Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/920

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1907550 - 4907591
JUL-DEC. 1977

4907550. The Dark design; the third novel in the Biverworld series. By Philip Jose Farmer. i»12 p. 6 Philip Jose Farmer; 30ct77; 4907550.

4907551. Skirmish: the great short fiction of Clifford D. Simak. 320 p. NH: foreword S compilation of prev. pub. short stories. e Clifford D. Simak; 70ct77; 4907551.

4907552. The Dosadi experiment. By Frank Herbert. 336 p. 6 Frank Herbert: 12Sep77; 4907552.

4907553. The Literary cat. Edited £ illustrated by Jean-Claude Suares 6 Seymour Chuast, text compiled by William £. Maloney, associate editor: Emily Blair chewninq. 127 p. NN: additional illus., compilation of text E some illus. S Push Pin Press; 200ct77: 4907553.

4907551. How to sell your way into your own business* with little or no capital. By Edwin E. Bobrow. 112 p. 4ppl. au: Sales Builders Division of Sales and Marketing Hanaqement. Prev. pub. as How to make biq money as an independent agent. NH: revised version of original manuscript with updating & additions. Q Bill Communications, Inc.; 26Sep77; 4907551.

4907555. Mario's. By Howard L. Perry. 282 p. 4ccofflpanied by cover illus, req. K126797. 4ppl. states all new except cover illus- e H. L. Perry; 20Sep77: 4907555.

4907556. Be two. By William Hoolfolk. 318 p. 4ccompanied by cover illus., req. K1 26798. 4ppl. states all new except cover illus. William Woolfolk; 10ct77: 4907556.

4907557. Rod McKuen: concerto for balloon and orchestra and three overtures. Record iacket. 4ccompanied by sound recording, req. Nieeso. e Stanyan Record Company; 2Jun77; 4907557.

4907558. Slide easy in. Record jacket, 4ccompanied by sound recording, reg. N16681. € Discus Record Company; 10Jun77; 4907558.

4907559. Introduction to statistics and statistical diagrams; workbook. 4uthor: Ruth Pritchard, science/mathematics editor for CSC Media: Brian Howard, science/- mathematics editor for Prentice-Hall Media, Inc.: Lottie E. Mackay. 13 p. (Statistics, ser. 910, program 9 11) Accompanied by sound recording, req. N46683, C slides 6 filmstrip, req. JP20a33. e Prentice-aall Media, Inc.; 20Jan77 (in notice: 1978); 4907559.

4907560. The Blue Book of Washington, D.C. , 1978; Elite Register. 512 p. Add. ti: The Washington, D.C. Blue Book. Appl. au: 4nne C. Feeney. 6 Washington Services; 70ct77: 4907560.

4907561. Diaries throuqh war and peace; one life in two worlds. Pt. 16 2. By Alexis Lawrence Romanoff. 217 p. 41exis Lawrence Romanoff; 26Sep77: 4907561.

A907562. Hokus pokus: rope and scarf tricks. By lb permin, translated by Katherine Lunt Fluqer, drawings by Guy Brison-Stack, editor: David 4. Boehm. 72 p. Prev. pub. under the title Den Store tryllebog. NM: new drawings, adaptation S substantial editorial revisions. © sterling Publishing Company, Inc. ; 20oct77; 4907562.

4907563. Computer security. By John Millar Carroll. 400 p. S Security World Publishing Company, Inc.; 140ct77; A907563.

A90756l(. The Missile defense controversy: strategy, technology and politics, 1955-1972. By Ernest J. Yanarella. 236 p. © The University Press of Kentucky; 130ct77; 4907564.

A907565. Yoga for people over fifty. By Suza Norton. 158 p. a Suza Morton; 27Sep77; A907565.

4907566. The Save-your-life defense handbook. By Matthew Braun. 189 p. 3 Matthew Braun; 70ct77; 4907566.

4907567. 4 Guide to the pronunciation of Texas towns. Compiled by George M. Stokes. 141 p. O George M. stokes; 30Sep77; A907567.

4907568. Cumulative series index for CBC handbook of biochemistry and molecular biology, third edition. Editor: Gerald D. Fasman. 295 p. 4ppl. au: CHC Press, Inc. NM: compilation, editorial revision G new text. CRC Press, Inc.; 260ct77; 4907568.

4907569. The Essex Institute historical collections: name, place and subject index of volumes 86 to 105, 1950-1969. Compiler: Virginia L. Close, foreword by Bryant F. Tolles, Jr. 198 p. 4dd. ti: Index: Essex Institute historical collections, volumes 36 to 105, 1950-1969. e The Essex Institute; 15Sep77; A907569.

4907570. The Epidemiology of prematurity. Edited by Dwayne M. Reed £ Fiona J. Stanley. 370 p. © Urban and Schwarzenberq, Inc. ; 250ct77: 4907570.

4907571. Earthquakes: cause, prediction and control. By James Henderson Tatsch. 451 p. e James Henderson Tatsch; 270ct77; 4907571.

4907572. Demon of Padeuq. By Olivine Nadeau Bohner. 143 p. Southern Publishing 4ssociation; 20Oct77; 4907572.

A907573. God's hand in my life. Compiled by Lawrence T. Geraty. 128 p. e Sonthcrn Publishing Association; 180ct77; 4907573.

4907574. Be more than you are: a guide to confident living. By Don Polston. 159 p. e Harvest House Publishers; 1Aug77; A907574.

A907575. Parents: give your kid a chance. By Ken Poure with Dave Stoop. 158 p. @ Harvest House Publishers; 10ct77; A907575.

4907576. In-laws, outlaws, building better relationships. By Norman Wright. 159 p, e Harvest House Publishers; 150ct77; 4907576.

4907577. Is there life after death? By John Weldon £ Zola Levitt. 148 p. © Harvest House Publishers; 1Sep77; 4907577.

4907578. Toga: beginners and advanced beginners. 69 p. 4ppl. au: Jean M. willard. Jean M. Willard; 12Scp77; 4907578.

4907579. Sapphire's second set of soul secrets. By Carolyn Jetter Greene, illus. rendered by Don c. Eaton. 1 v. Carolyn Jetter Greene; 2BOct77; 4907579.

4907580. cosmic trigger; final secret of the Illuminati. By Robert 4nton Wilson, illustrated by John Thompson. 269 p. Add. ti: Robert Anton Wilson's Cosmic trigger: final secret of the Illuminati. 9 Robert Anton Wilson; 28Sep77; 4907580.

A907581. The Dally planet almanac, 1978. Editor: Terry A. fieim, graphics: Kim Long. 192 p- e Terry A. Reim; 30ct77; A907581.

4907582. Marijuana potency. By Michael starks. 174 p. 4ppendix prev. pub. in Psychedelic chemistry, 1973. 6 Michael Starks; 30ct77; 4907582.

4907583. Days of judgment, days of joy. Edited with English renderings by William H. Feyer. 1 v. English 6 Hebrew. NH: translation, arr., editorial revision £ some original material. Q William H. Feyer; 12Sep77; A907583.

A907584. Baseball, I gave you all the best years of my life. Editors: Kevin Kerrane £ Richard Grossinger. 399 p. 60% prev. pub. in other books £ periodicals. NM: compilation £ 40*. Richard Grossinger; 150ct77; A907584.

A907585. The Book of miso. By Uilliao Shurtleff & Akiko Aoyagi, illustrated by 4kiko 4oyagi. 254 p. C William Shurtleff G Akiko Aoyagi; 1Cct76; A907585.

A907586. The Book of kudzu, a culinary and healing guide. By William Shurtleff G Akiko Aoyagi, illustrated by Akiko Aoyagi, 102 p, e William Shurtleff £ Akiko Aoyagi; 10ct77; 4907586.

4907587. Polymer preprints; papers presented at Chicago meeting. Vol. 18, no, 2, Aug. 1977. 582 p. 4ppl. au: Raymond F. Boyer £ James E. McGrath. Appl. states copyright not claimed on portion written by a a.S. Govt, employee as part of his official duties. Q American Chemical Society, Division of Polymer Chemistry, Inc.; 15JU177; 4907587.

4907588. Move over, jet — here comes the zep. By Gary 0. Briggs, 55 p, 6 Gary 0. Briggs; 25JU177; 4907588.

4907589. Chester A. Arthur: the President who reformed. By Susan D. Poole. 97 p. M. Bloomfield and Company; 6Sep77; 4907589.

4907590. 4 New dimension of freedom. By LeGrand E. Day. 49 p. e LeGrand E. Day; 15Sep77; 4907590.

4907591. Medical peer review: theory and

practice. Edited by Paul tount Ertel 6


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