Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/857

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4905061 - A905097
JUL-DEC. 1977

1905060 (COD.) J. Whalen. 32 p. Add. ti: The Quakers. Pcev. pub. Id 1966 £ 1972. MB: reTisiODS. Claretian PublicatiODs; 25»pr77: A905060.

»905061. Piadioq Jesus throuqh the Bible. By Euqeoe La Vecdiece, uith Kenneth GueDtert. prefatocv poea by Bonaid Lulca. tO p. 1st appeared in Apr. 1977 issue of D.S. Catholic 6 others. N»: rev. 6 edited cOBpilatiOD. O Claretian Publications; lJun77: A905061.

A905062. Answers to roue questions about the Dev confession. By Joseph T. Nolan. 40 p. Claretian Publications; 1(tJan77; A905062.

A905063. Confession can chanqe your life. By Da>id H. Kniqht. 40 p. Claretian Publications: 23Har77; A905063.

A905061I. The Brannan saqa. By Kay Acchuletay drawinqs by Joe Seney. 116 p. O Kay Archuleta: 120ct77; A90506I1.

A905a65. Secoad chaDce. By Hildred V. Sanpler. 1 ». Hildred ». Sanpler; 200ct77; A905065.

A9a5066. Nothinq but the best Southern recipes; Hith metric Horkinq equivalents. By Kathleen Levis Sloan, Illustrated by Laura Letfis Sloan, art: Hary Lindsay Sloan & Laura Lewis Sloan. 140 p. NH: coa- pilation, illus. £ additions. O Kathleen lewis Sloan; 150ct77; A905066.

A905067. The Teaching of Christ: a Catholic catechisa for adults: study quide. Edited by Bonaid Lawler, Donald H. Uuerl & Tboaas Coaerford Lawler. 91 p. Bonaid Lawler, Donald a. Buerl G Thoaas Coaerford Lawler: 1Sep77: A905067.

A905068. You are ay witnesses: spirituality for reliqion teachers. By JohanDes Bofioqer. 112 p. Our SuDday Visitor. Inc.; 19Sep77: A905068.

A905069. The laaiqrant experience: faith* hope and the qolden door. By Edward 8akin«  foreword by Theodore H. Hesburgh. 132 p. O Our Sunday Visitor, Inc.; 1Sep77; A905069.

A905070. Journal of an itinerant artist. By Drew Baciqalupa. 176 p. MB: coapilatiOD & Dew text & pictorial aatter. Our Sunday visitor. Inc.; 27Sep77; A905070.

A905071. Counselinq the hoaosexual. By John fi. Cavanaqh, in theological collaboration with John F. Barvey. 352 p. Portions prev. pub. in Coujiselinq the invert. KB: coBpilation £ new £ updated text. Our Sunday Visitor, Inc.; 27Sep77: A905071.

A905072. Alcohol, its use, abuse and therapy: expert practical advice with Christian insiqhts. By Gerald Schoap. 208 p. Appl. states all new except chap. 17, which appeared in Saint Anthony aessenqer aaqazine. Our Sunday Visitor, Inc.; 27Sep77; A90S072.

A905073. Tou could not coae to ae, so I have coae to you; a salute to Pope Paul 6th. By Sussell Palaec. 100 p. NB: coapilation.

A905074. Papers concerninq fiobertson's Colony in Texas. Vol. 4: Bay through Oct. 10, 1630. Coapiled £ edited by Balcola Dallas BcLean. 626 p. NB: preliainary pages (p. 1-71) £ translations. The Oniversity of Texas at Arlington; 100ct77; A905074.

A905075. Leisure, and recreation: introduction and overview. By Clayne B. JeaseD. 295 p. Lea and Febiqer; 240ct77; A905075.

A905076. The Jewel handbook of developaent action plans. By iilliaa Fifield £ Benry D. Beyer. 125 p. O Jewel Coapanies, Inc.; 140ct77; A905076.

A905Q77. Annotated biblioqraphy of bioethics: selected 1976 titles. 91 p. O Infor- aation Planninq Associates, Idc. ; 30Auq77; A905077.

A905078. A Bioethical perspective on death and dyioq: suamaries of the literature, Juoe 1977. 88 p. Appl. au: Badeline B. Nevius. InforaatioB Piemninq Asso- ciates, Inc.; 30Aug77: A905078.

A905079. Bath H.E.L.P. test booklet. By Gary G. Bitter, Jon B. Eogelhardt £ Jaaes Niebe. 1 V. EBC corporation; 190ct77: A905079.

A90S080. Bath H.E.L.P.: hierarchical evaluation of learning proqress. By Gary G. Bitter, Jon B. Enqelhardt E Jaaes Hiebe. 282 p. EBC Corporation; 190ct77; A905080.

A905081. Poeas. Vol. 2. By Dorothy L. Bridges £ Annie A. Bhodes. 1 v. Dorothy L. Bridqes £ Annie A. Ehodes; 260ct77: A905081.

A905082. The Bagic of cash (a cash buyer's quide) By D. Frank Ball. 30 p. 0. Frank Hall, owner, Heqapress; 240ct77; A905082.

A905083. tho the hell did he think he was (a psycholoqical study of the huaan nature of Jesus of Nazareth) By Hilliaa E. Lynch- 113 p. O Iilliaa E. Lynch; 10ct77; A905083.

A905084. Two in the toy box: a handbook for Bothers and fathers of twins. 24 p. North Dallas Bothers of Bultiples; 29JU177; A905084.

A905085. Paul's letters for the averaqe reader. By Luther S. Cross. 109 p Lather S. Cross; 11NOV76; A905085.

A905086. Aqostinelli's Quick- learn systes for saxophone. By Joseph Agostinelli. 32 p. O Joseph Aqostinelli; 200ct77; A905086.

A905087. EBISA coapliance quide, October 1977. Sheets. Alexander and Alexander, Inc. ; 140ct77: A905087.

A90508e. Systeas Inteqration and Optical Design, 2; another look. Editor: Stanley Seferaat. 128 p. (Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instruaeotation Enqineers, vol. 103) Held Apr. 18-21, 1977, Beston, VA. Appl. au: Society of Photo-Optical Instruaentation Engineers. Society of Photo-Optical Instruaentation Enqineers; 10AU977: A905088.

A9050e9. Bultidisciplinary Bicroscopy. Editor: Bobert L. Bhitaan. 136 p. (Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Ins- truaentation Engineers, vol. 104) Held Apr. 18-21, 1977, Beston, VA. Appl. au: Society of Photo-Optical Instruaentation Engineers. O Society of Photo-OpticeQ. Instruaentation Engineers; 25AU977; A905089.

A90S090. Far Infrared Subailliaeter Have; technology/applications. Editors: Thoaas S. Hartwlck £ Dean T. Hodges. 120 p. (Proceedings of the Society of Photo- Optical Instruaentation Engineers, vol. 105) Held Apr. 18-21, 1977, Beston, VA. Appl. au: Society of Photo-Optical Instruaentation Engineers. Society of Photo-Optical Instruaentation Enqineers; 26Auq77; A90S090.

A905091. I-fiay laaginq. Editors: Bichard C. Chase G Glenn B. Kuswa. 208 p. (Proceedings of the Society of Photo- Optical Instruaentation Engineers, vol. 106) Held Apr. 18-21, 1977, Beston, VA. Appl. au: Society of Photo-Optical Instruaentation Engineers. Society of Photo-Optical Instruaentation Engineers; 29Aug77; A905091.

A905092. Optics in Security and Law Enforceaent. Editors: Sol Nudelaan, Joseph C. Bichaond £ Charles B. Freeaan. 154 p. (Pro- ceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instruaentation Engineers, vol. 108) Held Apr. 18-21, 1977, Beston, VA. Appl. au: Society of Photo-Optical Instruaentation Engineers. Society of Photo-Optical Instruaentation Engineers; 2asep77; A905092.

A905093. Developaents in Seaiconductor Bic- rolithography 2. Editors: Jaaes B. Giffin £ Bruce Buff. 176 p. (Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instruaentation Enqineers, vol. 100) Held Apr. 4-5, 1977, San Jose, CA. Appl. au: Society of Photo-Optical InstruaentatioD EDgiDeers. Society of Photo-Optical Instruaentation Engineers; 8Auq77; A905093.

A90S094. Airborne fieconnaissance; tactical/real tiae. Editors: Theodore C. Freitag 6 Edgar B. Frasfaer. 144 p. (Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instru- aentation Enqineers, vol. 101) Held Apr. 18-21, 1977, Beston, VA. Appl. au: Society of Photo-Optical Instruaentation Enqineers. O Society of Photo-Optical Instruaentation Enqineers; 8Aug77; A905094.

A905095. Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on High Speed Photography (Photonics) SPIE vol. 97. Edited by Bartin C. Bichardson. 573 p. O Society of Photo-Optical Instruaentation Enqineers: 14Sep77; A905095.

A905096. A Better world. By Hedley Noraan Bendez. 31 p. Hedley Noraan Bendez; 5Jal77; A905096.

A905097. Songs of the sun and aoods of the aoon. By Parvati, pseud, of Linda Diane Toung, illus. by Shanti Araa. 96 p. O Linda

Diane young; 11Jnl77: A905097.


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