of 4ngus Moir. 195 p. O Angus Hoir (pseud.: Iilliam Angas) ; 12Jul77; A901751.

A901752. A Time for everything. By Bay Harrison. 167 p. e Bay Harrison; 18Aug77;



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