Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/832

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4904031 - A90lt070
JUL-DEC. 1977

A901t030 (con.) center and routing module; reference manual, prella. ed. sheets. Burroughs Corporation: 5Sep77: »90t030.

i90<1031. B 1870/60 central systems technical manual, volume 2: Illustrated parts catalog. 35 p. Add. ti: B1870/60 central systems illustrated parts catalog. © Burroughs Corporation; 9Sep77; A90it031.

A90lta32. S 1000 eguipfflent reference manual. 11 p. (Burroughs publication change notice. PCH no. 1089224-005, Aug. 8, 1977) Pre». reg. A877205 6 others. NH: section 9. O Burroughs Corporation; 17Aug77; A9011032.

A901(033. Contractor business management system eguipment costs; reference manual. 1 v. Prev. reg. &812087. DM: revisions 6 updating. © Burroughs Corporation; 9Aug77: A904033.

A90II034. BHIS patient accounting terminal operator's manual: prelim, ed. 1 v. Burroughs Corporation; 9Sep77 ; A90l(03'l.

A90lt035. Dallas, OB, and others, 1977/78. Pacific Northnest Bell Telephone Company: 25Bay77: A90a035.

A90403e. Puyallup, BA, and others, 1977/78. O Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company: 23Aug77; A90i(036.

A901I037. Hoodburn, OB, and others, 1977/78. © Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company: 25Hay77; A90I4037.

A9a't038. Lane County, OH, 1977/78. © Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company; 13Jan77; A904038.

A904039. Pasco, B4, and others, 1977/78. © Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company: 31Aug77; A90i(039.

A90(t040. The Ball Street journal product manual. 212 p. Appl. au: David B. Dyer. Dow Jones and Company, Inc.; 1Jul77; A904040.

A9a4041. S and P group report: month ending September 30, 1977, week ending September 27, 1977. s and P group charts: month ending September 1977. 2 v. Appl. au: Halvin B. Boesch 6 Robert P. Sanna. © Quantitative Analysis Service: 20ct77; 4904041.

A904042. International market indices: week ending September 23, 1977. 18 p. Appl. au: Robert p. Sanna £ Malviu B. Boesch. O Quantitative 4nalysis Service; 26Sep77: A904042.

4904043. Weekly money market: week ending October 13, 1977. IS p. Appl. au: Halvin B. Boesch. e Quantitative Analysis Service; 140ct77; A904043.

A904044. Beekly money market: week ending September 29, 1977. 1 v. Appl. au: aalvin B. Boesch. © Quantitative Analysis Service; 30Sep77; 4904044.

A904045. Pull key list summary: month ending September 30, 1977, week ending September 27, 1977. Honthly charts: month ending September 30, 1977. 2 v. Appl. au: aalvin B. Boesch 6 Bobert P. Sanna. Quantitative Analysis Service; 20ct77; A904045.

A904046. llurfreesboro, TN, and others telephone directory, August 1977. © South Central Bell Telephone Company; 4Aug77: A904046.

A904047. New Orleans Best Bank telephone directory, November 1977. © South Central Bell Telephone Company; 50ct77; 4904047.

4904048. Fort Lauderdale and surrounding communities including separate listing sections for Hollywood, Pompano Beach and Deerfield Beach, PL, telephone directory, 1977-78. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company; 40ct77; A904048.

4904049. Pompano Beach, PL, and surrounding communities telephone directory, 1977-78. © Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company; 120ct77; 4904049.

4904050. Maryland suburban yellow pages, October 1977. © The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Maryland; 10ct77; A904050.

A904051. Bellsburg, Beech Bottom, Bethany, BV, telephone directory, October 1977. © The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Best Virginia; 10ct77; A904051.

A904052. Lancaster, PA, and nearby communities, October 1977. © The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania; 10ct77; A904052.

A904053. Fairmont, Fairview, Farmington, B¥, and others telephone directory, Octoljer 1977. The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Best Virginia; 10ct77; A904053.

A904aS4. Laurel, includes listings for nearby Berwyn, Catonsville, MD, and others telephone directory, October 1977. 6 The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Haryland; 10ct77; A904054.

A904055, Maryland suburban, Bashington met- ropolitan area white pages telephone directory, October 1977. © The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Haryland; 10ct77; A904055.

4904056. FSPEC: IMCS interactive manufacturing control system; order processing, inventory control, planning horizons, June 1977. 1 V. © NCH Corporation; 13Sep77; A904056.

A904057. Bruno haircutting the professional way. Illus. by Dany Simon, translated by Lynda Bobson. 125 p. Add. ti: Baircutting the professional way by Bruno. Appl. au: Harper and How, Publishers, Inc. Originally pub. as Couper les cheveux soi-aeme. © on English translation; Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc.; 2S4ug77; A904057.

4904058. The Theology of Hedicine: the political- philosophical foundations of medical ethics. By Thomas S. Szasz. 170 p. NH: adaptation, additional text, compilation & editorial selection. Thomas S. Szasz; 27Apr77; A904058.

A904059. Government and the news: institutions and conflicts. 32 p. 6 5 filmstrips in box. NH: filmstrips. © Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc.; 5Nov76; A904059.

A904060. Eric Sloane's Calendar for 1978. © Eric Sloane; 15Jul77; A904060.

A904061. Instructor's manual for Retailing, second edition. By Ralph Tedroin a.k.a. fi. Ted Bill 6 Ronald B. Hasty. 174 p. NH: additional text 6 revisions. © R. Ted Bill E Ronald B. Basty; 2GApr77; A904061.

A904062. Instructor's manual for The Earth in profile: a physical geography, by David Greenland and Harm J. De Blij. By Roger Hiller. 136 p. Add. ti: IH for The Earth in profile: a physical geography. © Roger Hiller; 1Jun77; A904062.

A904063. Involvement with music: teacher's guide and quizzes and tests. By Allen Binold, Eichard P. Delone £ Billiam B. Christ. 141 p. © Harper and Row, Publishers, Inc.; 29Dec75; A904063.

4904064. Solving problems in chemistry with emphasis on stoichiometry and equilibrium. By Bod O'Connor, Charles Hickey £ 41ton Hassell. 2nd ed. 458 p. © Bod O'Connor, Charles Hickey fi 41ton Hassell; 20Scp77; 4904064.

A904065. IBM 3803 tape control model 1 to model 2 and IBM 342 magnetic tape models 3 through 8; customer conversion guide. 3rd ed. 10 p. (Systems) © International Business Machines Corporation a.a. d.; IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 10Jan77; A904065.

4904066. Online student registration and accounting system: terminal users guide; program no.: 5796-ANB. 1 v. (Installed user program) © Billiam Rainey Harper College; 29Aug77; A904066.

A904067. »S Basic for VSPC: terminal user's guide: program no. 5748-XX1. 2nd ed. 117 p. (Program product) © International Business Machines Corporation a. a. d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 17Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A904067.

4904068. VS API for CHS: terminal user's guide; program no. 5748-AP1. 2nd ed. 135 p. (Program product) O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business flachines Corporation) ; 14Nov76; A904068.

A904069. IMS/VS version 1: installation guide; program no. 5740-XX2, release 1.2. 1 v. (Program product) © International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice; International Business Machines Corporation) ; 12Jul76; 4904069.

4904070. ys Basic CMS: terminal user's guide;

program no. 5748-XX1. 2nd ed. 124 p.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.