Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/966

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A909365 - A909l)01
JUL-DEC. 1977

4909364 (con.) Broun company Publishers; 22ipr75; A9093611.

&909365. Laboratocr manual of qenecal ecology. By Geocqe H. Cox. 3rd ed. 232 p. 3 Wlllian C. Broun Company Publishers; 5Jan76; A909365.

A909366. Audiovisual equipment; self instruction manual. By Stanton C. Gates* illus. by George Cohen. 3rd ed. 312 p. Rilliao C. Brown company. Publishers; 10Mar75: A909366.

&909367. Nashington court rules annotated uith forms. Pt. 4i rules for superior court- Annotated by the Bancrof t-Bhitney Company's editorial staff. 1 v. NM: text, annotations, forms, tables, index & supplementation. Bancroft-Whitney Company; 26Aug77; A909367.

A909368. flaior tax planning; proceedings of the Tax Institute, Oniversity of Southern California School of Lau. Vol. 1-2, Nov. 1977 suppl., release 6. Sheets (3 p.) 6 2 V. Q nattheu Bender and Company, Inc.; 200ct77: A909368.

A909369. doore" s Hanual: Federal practice and procedure, by James H. Noore, Allan D. Vestal 6 Philip B. Kurland. Vol. 1-2, Oct. 1977 revision, release no. 11 by Iruin Hall, aarvin Raxner & John Hayes. Folder (i( p.), sheets 6 12 p. Appl. au: Nattheu Bender and Company* Inc. , employer for hire. 3 flattheu Bender and Company, Inc. : 260ct77; A909369.

A909370. Hunicipal corporation lau. Vol. 1-3, Sept. 1977 cumulative suppl., release no. 22. By Chester James Antieau. Sheets (3 p.) 6 5 V. Appl. au: Hattheu Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. e Hattheu Bender and Company, Inc.; 20Sep77; A909370.

A909371. Traumatic medicine and surgery for the attorney. Sept. 1977 service, vol. 5, release no. 28-30. fledical editor: Hina H. Levy. 41 U p. Appl. au: Hattheu Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. e Hattheu Bender and Company, Inc.; 250ct77; 1909371.

A909372. Southeast transaction guide. Vol. 12. Editors; Byron L. Sparber, Carl H. Cofer 6 Thomas A. Ritchie. 1 v. Appl. au: Hattheu Bender and Company, Inc. , employer for hire. @ Hattheu Bender and Company, Inc.; 50ct77: A909372.

A909373. Hertens lau of Federal income taxation.. Current tax highlights* vol. 19, no. 14, Oct. 13, 1977, by James J. Doheny; regulations, release no. 8, Oct. 13, 1977; rulings volume* release no. 12, Oct. 13, 1977. sheets. @ Callaghan and Company; 280ct77; A909373.

A909374. Callaghan* s Official Hisconsin reports; advance sheets, 2nd series. Vol. 80* no. 1, Oct. 21, 1977. Reported by Callaghan and Company's editorial staff. 212 p. 6 Callaghan and Company; 1Nov77; A909374.

A909375. Maryland reports; advance reports* vol. 280, no. 11. Sept. 23, 1977. Maryland appellate reports, vol- 36, no. 11, Sept. 23, 1977. State reporter: James H. Norris, Jr. 1 v. Appl. au: The Hichie Company. State of Maryland; 23Sep77; A909375.

A909376. Maryland reports; advance reports, vol. 280, no. 4, Aug. 5, 1977. Maryland appellate reports, vol. 36, no. 4, Aug. 5* 1977. State reporter: James H. Norris, Jr. 1 V. Appl. au: The Hichie Company. O State of Maryland; 5Aug77: A909376.

A909377. Maryland reports; advance reports, vol. 280, no. 7, Aug. 26, 1977. Maryland appellate reports* vol. 36, no. 7* Aug. 26, 1977. State reporter: James H. Norris, Jr. 1 v. Appl. au: The Michie Company. 3 State of Maryland; 26Aug77; A909377.

A909378. Maryland reports; advance reports, vol. 280* no. 5, Aug. 12, 1977. Maryland appellate reports, vol. 36, no. 5* Aug. 12, 1977. State reporter: James H- Norris* Jr- 1 v. Appl. au: The Michie Company. © State of Maryland; 12Aug77; 1909378.

A909379. Maryland reports; advance reports, vol. 280, no. 10* Sept. 16, 1977. Maryland appellate reports, vol. 36, no. 10, Sept. 16, 1977. State reporter: James H. Norris, Jr. 1 v. Appl. au: The Michie company. 9 State of Maryland; 16Sep77; A909379.

A909380. Maryland reports; advance reports, vol. 280* no. 12, Sept. 30. 1977. Maryland appellate reports, vol. 37, no. 1, Sept. 30, 1977. State reporter: James H- Norris, Jr. 1 v. Appl. au: The Michie Competuy. 6 state of Maryland; 30Sep77; A909380.

A909381. Maryland reports; advance reports, vol- 280, no- 9, Sept. 9, 1977- Maryland appellate reports, vol. 36, no. 9* Sept. 9* 1977. State reporter: James H. Norris, Jr. 1 V. Appl. au: The Hichie Company, e State of Maryland; 93ep77; A909381.

A909382. Dnited States Code annotated. Pamphlet no. 2, Sept. 1977. 1159 p. Add. ti: QSCA. O Rest Publishing Company: 13Sep77; A909382.

A909383. Best's Wisconsin legislative service* 1977. NO. 2. p. 55-576. e Best Publishing Company; 26Sep77; A909383.

A909384. nashington court rules* 1977, uith amendments to July 1, 1977. 862 p. e Uest Publishing Company; iesep77; A909384.

A909385. Rules governing the courts of the State of Neu Jersey, 1978. 1969 revision, as amended to Sept. 6* 1977. 901 p. Best Publishing Company; 13Sep77; A909385.

A909386. Ohio rules of court, 1977. 1138 p. e Best Publishing Company; 14Sep77; A909386.

A909387, Statutory supplement to Cases, notes and materials on consumer protection. By James R. HcCall. 255 p. O Best Publishing Company; 15Sep77; A909387.

A909388. South Eastern digest. Vol. 1* 1A* IB* 1C, 2, 3, 5-9, 12-35. 1977 cumulative annual pocket parts; vol. 4, 10, 11, 34, 1977 cumulative pamphlet. Hultiple volumes S 3 sheets. Add. ti: Best's South Eastern digest. 6 Best Publishing Company; 110ct77; 1909388.

A909389. Multinational corporations in com- parative perspective. Conference Board report no. 725. By Joseph LaPalombara & Stephen Blank. 76 p. Appl. au: The Conference Board, Inc*. employer for hire. Q The Conference Board, Inc.; 2Sep77; A909389.

A909390- Production cost trends and outlook: a study of international business expe- rience. Conference Board report no- 724. By James B. Basche* Jr. 39 p. Appl. au: The Conference Board, Inc. 9 The Conference Board, Inc. ; 2Sep77; A909390.

A909391. The Changing uorld economy: problems of interdependence. Conference Board report no. 727. 51 p. e The Conference Board, Inc.; 2Sep77; A909391.

A909392. Capital investment and supply con- ditions, July 1977. 6 p. (Manufacturing investment statistics) 9 The Conference Board, Inc. ; 26Sep77; A909392.

A909 393. Defenses against unnegotiated cash tender offers. Conference Board report no. 726. By Patrick J. Davey. 29 p. Appl. au: The Conference Board, Ijic* employer for hire. © The Conference Board, Inc.; 15Sep77; A909393.

A909394. Commodities in the neu international economic order. Folder. (Rorldbusiness perspectives, no. 38, Aug. 1977) © The Conference Board* Inc.; 13Sep77; A909394.

A90939 5. International experiences in managing inflation. Conference Board report no. 729. By James Greene. 34 p. Appl. au: The Conference Board, Inc- 3 The Conference Board* Inc.; 2Sep77; A909395.

A909396. atility appropriations, second quarter 1977. 4 p. (Otility investment statistics) 6 The Conference Board, Inc.; 2BSep77; A909396.

A909397. Capital appropriations, second quarter 1977. 10 p. (Manufacturing investment statistics) 3 The Conference Board, Inc.; 23Sep77; A909397.

A909398. Privacy in the uorkplace. Information bulletin no. 27, Sept. 1977. By Harriet Gorlin. 14 p. Appl. au: The Conference Board. Inc. © The Conference Board. Inc. ; 23Sep77; A909398.

A909399. The Board of directors in Japan. Information bulletin no. 28, Sept- 1977- 7 p. The Conference Board. Inc- ; 13Sep77; A909399.

A909400. The Board of directors: perspectives and practices in nine countries. Conference Board report no. 728. By Jeremy Bacon 6 James K. Broun. 141 p. Appl. au: The Conference Board. Inc. © The Conference Board. Inc.; 2Sep77; A909400.

A909401. Appraising managerial performance;

current practices and future directions.


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