Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/878

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A905930 - A905968
JUL-DEC. 1977

A905930. lavestigat ing school mathematics; student ed. £ teacher's ed. Gcade 2. By Bobert E. Eicholz, Phares G. O'Daffer 6 Cliarles R- Fleenor, collaborator, teacher's ed.: Theresa Burke. 2nd ed. 2 V. 6 Addison-Hesley Publishinq Company, Inc.; 2Jan76; 4905930.

A905931. Teacher's edition to accompany Investiqatinq school mathematics. Grade It. By Robert E. Eicholz, Phares G. O'Daffer & Charles B. Fleenor, colla- borator, teacher's ed- ; Theresa Burke. 2na ed. 355 p. 6 Addison-Iesley Publishinq Company, Inc. ; 2Jan76; A905931.

A905932. Stem science: space, time, enerqy, matter. By Verne N. Rockcastle, Frank a. Salamon. Victor E. Schmidt 6 Betty J. He Kniqht. Utt p. Addison-Besley Publishinq Company, Inc.; 19Aug77; A905932.

A905933. Stem science: space, time, energy, matter. By Verne N- Rockcastle, Prank R. Salamon, Victor E. Schmidt 6 Betty J. He Kniqht. 175 p. Addison-Besley Publishinq Company, Inc. ; 1Sep77; A905933.

A905934. Mutual ministry: nen vitality for the local church. By James C. Fenhagen. 1U7 p. 9 The Seabury Press, Inc.; 16llay77; A905934.

1905935. To die and to live: Christ's resur- rection and Christian vocation- By Paul Sevier Minear. 162 p. e The Seabury Press. Inc.; 12Sep77: A905935.

A905936. neditations on the sacraments- By Karl fiahner- 105 p. Pub. originally under the title Die siebenfaltige Gabe; the chapters in this book were translated £ prev. pub. separately in booklet form. 6 on this ed. S arr. ; The Seabury Press, Inc.; 27Jun77; A905936.

A905937. Is anybody up there? Santa Claus, flyinq saucers and God. By Donald Barnhouse. 123 p- O The Seabury Press, Inc.; 13Jun77; A905937.

A905938. Dialoques in metapsychiatry. By Thomas Bora. 238 p. The Seabury Press, Inc.; 12Sep77: A905938.

A905939- Eristential metapsychiatry- By Thomas Hora. 236 p- d The Seabury Press* Inc- ; 6Jun77; A905939-

A9059140. Alcoholic priests: a sociological study. By Andrew A- Sorensen. 181 p. 6 The Seabury Press, Inc.; 21llar77 (in notice: 1976) ; A905940.

A905941. The Mary myth: on the femininity of God. By Andrew S. Greeley. 229 p. The Seabury Press, Inc.; 2311ay77; A905941.

A9059112. The Irrational season. By Madeleine L'Enqle iMadeleine L'Enqle Franklin) 215 p. e CrossHicks Ltd.; 23Feb77; A905942.

A9059a3. Ritual, play, and performance: readings in the social sciences/theatre- Edited by Richard Schechner & Mady Schuman- 230 p. NH: introd. , introductory notes for each of five sections, bibliography, 6 compilation. @ Richard Schechner & Mady Schuman; 7aar77 {in notice: 1976) ; A90591t3-

A905944- Apocalypse: the Book of Revelation- By Jacques Ellul, translated by George N. Schreiner. Oriqinal ti. : L' Apocalypse: architecture en mouvement. Q on English translation; The Seabury Press, Inc.; 27Jun77: A9059ait.

A9059U5. A Book of parables. By Daniel Berriqan. 149 p. The Seabury Press, Inc.; 30May77; A905945.

A905946. Catholic theoloqy in the nineteenth century: the quest for a unitary method. By Gerald A. HcCool. 300 p- 6 The Seabury Press, Inc.; BAug77; A905946.

A905947. Homosexuality: a symbolic confusion. By Ruth Tiffany Barnhouse. 190 p. e The Seabury Press, Inc.; 12Sep77; A905947.

A905948- Reaping the whirlwind; a Christian interpretation of history- By Langdon Brown Gilkey. 446 p- O The Seabury Press, Inc. ; 23Hay77 (in notice: 1976) ; A905948.

A905949- Mehinaku; the drama of daily life in a Brazilian Indian village. By Thomas Gregor- 382 p. (1 The University of Chicago; 25Jul77; A905949.

A905950- Behind the Hall of respect: community experiments in heroin addiction control- By Patrick H. Huqhes with a foreword by Daniel X. Freedman. 162 p. Appl. states all new except for portions of chap. 2-8, which have been prev. pub. in rev. form. e The University of Chicago; 12Jul77: A905950.

A905951. Ancient Mesopotamia: portrait of a dead civilization- By A. Leo Oppenheia, editor; Erica Reiner, revisor of appendix: John Brinkman. Rev. ed. completed by Erica Reiner. 445 p. NM: pref., revisions fi new maps. 9 The Oniversity of Chicaqo; 25Jul77; A905951.

A905952. Too much of a good thing. By John Hanbury Angus Sparrow- 92 p- Appl- states all new except essay on Liberty which has been prev. pub- Q The Oniversity of Chicago; 9Aug77; A905952.

A905953- Four postwar American novelists: Bellow, Mailer, Earth and Pynchon. By Frank D. McConnell. 206 p. e The Oniversity of Chicago; 21Jun77; A905953.

A905954. Robert Delaviqnette on the French empire; selected writings. Edited by Hilliam B. Cohen with the assistance of Adelle Rosenzweig, selections translated by Camille Garnier. 148 p. (Studies in imperialism. Editor: Robin R. Uinks) Appl. au: University of Chicago, employer for hire of translation. SM: series editor's pref-, pref-, introd., tran- slation, editorial apparatus, compilation 6 introd- to each chapter- 9 The Oniversity of Chicago; 27Auq77; A905954-

A905955- Laws of the Alamans and Bavarians- Translated, with an introd., by Theodore John Rivers. 203 p. KM: Enqlish translation, introd., nates, qlossary, bibliography e index. © Oniversity of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.; 70ct77; A905955-

A905956. Mountain, field, and family: the economy and human ecology of an Andean valley. By Stephen B. Brush. 199 p. 9 Stephen B. Brush; 70ct77; A905956.

A905957. Veterinary acupuncture. By Alan H. Klide 6 Shiu U. Kunq. 297 p. Appl. states all new except p. 81-87, 224-225, 230-231, 118-119 6 fiqures 2-26, 3-8 to 3-10, 3-11, 3-13 to 3-78, 3-108 to 3-116 6 6-1 to 6-4. e Alan M. Klide 6 Shiu H. Rung; 70ct77; A905957.

A905958. Apostles into terrorists; women and the revolutionary movement in the Russia of Alexander 2. By Vera Broido, pseud, of Vera Cohn. 238 p. 6 Vera Cohn; 26Sep77; A905958.

A905959. Chinese shadows. By Simon Leys. 220 p. Appl. au: Viking Penguin, Inc- Prev. pub. as Ombres Chinoises. NM: translation excluding excerpts pub. in Saturday review & New York review of books. 9 Viking Penguin, Inc.; 1SSep77: A905959.

A905960- Houseboat days. Poems by John Ashbery. 88 p- Some poems prev. pub. in American poetry review & others. NM: additions, selection & compilation. 9 John Ashbery; 19Sep77: A905960.

A905961. Anti-Oedipus; capitalism and schi- zophrenia. By allies Deleuze e Felix Guattari. 400 p. Appl. au: Viking Penquin, Inc. Prev. pub. as L'Anti- Oedipe. 9 on translation; Viking Penguin, Inc.; 16Sep77; A905961.

A905962. Time bomb. By James D. Atwater. 239 p. 9 James D. Atwater; 28Sep77; A905962.

A905963. Dim memories of a Polish Jew born in France. By Pierre Goldman, translated by Joan Pinkham. 231 p. Appl. au: Viking Penguin, Inc. Prev. pub. as Souvenirs obscurs d'un Juif Polonais ne en France. NM: publisher's note, publisher's epilogue G translation. 9 Viking Penguin, Inc. ; 20Sep77; A905963.

A905964. Juan the landless. By Juan Goytisolo, translated from the Spanish by Helen B. Lane. 268 p. Appl. au: Viking Penguin, Inc. Prev. pub. as Juan sin tierra. NM: translation except for short excerpt prev. pub- in American poetry review- © Viking Penguin, Inc-; 13Sep77; A905964-

A905965. Sums: a looking game- By Diane Vreuls- 1 V- 9 Diane Vreuls; 12Sep77; A905965.

A905966. The Animal factory. By Edward Bunker. 202 p. e Edward Banker; 27Sep77; A905966.

A905967. Technical representatives general service guide, 600P81878, August 1977. Prepared by National Service Operations, National Service and Distribution, Information Systems Group, Xerox corporation- 1 v. Appl. au: Xerox Corporation. 9 Xerox corporation;

8Sep77; A905967.


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