Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/911

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A90720a - 4907245
JUL-DEC. 1977

6907203 (con.) for Hoaeo. Appl. au: HoaeD Aqainst fiape. e Soaeo Aqainst Eape; 25Jttl77; i907203.

A90720lt. A Child with ayelodrsplasia. 12 p. APpl. au: Departaent of Public Belations, employer toe hire of Jennifer C. uilcox. O The Children's Hospital Medical center; 10ct77: A90720't.

A907205. Santa Fe salutes; Santa Fe Festival of the Arts, Oct. 7-22, 1977. 59 p. ippl. au: Linda aonacelli. The Santa Fe Chaaber Foundation; 7oct77; A907205.

4907206. Quality control and performance appraisal. vol. 3. A reader consisting of eight articles especially selected by The Journal of Nursinq Administration editorial staff. 41 p. US: compilation of prev. pub. articles. Conteaporary Publishinq, Inc.; 10sep77; A907206.

4907207. staff developaent. Vol. 2. A reader consisting of seventeen articles especially selected by The Journal of Hursinq 4dainistration editorial staff. 61 p. tm: coapilation of prev. pub. articles. O Contemporary Publishinq, Inc.: 10Sep77; 4907207.

4907208. Bead — understand — reaeaber. By Byron E. Chapaan. Louis Schulz, Kent L. Copeaan & Catherine Schulz. 91 p. (The Hott basic lanquaqe skills proqram, coapreheosion series, book 304) NH: editorial revisions e additional text, e Allied Education Council; 150ct77: A907208.

4907209. Compare 77. 2Dd ed. 29 p. O Eaton Corporation, Industrial Truck Division: 170ct77: 4907209.

4907210. Coapare 77- 26 p. Eaton Corporation* Industrial Truck Division; 7Sep77; 4907210.

4907211. The Kid's party book. Written by Patricia Barrett 6 aoseaary Dalton, spot illus. by Patricia Barrett, full paqe art by younq artists. 177 p. O Nitty Gritty Productions; 20Oct77: 4907211.

4907212. Pressure cookinq. By 4lBa Payne Ralston, illustrated by Hike nelson. 183 p. O Nitty Gritty Productions; 20Oct77; A907212.

A907213. Split-a-aillion. 14 p. Appl. au: Gary florano. NH: editorial revision £ additional text. C Gary Horano; 2llov76; 4907213.

A907214. Basketry ao«. Author: Paa Houk, photoqraphy: Andrea ncKinney, illus.: 41eta Jenks. 31 p. Appl. au: Taurus Publications. Taurus Publications; 27Sep77: A907214.

4907215. Guns illustrated, 1978. Edited by Barold A. nurtz e the editors of Gun diqest. 10th ed. 288 p. Appl. au: DBI Books, Inc. e DBI Books, Inc. (in notice: DBI Books, Inc., a subsidiary of Technical Publishinq Coapany): 29Sep77; A907215.

4907216. The Soaatic eye chart. By Stratton C. Morrell. Sheets. Stratton C. Nurrell; 260ct77; 4907216.

4907217. Balanced occlusion for coaplete dentures. By Frank Joseph iiebelt. 40 p. 6 Frank Joseph aiebelt; 294uq77: 4907217.

A907218. Annotated bibliography on alcohol fuels. By Scott Sklar. 17 p. Scott Sklar; 25Sep77; A907218.

4907219. The Doctrine of the church in the life and work of Fredrik fcanson. By Edvard Torjesen. 26 p. O The Evanqelical Alliance Hission (TEAS); 130ct77; A907219.

4907220. PVac/HPC task group on fracture toughness properties for nuclear components; final report. 292 p. 4ppl. au: Various committee members of fletal Properties Council, Inc. 6 Melding Besearch Council. O Helding fiesearch Council; 200ct77; A907220.

A907221. Association of College and Oniverslty Auditors, twentieth annual conference; proceedings, Florida Technological Bniversity, Orlando, FL, Sept. 26-29, 1976. 295 p. o 4ssociation of College and Dniversity Auditors; 18Aug77; A907221.

A907222. Guinness book of extraordinary exploits. By Horris HcWhirter 8 Boss HcBhirter, editor: David 4. Boeha, illustrated by Kenneth Laager. 96 p. Based on the Guinness book of world records, 1976. HH: illus., editing 6 adaptations. Sterling Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 30ct77; A907222.

4907223. Begin bridge with Beese. By Terence Reese. 128 p. O Sterling Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 50ct77; A907223.

A907224. V.J.M.yJ. — viva Jesus, Haria y Jose; a celebration of the birth of Jesus; Hexican folk art and toys from the collection of Robert K. tinn. Foreword by Everett H. Jones, photographs by Michael J. Smith. 1 V. Appl. au: Robert K. Hinn. O Robert K. Uinn; 210ct77; 4907224.

A907225. Texas Instruments; research bulletin, Oct. 1977. 10 p. Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corporation; 100ct77; 4907225.

A907226. The Banking industry; outlook for losses and provision for losses; research bulletin, Sept. 1977. Folder. C Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corporation; 16Sep77; 4907226.

A907227. The Banking Industry: outlook for net interest spread; research bulletin, Sept. 1977. 6 p. O Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corporation; 16Sep77; A907227.

A907228. Stauffer Chemical; research bulletin* Sept. 1977. 11 p. O Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corporation; 27Sep77; 4907228.

4907229. Standard of California; research bulletin, Sept. 1977. 11 p. Donaldson. Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corpo- ration; 30Sep77; 4907229.

4907230. DLJ quarterly steel forecast; research outlook, Sept. 1977. p. S401-S417. Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corporation; 30Sep77; 4907230.

A907231. Telecom aunications industry; research outlook, Sept. 1977. p. T101-T111. O Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corporation; 50ct77; 4907231.

4907232. DLJ electric utility quarterly; research outlook, Oct. 1977. p. E401-E410. Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corporation; 50ct77; A907232.

A907233. Broadcasting industry review; research outlook, Oct. 1977. p. B501-B537. Donaldson. Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corporation; 140ct77; A907233.

A907234. The Banking industry: the outlook for bank loan deaand; research bulletin, Oct. 1977. 23 p. Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corporation; 7oct77; 4907234.

4907235. The Prospect for interest rates in 1977: 4; research notes, Sept. 30, 1977. 5 p. (Beading the political ecoooay, no. 5) F. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 30Sep77; A907235.

A907236. Procter and Gamble Company; research notes, Aug. 30, 1977. 10 p. P. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 30Aug77; 4907236.

4907237. Lance's resignation; research notes. Sept. 22, 1977. By Hilliaa H. Janeway. 7 p. (Beading the political economy, no. 4) Appl. au: F. Eberstadt and Company, Inc. F. Eberstadt and Company. Inc. ; 22Sep77; 4907237.

4907238. ICL; research notes, Sept. 16. 1977. 7 p. O F. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 16Sep77: 4907238.

4907239. Pet food trends; industry coament. Sept. 12, 1977. 13 p. C f. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 12Sep77; 4907239.

A907240. Current opinions and earnings estimates; Sept. 8, 1977. 15 p. O F. Eberstadt and Coapany, Inc.; 8Sep77; A907240.

A907241. Ready-to-eat cereal trends; industry coaaent, Sept. 7, 1977. 11 p. F. Eberstadt and Coopany, Inc.; 7Sep77; A907241.

4907242. Perspective on the oil "glut"; industry coaaent, Sept. 7, 1977. 10 p. 8 F. Eberstadt and Cofflpany, Inc, ; 7Sep77; 4907242.

4907243. Schluaberger, Ltd.; research notes. Sept. 6. 1977. 3 p. OF. Eberstadt and Company. Inc.; 6Sep77: 4907243.

4907244. Kraft, Inc.; coapany coaaent. Sept. 2, 1977. 41 p. C F. Eberstadt and Company. Inc. ; 2Sep77; 4907244.


Ready-to-eat cereal trends; industry


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