Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/941

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JUL-DEC. 1977

4908371 (con.) Bieqaoovskl. Hicrofiia. Boaald Bieqanonski: 140ct77: »908371.

A908372. Genetic and biocheaical studies of sucrose fecaentation in the yeast saccharoayces cerevisiae. By Bichard Alan Backel. aiccofiia. O Bichard Alan Hackel: iaoct77: A908372.

A908373. Laser raaan spectroscopy of qases: the rotational and rotation- vibrational spectra of soae linear aolecules. By I-yan Banq. Hicrofiia. I-yan Banq; 1«0ct77: A908373.

i908371t. Factors influencinq the psychiatric treataent decision: hospitalization or referral to outpatient ser»ices. By Bernard Alfred Etcheverry. Hicrofiia. Bernard Alfred Etcheverry; 1itOct77; A908374.

A908375. The Coaparative anatoay and histoloqy of the Bale reproductive systeas in the adults and pupae of Oorylus (Anoaaa) Bilverthi Eaery, and Dorylus (Anoaaa) nigricans Illiqer (Hyaenoptera; Por- aicidae) By Francis Christopher Ford. Hicrofiia. Francis Christopher Ford; HtOct77; A908375.

A908376. Johnson and Coleridqe on education: transitions froa the classic to roaantic perspective. By Christine olsen Tooabs. Hicrofiia. Christine Olsen Tooabs; 1(»Oct77; A908376.

A908377. Differential fertility in urban Kenya. By Gabriel Okenna Aqbasi. Hicrofiia. C Gabriel Okenna Aqbasi: t<tOct77: A908377.

A908378. An Historical study and reconstruction of the fifteenth century play The Castle of perseverance. By John Hackay Elliott. Hicrofiia. John Hackay Elliott; 1»0ct77; A908378.

A908379. Stability of polyaer aelt extrusion. By Teh Chung Ho. Hicrofiia. Teh Chung Ho; 1IK)ct77; A908379.

1908380. In vitro studies on the zinc-EDTA coaplex as a potential agent for the detoxification of pluabisa. By Louise Ann Schissler Sowers. Hicrofiia. Louise Ann Schissler Soaers; 1<IOct77; A908380.

A90e381. Badical Catholicisa: the political thouqht and action of Eaaanuel Hounier. By Kevin John Cassidy. Hicrofiia. Kevin John Cassidy; 1ilOct77: A90e381.

A908382. Cosaoloqy and the structure of scientific theory. By John Joseph floder. Hicrofiia. C John Joseph Hoder; 140ct77; A908382.

A908383. Black political development in Bedford-Stuy vesant as reflected in the origin and role of the Bedford-stuyvesant Restoration Corporation. By Ernest Quiaby. Hicrofiia. Ernest Quiaby; 1l40ct77: A908383.

A9083814. Influences upon the future international deaand and supply for coke. By Thoaas Joseph Kerrigan. Hicrofiia. O Thoaas Joseph Kerrigan; 1i»Oct77; A90838I*.

A908385. By their fruits: Ballace Stevens, his poetry, his critics. By Joan Theaia Richardson-Picciotto. Hicrofiia. Joan Theaia Bichardson-Picciotto; 1iiOct77; A90B385.

A908386. Printing froa color slides (Kodak process £-500) Uriters: Hary Jo Hatheuson & Bait Bictor, photographers: Bruce N. Atchison & Phil Colasanti, artist: Phil Serrano* presented by Hedia Gesearch and Developnent, Arizona State Oniversity. 25 p. (Creative photography: color series) Accompanied by cassette, req. Ha6Tl2 £ filastrip, reg . JP208«0. Appl. au: Arizona state Oniversity. Arizona State Oniversity; 260ct77; A908386.

A908387. Printing froa color slides (Cibachroae process) Hriters: Hary Jo Hatheason & Bait uictor, photographer: Bruce N. Atchison, artist: Phil Serrano, presented by Hedia Besearch and Developaent, Arizona State University. 25 p. (Creative photography: color series) Accoopanied by cassette, req. II'(67U1 6 filastrip, req. JP20839. Appl. au: Arizona State Oniversity. Arizona State Oniversity; 260ct77; A908387.

A9a8388. Printing froa color negatives. Pt. 1- Briters: Hary Jo Mathe»son 6 Halt Bictor, photographers: Bruce H. Atchison £ Jereay Boae, artist: Phil Serrano, presented by Hedia Besearch and Developaent, Arizona State Oniversity. 24 p. (Creative tJhotography: color series) Accompanied by cassette, reg. 11467110 £ filastrip, reg. JP20838. Appl. au: Arizona State Oniversity. Arizona State Oniversity; 10Aug77; A908388.

A908389. Printing froa color negatives- Pt. 2. Briters: Hary Jo Hathewson 6 Halt Bictor, photographers: Bruce N. Atchison £ Jereay Bowe, artist: Phil Serrano, presented by Hedia Besearch and Developaent, Arizona State Oniversity. 22 p. (Creative photography: color series) Accoapanied by cassette, req. B46739 6 filastrip, reg. JP20837. Appl. au: Arizona State Oniversity. O Arizona State University; 10Auq77; A908389.

A908390. Processinq Kodak Ektacnroae filas (process E-6) Hriter/director : Bait Hictor, photographer: Bruce N. Atchison, artist: Phil Serrano, presented by Hedia Besearch and Developaent, Arizona State Oniversity. 24 p. (Creative photography: color series) Accompanied by cassette, req. 1146738 6 filastrip, reg. Jp20836. Appl. au; Arizona State Oniversity. O Arizona State Oniversity; 1Jun77; A908390.

A908391. Color awareness. Hriters: Hary Jo Hatthewson £ Halt Hictor, photographer: Bruce N. Atchison, artists: Natalie Cecil fi Phil Serrano, presented by Hedia Besearch and Developaent, Arizona state Oniversity. 22 p. (Creative photography: color series) Accoapanied by cassette, req. H46737 £ filastrip, reg. JP20835. Appl. au: Arizona state Oniversity. O Arizona State Oniversity; 1Jun77; A908391.

A908392. Suzy Prudden's Creative fitness for children. Kia 7070. By Suzy Prudden £ Jeffrey Sussman. 17 p. Accoapanied by sound recording, req. 1146743. Klabo Educational; 4Apr77; A908392.

A90839 3. Suzy Prudden's Special exercises for exceptional children. Kia 7060. By Suzy Prudden £ Jeffrey Sussaan. 15 p. Accoapanied by sound recording, reg. N46744. O Kiabo Educational; 4Apr77; A908393.

A908394. Nuaerals nuaerical analysis pcogcaa library. Hagnetic tape £ printout. Prev. req. AS10884 £ others. NH: additions £ revisions. O Burroughs Corporation; 27JU177; A908394.

A90839 5. 87700 Mark 2.9 systea release. Hagnetic tape £ printout. Prev. reg. A80a246 £ others. BH: additions £ revisions. Burroughs corporation; 12Aug77; A908395.

A908396. Conversion aids release F0370e. Hagnetic tape £ printout. Prev. req. A7823e8 £ others. BH: additions £ revisions. O Burroughs Corporation; 10Aug77; A908396.

A908397. The Psychic. Created by Billiaa Blinn, adapted by Hax Franklin. 154 p. (Starsky and Hutch, no. 6) Based on the script The Psychic by Hichael Hann; accompanied by cover photo., reg. JP20834. Appl. au: Spelling-Goldberg Productions £ Bandoa House, Inc., employer for hire. O on novelization; Spelling-Goldberg Productions; 13Hay77; A908397.

A908398. Tahoe. By Dorothy Dovdell. 3 12 p. Accompanied by cover illus., req. K 126803. O on all except cover illus.; Dorothy Dovdell; 19Aug77; A908398.

A908399. Subcontracting course manual. 1 v. Appl. states no copyright claiaed in aaterials taken froa 0. s. Govt, sources. O Federal Publications, Inc.; 310ct77; A908399.

A908400. The Evolution of a fracturing technique for the Cotton »alley. SPE 6868. fly H. F. Hufft, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIHE. 4 p. Aaerican Institute of Hining, Hetallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A90840a.

A9a8 40 1. Increased penetration rates achieved with new extended nozzle bits. SPE 6714. By C. A. Pratt, issued by Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIME. 4 p. O Aaerican Institute of Hining, Metal- lurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A908401.

A9084a2. Hawkins Inert Gas Plant: design and early operation. SPE 6793. By Harold G. Kueha, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 6 p. O Aaerican Institute of Hining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A908402.

A908403. Problems of heat transfer in porous media. SPE 6792. By P. G. Atkinson 6 H. J. Bamcy, Jr., issued by Society of petroleua Engineers of AIME. 8 p. O American Institute of Hining, Hetal- lurqical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A908403.

A90840 4. Specialized applications of noise logging. SPE 6784. By a. HcKinley £ B.

F. H. Bower, issued by Society of


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