Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/918

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4907472 - A907510
JUL-DEC. 1977

4907471 (con.) boration with its Publications Systems Department. 2744 p. Appl. au: £. B. Bovker conpany. 3 Xerox Corporation; 2311ay75: &907471.

4907472. The First relationship: mother and infant. By Daniel N. stern. 149 p. Add. ti: The First relationship: infant and mother. e Daniel Stern; 140ct77: 4907472.

4907473. The Victorian critic and the idea of history: Carlyle, 4rnold« Pater. By Peter 411an Dale. 295 p. 9 The President and Fellons of Harvard Colleqe; 190ct77: A907473.

4907474. The Broken wave: the Chinese Communist peasant movement, 1922-1928. By Boy HofheinZf Jr. 355 p. (Harvard East 4sian series, 90) Q The President and Fellows of Harvard Colleqe; 28Sep77; A907474.

A907475. Modern quality control. By Glenn E. Hayes S Harry G. Bomiq. 849 p. Appl. states all new except for scattered quotations & 25 illus. € Benziqer Bruce and Glencoe, Inc.; 24Jun77; 4^07475.

4907476. How to desiqn and build a fireplace. By Stanley Schuler. 180 p. 4ppl. states all new except 6 illus. e Stanley Schuler; 29Auq77; A907476.

A907477. The Hood-burninq stove book. By Geri Harrinqton. 175 p. Appl. states all new except 25 illus. G Geri Harrinqton; 27Sep77; A907477.

A907478. The Art of photoqraphy. By Shirley Glubok (Shirley Glubok Tamarin) 48 p. NH: text & compilation of illus. @ Shirley Glubok (pseud, of Shirley Glubok Tamarin) ; 26Sep77; A907478.

A907479. The Theory of the photoqraphic process. 4th ed. , edited by Thomas Howard James C other editors. 714 p. Appl. au: Eastman Kodak Company. @ Macmillan Publishinq company. Inc.; 25Jul77: A907479.

A907480. Hillaby. By Bachel Isadora (Bachel Isadora Asquith-Hite) 1 v. 6 Bachel Isadora (pseud, of Bachel Isadora Asquith-Hite); 1Auq77; A907480.

A907481. The Luciano proiect: the secret wartime collaboration of the Mafia and the D.S. Navy. By Bodney Campbell. 299 p. e Bodney Campbell; 30Sep77; A907481.

A907482. Productivity in service orqanizations: orqanlzinq for people. By Herbert Heaton. 233 p. 9 HcGraw-Hill, Inc.; 50ct77; A907482.

4907483. The Power of positive nonsense. By Leo Calvin Bosten. 237 p. Leo Bosten; 50ct77: 4907483.

A907484. Professional telephone surveys. By Albert Breneman Blankenship; 244 p. 6 A. B. Blankenship; 180ct77: A9a7484.

A907485. The Life and death of Trotsky. By Pierre Stephen Bobert Payne. 498 p- e Bobert Payne; 30Sep77; A907485.

A907486. Hechanics of particulate media: a probabilistic approach. By Milton Edward Harr. 543 p. McGraw-Hill, Inc.; 22Sep77; A907486.

4907487. Enqineerinq economy: a manager's guide to economic decision making. Issued by American Telephone and Telegraph company. Construction Plans Department. 3rd ed. 516 p. Add. ti: AT and T engineering economy. Appl. au: American Telephone and Telegraph Company. 9 American Telephone and Telegraph Company; 130ct77; A907487.

4907488. Space behavior and design. By Hai-fah Chen S Toshio Atsuta. 732 p. (Theory of beam-columns, vol. 2) 9 McGraw-Hill, Inc.; 50ct77; A90748a.

A907489. Ose your head to get ahead! with Kreskin's Mind power book. By Kreskin, illus. by Edine Podell. 212 p. C on text; Kreskin & fieda Productions; 130ct77; A907489.

A907490. Use your head to get ahead! with Kreskin *s Mind power book. By Kreskin, illus. by Edine Podell. 212 p. 6 on illus.; Edine Podell; 130ct77; A907490.

4907491. Newark: chronological and documentary history, 1666-1970. Compiled 6 edited by 4rnold S. Bice. 152 p. 9 Oceana Publications. Inc.; 15Sep77; A907491.

A907492. Name and subject index to The Pre- sidential chronology series: from George Bashington to Gerald E. Ford. Edited by Bonald Gibson. 141 p. 9 Oceana Publications, Inc.; 30Sep77; A907492.

A907493. The Paralegal profession: a career guide. By Neil T. Shayne. 233 p. 6 Neil T. Shayne; 1Aug77; 4907493.

A907494. Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy, and treaties concluded by the Confederate States with Indian tribes. Edited by Bonald V. Gibson. 205 p. NM: chronology & selected documents. 3 Oceana Pub- lications, Inc.; 30Sep77; A907494.

A907495. The Sale catalogues of British Government publications, 1836-1921. Vol. 3: 1901-1911. 1 V. Appl. au: HMSO (Her Britannic Majesty's Stationary's (i.e. Stationery) Office) Prev. pub. 1901-1911. NM: introd. 9 Oceana Publications, Inc.; 15JU177; A907495.

A907496. The Sale catalogues of British Government publications, 1336-1921. Vol. 4: 1912-1921. 1 V. Appl. au: HMSO (Her Britannic Majesty's Stationary's (i.e. Stationery) Office) Prev. pub. 1912-1921. NM: introd. 9 Oceana Publications. Inc.; 8Aug77; A907496.

A907497. Professional responsibility of the lawyer: the murky divide between right and wrong. Edited by Nina Moore Galston. 815 p. NM: arr., index, bibliography & annotations. 9 The Association of the Bar of the City of New york; 30Sep77; A907497.

A907498. France: a chronology and fact book, 1589-1974. Compiled 6 edited by Bobert I. Vexler. 183 p. NMi compilation, chronology, bibliography, index & head notes to documents. 9 Oceana Publi- cations, Inc.; 30Sep77; A907498.

A907499. Austria: a chronology and fact book, 1437-1973. Compiled 6 edited by Bobert I. Vexler. 154 p. NM: compilation, chronology, bibliography, index S head notes to documents. © Oceana Publi- cations, Inc.; 30Sep77; A907499.

A907500. Scandinavia: Denmark. Norway, Sweden — a chronology and fact book, 1319-1974. Compiled £ edited by Bobert I. Vexler. 185 p. NM: compilation, chronology, bibliography, index £ head notes to documents. 9 Oceana Publications, Inc.; 30Sep77; 4907500.

A907501. A Collection of international con- cessions and related instruments. Vol. 5. Edited E annotated by Peter F. Fischer. 495 p. English, Latin, German £ others. NM: compilation, introductory notes to each agreement, pref., foreword £ introd. 9 Oceana Publications, Inc.; 21Jul77; A907501.

A907502. New directions in international trade law; acts and proceedings of the 2nd Congress on Private Law held by the International Institute for the Uni- fication of Private Law, Bome, Sept. 9-15, 1976. Vol. 1-2. English fi French. 9 Oceana Publications, Inc.; 120ct77; A907502.

A907503. Bobert Frost: the work of knowing. By Bichard Poirier. 322 p. 9 Oxford Oniversity Press, Inc.; 130ct77; A907503.

A907504. The Puritan way of death: a study in religion, culture and social change. By David E. Stannard. 236 p. Appl. states all new except prev. pub. versions of chap. 2-3 £ several illus. 9 Oxford Oniversity Press, Inc.; 130ct77; A907504.

A907505. Implicit psychology: an introduction to social cognition. By J)aniel M- Hegner £ Bobin B. Vallacher. 326 p. 9 Oxford Oniversity Press, Inc.; 200ct77; A907505.

A907 506. Many dimensional man. By James Ogilvy. 372 p. 9 Oxford University Press, Inc.; 130ct77; A907506.

A907507. Images of the Ohio Valley; a historical geography of travel, 1740-1860. By John A. Jakle, cartographer: Miklos Pinther. 217 p. © Oxford Oniversity Press, Inc.; 200ct77: 4907507.

4907508. Literature as opera. By Gary Sch- midgall. 431 p. 6 Oxford Oniversity Press, Inc.; 130ct77; A907508.

A907509. 800 miles to Valdez: the building of the Alaska pipeline. By James P. fioscow. 227 p. Portions prev. pub. in Banking & others. 9 James P. Boscow; 14Sep77; 4907509.

A907510. Psychic telemetry: new key to health, wealth and perfect living. By Bobert A. Ferguson. 207 p. © Parker Publishing

company. Inc.; 120ct77; A907510.


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