Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/784

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4902018 - &902086
JUL-DEC. 1977

A90201I7 (con.) 3 Practising Law Institute; 2aay77; i902047.

&9020't8. SEC ceportinq requirements. Vol- 1-2. (Corporate law and practice course handbook series, no. 249-250) Appl. states no copyright clained in Government material. HH: compilation & additional text. Q Practising Law Institute; 51la777: A90201t8.

&902049. The Ovary. Vol. 1: general aspects- Edited by Solly Zuckerman E Barbara J. Beir. 2nd ed- 517 p. Academic Press, Inc.; 11Aug77; A9020't9-

A902050. Analytical profiles of drug substances. Vol. 6. Edited by Klaus Florey 6 others. 600 p- Academic Press, Inc- ; 16Aug77; A902050.

A9020S1. International revieii of cytology- Vol- 50. Edited by S. B. Bourne & J. F. Danielli, assistant editor: K- ■- Jeon. 413 p. O Academic Press.. Inc. ; 2eAuq77; A902051.

A902052. Chromatographic systems; maintenance and troubleshooting. By John Q. Nalker, Hinor T. Jackson, Jr. C James B. Haynard. 2nd ed- 359 p. Q Academic Press, Inc. ; 16Aug77: A902052.

A902053. Data structures, computer graphics, and pattern recognition. Edited by Allen Klinger, King Sun Fu & Toshiyasu L. Kunii. 1)98 p. Academic Press, Inc.; 28Jun77; A90-'053.

A90205«. Neurobiology of sleep and memory. Editors: Bene -Baal Drucker-Colin S other editors. 456 p- C Academic Press, Inc.; 12llay77: A902054.

A902055- Table tennis. By Chester Barnes. 60 p. Appl. an: Barron's Educational Series, Inc. Prev. pub. abroad 1975. HM: editorial revision. Q Barron's Edu- cational Series, Inc.; aApr77: A902055.

A902056. Children in conflict. By Morris Fraser, iiith a foreword by Anthony Storr. 167 p. Prev. pub. abroad 1973, AF36520. on foreword; Anthony Storr; 18llar77: A902056.

A902057. Another world; a science fiction anthology. Edited, with introd- & commentary by Gardner B. Dozois. 282 p. NM: compilation S additional text- Gardner B- Dozois: 1SApr77: A902057.

A902058- The Han in the dugout; fifteen big league managers speak their minds. By Donald Boniq. 3 05 p. UK: text £ compilation of photos. Donald Honiq; 1Apr77; A902058.

A902059. Vaqabond stars: a world history of Yiddish theater. By Nahma Sandrow. 435 p. Appl- states all new except for prev. pub. material- Q Nahma Sandrow; 7Sep77; A902059-

A902060. Nature, culture, and human history: a bio-cultural introduction to anthropoloqy. By Davydd J. Greenwood £ Hilliam A. Stini. 531 p. Davydd J. Greenwood £ Rilliam A. Stini; 30Aug77; A902060.

A902061. Genealogical data from colonial New York newspapers: a consolidation of articles from The New York genealogical and biographical record- Compiled by Kenneth Scott. 278 p. NB: compilation, introd. S index. 6 Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc.; 26Sep77; A902061.

A902062. Buried genealogical data; a complete list of addressed letters left in the post offices of Philadelphia, Chester, Lancaster, Trenton, New Castle £ Uilmington between 1743 and 1780, abstracted from The Pennsylvania gazette- Edited by Kenneth Scott 6 Kenn Stryker- Bodda. 241 p. NH: compilation, introd. £ index. O Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc.; 26Sep77; A902062-

A902063- How the rabbit stole the moon- By Louise Hoeri, illustrated by Hare Tolon Brown- 1 V- Louise Hoeri; 25Aag77: A9020b3-

A902064. Bow the rabbit stole the moon. By Louise Hoeri, illustrated by Hare Tolon Brown. 1 V. Hare Brown; 25Aug77; A902064.

A902065. American primitives in needlepoint. By Brande Ormond. 139 p. 3 Brande Ormond; 6Sep77; A902065.

A902066. Prisoners of power. By Arkady Natanovich Strugatsky £ Boris Matanovich Strugatsky, introd. by Theodore Sturgeon, translated from the fiussian by Helen Saltz Jacobson- 266 p. Appl. au: Hacmillan Publishing Company, Inc., employer for hire of contributors. NH: introd- fi translation. Hacmillan Publishing Company, Inc.; 19Aug77; A902066-

A902067- Alternate states of consciousness. Edited by Norman Earl Zinberg. 294 p. Appl. au: The Drug Abuse Council, employer for hire of contributors. Appl. states all new except p. 242-263 £ scattered quotations. © The Free Press, a division of Hacmillan Publishing Company, Inc.; 25JU177; A902067.

A902068. The Problems of the philosophy of history; an epistemological essay- By Georg Simmel, translated £ edited, with an introd- by Guy Oakes. 220 p. NH: introd. , translation £ editing. The Free Press, a division of Hacmillan Publishing Company, Inc.; 8Aug77: A902068.

A902069. Harry and Shellburt. By Dorothy O. Van Uoerkom, pictures by Brick Ingraham. 47 p. 6 on text; Dorothy 0. Van Noerkom; 15Auq77; A902069.

A902070. Philosopher at large; an intellectual autobiography. By Hortimer Jerome Adler. 349 p. Appl- states all new except scattered quotations fi 15 illus- O Hortimer J. Adler; 12Aug77; A902070.

A902071. A Bear, a bobcat and three ghosts. By Anne F. Bockwell. 55 p. @ Anne Bockwell; 1Aug77; A902071.

A902072. Class conflict in Egypt, 1945-1970. By Hahmoud Hussein, translated by Hichel Chirman, Susanne Chirman, Alfred Ehrenfeld £ Kathy Brown. 379 p. Appl. au: Honthly fieview Press. Translation of La Lutte de classes en Egypte de 1945 a 1968. NH: translation. Q Honthly Review Press; 90ct73; A902072.

A902073. Class and power in a Punjabi village. By Saghir Ahmad, introd. by Kathleen Gough. 174 p. Appl. states all new except last two essays. & Eqbal Ahmad; 15Apr77; A902073.

A902074. The Nonclassical ion problem. By Herbert Charles Brown, with comments by Paul Von B. Schleyer. 301 p. Q Plenum Press, a division of Plenum Publishing corporation; 27Jul77; A902074.

A902075. Principles of surgical oncology. Edited by Bonald Hilliam Baven. 509 p. Appl- states copyright not claimed in any portion of this work written by a 0- S- Govt- employee as part of his official duties. 6 Plenum Press, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation (in notice: Plenum Publishing Corporation) ; 10Aug77: A902075.

A902076- Hodern theoretical chemistry. Vol. 3-4. Edited by Henry F. Schaefer 3rd. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any portion -of this work written by a 0. S. Govt, employee as part of his official duties. 6 Plenum Press, a division of Plenum Publishing corporation; 31Aug77; A902076.

A902077. Away from home: letters to my family. By Lillian Carter £ Gloria carter Spann. 155 p- e Gloria Carter Spann; 20Jul77; A902077.

A902078. Turning East: the promise and peril of the new orientalism. By Harvey Gallaher Cox; 192 p. e Harvey Cox; 19Aug77; A902078-

A902079- The Lifelong learner- By Bonald Gross- 190 p- Bonald Gross; 26Aug77: A902079.

A902080. The Seadon fortune. By Leonard Saint Clair. 410 p. e Leonard Saint Clair; iaHar77; A902080.

A902081. Hater under the bridge. A novel by Sumner Locke Elliott. 367 p. e. Sumner Locke Elliott; 4Aug77 ; A902081.

A902082. Attachments- By Judith Bossner. 392 p- Judith Eossner; 4Aug77; A902082-

A902083- The Complete martial arts catalogue- By John Corcoran £ Emil Farkas. 224 p- O John Corcoran £ Emil Farkas; 15Jul77; A902083-

A902084. Norking (I do it for the }ney) By Bill Owens. 1 V- O Bill Owens 25JU177; A9020e4-

A902085- The Alaskans- By the editors of Time-Life Books with text by Keith Bheeler, editor: Thomas H. Flaherty, Jr. £ other editors. 240 p. (The Old Best) Appl. au: Time-Life Books, Inc., employer for hire- NH: text- Time-Life Books, Inc-; 1bSep77; A902085-

A902086. Prelude to war- By Bobert I- Elson 6

the editors of Time-Life Books- 216 p-


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