Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/922

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A907631 - R907665
JUL-DEC. 1977

A907631. The Dnited States Constitution- By Charles B. Marshall. 223 p. Appl. au: Lasalle Extension Oniversity, employer for hire. Appl. states all new except for articles or quotations attributed to other authors & publishers. LaSalle Extension University; 27Jul77; A907631 .

A907632. Sunset ideas for improvinq your home, fall-winter 1977. By the editorial staffs of Sunset raaqazine S Sunset special interest maqazines, executive editor: Elton Helke £ other editors. nu p- Appl. au: Lane Publishinq Company, efflployer for hire. 6 Lane Publishinq Company; 23Auq77; A907632.

A907633. Furniture finishinq and refinishinq. By the editors of Sunset books, research C text: Chris Payne, supervisinq editor: Jack McDowell* artwork: Ted Martine, photoqrapby: Ells Naruqq. 80 p. Add. ti: Sunset furniture finishinq and refi- nishinq. Appl. au: Lane Publishinq Company, employer for hire of the editors of Sunset books Z Sunset maqazine. NH: illus., revisions & updatinq. Lane Publishinq Company; 20Sep77; A907633.

A907634. Clothinq decoration. By the veditors of Sunset books, edited by Aiyson Smith Gonsalves, artwork: Edith Allqood. 80 p. Add. ti: Sunset clothinq decoration; Sunset ideas for clothinq decoration. Appl. au: Lane Publishinq Company, employer for hire of the editors of Sunset books & Sunset maqazine. 6 Lane Publishinq Company; 20Sep77; A907634.

A907635. Economics: inflation, September 30, 1977. 5 p. (Inquiry) Q Lincoln First Bank of Bochester; 30ct77 ; A907635.

A907636. Elvis Presley: a Photoplay tribute. Edited by the staff of Photoplay, senior editors: Buth Pearce e other editors. 128 p. Appl. au: Cadrant Enterprises. Inc. NM: articles on the life of Elvis Presley, photos. 6 a list of records. 6 Cadrant Enterprises, Inc. ; 1Sep77; A907636-

A907637, Huntinqton Alloys NILO alloy 42. 2 p. Huntinqton Alloys* Inc.; 12Sep77: A907637-

A907639. Druq topics red book, 1977. Cumulative 2 suppl. Compilation editor: Euqene Prinz & other editors. 176 p. Appl. an: Medical Economics Company. Litton Industries, Inc. ; 150ct77; A907639.

A9076U0. Alcoholism is treatable. 20 p. NH: editorial revisions & additions. 6 American Postal Horkers Dnion, AFL-CIO; 2Sep77; A907640.

A907641. Tuninq your quitar. By D- L. Brosnac. 39 p. (Everybody's favorite series, no. 180) Appl. au: Amsco Music Publishinq Company. Q Amsco Music Publishinq Company, a division of Music Sales Corporation; 20Sep77; A9076m.

A907642. Photo information almanac •78- By the editors of Modern Photoqraphy, editor: Harold Martin. 128 p. ABC Leisure Maqazines, Inc.; 180ct77; A907642,

A907643. Hiqh fidelity's Buyinq quide to tape systems. Editor: John H. P. Mooney & other editors. 1978 ed. 116 p. Appl. au: Editors of High fidelity magazine. 6 ABC Leisure Magazines, Inc. (in notice: ABC Leisure Magazines, Inc. « a subsidiary of American Broadcasting Companies, Inc.) ; 180ct77; A9076a3.

A9076aa. Trees every boy and girl should know. 88 p. NM: cover. © The American Forestry Association; 140ct77; A907644-

A907645. Focus on aging; selected articles from the Journal of home economics. 55 p. NH: additional text & compilation. Q American Home Economics Association; 28Jun77: A9076a5.

A907646. The Neurologically disabled patient; student syllabus (for classes V-01-V-11) Series instructors: Nancye B- Bolt, Nancy L. Martin 6 Joyce Waterman Taylor. 47 p. Appl. au: The American Journal of Nursing Company. NH: compilation. 6 The American Journal of Nursing Company; 31Mar77; A90 7646.

A907647- The ALA accreditation process, 1973-1976; a survey of library schools whose programs were evaluated under the 1972 standards. By Bussell E. Bidlack, 86 p. 3 American Library Association; 10ct77; A907647.

A907648. American National Standard method for determining the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and dissolved oxygen (DO) in photographic processing effluents. ANSI PH4. 40-1977. 13 p. © American National Standards Institute, Inc.; 140ct77; A907648.

A907649. Supplement 2 to API BP 14E (first edition) recommended practice for Design and installation of offshore production platform piping systems. Issued by American Petroleum Institute Production Department. 1 p. Appl. au: American Petroleum Institute. NM: revisions. Q American Petroleum Institute; 130ct77; A907649.

A907650. Becommended guidelines for documentation of training. API publication 756. Issued by Befining Department, American Petroleum Institute. 5 p. Appl. au: American Petroleum Institute. 9 American Petroleum Institute; 19Sep77; A 90 76 50.

A907651. Fire test for soft-seated bail valves (tentative) API standard 607- Issued by Befining Department, American Petroleum Institute- 4 p. Appl. au: American Petroleum Institute. Q American Petroleum Institute; IB Aug 77; A9076 51.

A907652- API specification for wellhead equipment. API spec 6A. 11th ed. 121 p. 6 American Petroleum Institute; 110ct77: ft907652-

A907653- Gaussian dispersion models applicable to refinery emissions- API publication 952- Issued by Befinioq Department, American Petroleum Institute. 125 p- Appl- au: American Petroleum Institute. 6 American Petroleum Institute; 30c t77: A907653.

A907654. Definitions of metallurgical terms. By the American Society for Metals Committee on Definitions of Metallurgical Terms. 56 p. Appl. au: Bruce P. Bardes. NM: editorial revision. Q American Society for Metals; 7Nov77; A907654.

A907655. Innovations in materials and their applications; proceedings of the 1977 ASH Materials Conference, part of the Triple Engineering Shows and Conferences* 25-27 Oct- 1977, Mccormick Inn, Chicago, Illinois. Programmed by the Materials Systems and Design Division* American Society for Metals, assisted by the Energy Division Materials Testing and Quality Control Division, Mechanical Horking and Forming Division of the American Society for Metals, Materials Engineering magazine. Metal Properties Council. 96 p. e 9 microfiche- Appl. au: Elliot B. Boardman- © American Society for Metals; 250ct77; A907655.

A907656- Como mejorar la confeccion de pre- supuestos; estudio especial sobre la fase mas critica de la confeccion de pre- supuestos: la preparacion del pronostico de ventas. 84 p. NM: translation- © Alexander Hamilton Institute* Inc. ; 120ct77; A907656.

A907657. Executive's guide to electronic data processing. 98 p. © Alexander Hamilton Institute, Inc. ; 60ct77; A907657-

A907658. Quantum mechanics of one- and two- electron atoms. By Hans Albrecht Bethe & Edwin E. Salpeter. 369 p. © on pref. ; Plenum Publishing Corporation; 14Apr77; A907658.

A907659. Daumier on war; 64 print reproductions after the original lithographs. Hith an introd. by Hans fiothe, introd. translated by John Hatzka. 64 p. This Da Capo Press paperback ed. of Daumier on war is a republication of the ed. pub. in Leipzig in 1926 under the ti. Daumier und der Krieq- Appl. au: Da Capo Press, employer for hire of translation. on English translation of the German text; Da Capo Press, Inc.* a subsidiary of Plenum Publishing Corporation; 22Aug77; A907659-

A907660, Blue book supplement* October 1977. 52 p. © Produce fieporter Company; 280ct77; A907660.

A907661- Hanna-Barbera's Young cartoonist's super slate fun with Scooby-Doo; authorized ed- Card. 6 Hanna-Barbera Productions, Inc.; lMar77 (in notice: 1972); A907661-

A907662. Hanna-Barbera' s Young cartoonist's super slate fun with Great Grape Ape; authorized ed- Card. Q Hanna-Barbera Productions, Inc.; lMar77 (in notice: 1972); A907662-

A907663. Rotating electric machinery and transformer technology; instructor's manual. By Donald V. Bichardson. 48 p. © Beston Publishing Company, Inc., a Prentice-Hall company; 29Aug77; A907663-

A907664. Transportation: the domestic system; instructor's manual. By Bobert C. Lieb. 55 p- © Beston Publishing Company, Inc., a Prentice-Hall company; 20ct77; A907664-

A907665- AccouDting fundamentals: a self- instructional approach ; discussion questions* problems & additional topics. By Stephen A. Moscove. Sheets. 6 Beston Publishing Company, Inc., a Prentice-Hall

company; 20ct77; A907665-


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