Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/939

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JUL-DEC. 1977

«9082e8. Local qovernneDt adninistratioo ia yesteca Niqecia: intentions and realities. By oladineli Aborisade. flicrofilB. Oladi»e1i Aborisade; 1i»Oct77: A908288.

A908289. Beliefs of black and white counselors about colleqe students' perceptions of theii: enwironnent. By Elisabeth Chanteau Plai. Microfiln. Elisabeth chanteau Plan 1tOct77; A908289.

A90B290. Toulain's theory of rationality: a pcaqnatic epistenoloqy. By John fiobert HoCer. Microfila. O John Bobert Hofer: 140ct77: A908290.

4908291. The neauinq of "real" accordinq to Bernard Lonerqan. By Carl Arthur Zeno. Bicrofil*. Carl Arthur Zeno; 1itOct77 (in notice: 1976); A908291.

A908292. Analysis of student and teacher variables aaonq students referred for psycholoqical testing. By David H. Bosen. Hicrofilu. C David M. Bosen: 1itOct77; A908292.

A908293. Second choice votinq in Canadian federal elections: a test of the aulticandidate calculus of votinq. By Jero»e Harold Black. HicrofilB. Jeroie Harold Black; 1llOct77: A908293.

A908291I. For better or »orse: the social ideas of the American feminist aoveaent, 1850-1875. Hicrofila. C Uilliaa Biley Leach: 11lOct77: A90829I4.

A9Q8295. A Systeaatic revision of the qenus Cenocoelius (hyaenoptera, Braconidae) in North America, including dexico. By Barbara Saffer. Hicrofila. Barbara Saffer: 140ct77; A908295.

A908296. Filas in chanqinq ethnic attitudes and behavior in the elementary qrades. By Naqdalena June north. Hicrofila. O Haqdalena June North; 1«Oct77: A908296.

A908297. The Eidolon of Helen: diachronic edition of a myth. By iilliaa Andrex Prost. Hicrofila. C Hilliaa Andrex Prost; 1itOct77: A908297.

A908298. Hachiavellian reactions to the disconf Iraation of an expected rexard. By Benry Lexis Kaploxitz. Hicrofila. O Henry Lexis Kaploxitz; iaoct77; A908298.

A908299. A comparative analysis of formal job responsibilities and actual 1ob role of teacher corps prolect directors in the Far yest network. By Porter Lee Troutaaa* Jr. Hicrofila. Porter Lee Troutaan, Jr.; 1itOct77; A908299.

A908 300. A Horpholoqicalf anatoaical* and field study of bulbil production in Conocephalum conicum (L.) Oumort. and an account of the effects of various plant qroxth hormones on bulbil production. By Jaaes Philip Barayasarra. Hlcrofilm. Jaaes Philip Barayasarra; 150ct77; A908300.

A908301. Psycholoqical approaches to loving: A. H. Haslox's levels of maturation in dyadic attachment orientation. By John Steaart BcGovern. Microfilm. John Stewart HcGovern; 1ltOct77; A908301.

4908302. One Vietnam veteran: a study of continuity and change. By Arthur Egendorf. Hicrofilm. O Arthur Eqendorf: 1ltOct77: A908302.

4908303. The Obscenity issue in textbook controversies: a study of value conflicts in education. By June Kirkhuff Edxards. Hicrofila. June Kirkhuff Edwards: 1itOct77; A908303.

A90830I4. Community education as a way for personal development of adolescents and community in Lebanon. By Atuf Vassen. Microfila. O Atuf lassen; 1i|Oct77; 4908304.

4908305. Quantum theory of electrons in disordered systems. By Paul I. Blooa. Hicrofilm. O Paul I. Bloom; 1"tOct77; 4908305.

4908306. The Use of auxiliary inforaation in the linear least-squares prediction approach to cluster sampling in a finite popu- lation. By Eaqan Burt Hadden. Hicrofilm. Baqan Burt Hadden; 1i40ct77; A908306.

4908307. The Effects of cooperation, competition, and individualization on cross-ethnic, cross-sex, and cross-ability attitudes and on achievement. By Lucille lone Cooper. Hicrofila. O Lucille lone Cooper: 1UOCt77; 4908307.

4908308. Ecriture/lecture: ieu d'espace litteraire picturai, sculptural: Samuel Beckett — 41berto Giacometti. By Orsula Haria Behn Rolfman. Hicrofilm. Orsula Haria Behn Uolfman; 1«Oct77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4908308.

4908309. Conflict training and the enhaoceaent of role-takinq in children. By Thelaa Bosenblatt. Microfilm. O Thelaa Eosenblatt; 1«Oct77; 4908309.

4908310. The Hole of the personal other in the philosophy of Paul Eicoeur. By Catherine Hechan Saqan. Hicrofila. Catherine Hechan Sagan: 1"tOct77; 4908310.

4908311. Factors influencing the use of plant aaterial to develop a functional regional landscape in the Great Plains. By Gustaff Adolf Van Der Hoeven. Hicrofila. Gustaff Adolf Van Der Hoeven; 1"tOct77; A908J11.

A908312. Zoogeography of freshwater fishes in Bestern Gulf Slope drainages between the Hississippi and the Bio Grande. By John Van Conner. Hicrofila. John Van Conner; 1ltOct77: A908312.

A908313. The Developaent and evaluation of an individualized instructional systeas approach for teaching drafting at the community college level. By Balph Albert Home. Microfilm. Halph Albert Uorne; 1110ct77; 4908313.

4908311. Sociology and consciousness: an initial integration of contemporary sociological theory and Bernard J. F. Lonergan's theory of human knowing. By Joseph Theodore Slinger. Hicrofilm. O Joseph Theodore Slinger; 1i»Oct77; 490831a.

4906315. Horal quandaries and disagreements. By Ted Hayne Lockhart. Hicrofilm. Ted Wayne Lockhart; 1iloct77; A908315.

A908316. Nervous regulation of muco-ciliary transport on the frog palate. By Halcola HcBae slaughter. Microfilm. O Malcolm HcBae Slaughter: 1«Oct77; A908316.

A908317. Teachers' moral development and their expressed attitudes toward students. By Jacob Novogrodsky. Hicrofila. O Jacob Novogrodsky; iaoct77; 4908317.

A908318. Developaent pharmacology of aminop- hylline with studies by a new radioim- munoassay. By Allen Lynn Neese. Hicrofila. Allen Lynn Neese; 1»Oct77; 4908 318.

A908319. An Analysis of the effectiveness of an outdoor education technique as measured by the Iowa test of educational developaent. By B. Owain Nilcox. Microfila. O B. Dxain Uilcox; 1«Oct77; A908319.

A908320. Autoaorphisas of the deforaation space of a Kleinian group. By Jaaes Anthony Gentilesco. Hicrofila. O James Anthony Gentilesco; 1ilOct77; A908320.

4908321. Bespiration and acid-base balance in Brachyura decapod crustaceans: the transition from xater to land. By Patricia H. O'Hahoney. Hicrofilm. Patricia H. O'Hahoney; 140ct77; 4908 321.

4908322. Hand-raisers and non-hand-raisers: academic and personality profiles. By Ginger Engel Benlifer. Hicrofilm. O Ginger Engel Benlifer: 1ilOct77; 4908322.

4908323. British foreign policy towards Charles De Gaulle, 1940-191411. By Sister Barbara Baer, C.S.J. Hicrofila. Sister Barbara Baer, C.S.J. ; 11tOct77; A908323.

A90832'l. Kinetic studies of surfactants at the air-water interface. By Hichael Georgiou Antoniades. Hicrofila. O Michael Georgiou Antoniades; 1ilOct77; A90832II.

A908325. Power versus profit: aultinational corporation — nation state interaction. By Beza Bassiry. Hicrofilm. Beza Bassiry; mOct77; 4908325.

4908 326. The Dse of the enclosure device in selected fiction of Edgar Allan Poe. By Leonard William Engel. Hicrofilm. O Leonard Billiam Engel: IIGctT?; 4908326.

4908327. Infant behavior, aaternal behavior and maternal report: a cross-situational examination of mothers and their year-old infants. By Gail 4bramson Uasserman. Hicrofilm. O Gail 4bramson Hasserman: 140ct77; 4908327.

A908328. Time delay and its application in statistical mechanics. By Tak-yim Tsaog. Microfilm. O Tak-yim Tsang; 1i»Oct77;



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