Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/972

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JUL-DEC. 1977

S909611 (con.) steel manual. Central Steel and yire company; 310ct77; A909611.

S909612. Strain qaqe applications Bith M-bond GJ-61 adhesive. Folder. (B-line accessories instruction bulletin B-128, Sept. 1977) Appl. au: Hicro-Beasurements, division of Vish&Y Intertechnology, Inc. Hicro-Heasureaents, a.a.d.o. Hicro- Heasurenents* division of Vishay Intertechnoloqy, Inc.; 250ct77; A909612.

4909613. Hacrame Elegance, 3. 31 p. ippl. au: Glenn O. Simaons e Denise C. Siaaons. O Kacrame Elegance; 21Jul77; A909613.

A90961It. The Life of a preacher. By Guy Hilliam Lowther, Jr. 9 p. e Guy Loiither: 15Jun77; A909614.

A909615. Prayer. By Guy Rilliaa Lo«ther, Jr. 19 p. e Guy lowther; 150ct77: A909615.

A909616. Why God Icills christians. By Guy Hilliam Lonther, Jr. 7 p. O Guy Loiither; 15jun77; A909616.

S909617. The Church. By Guy tiilliam Lovther, Jr. 16 p. Guy Lowther; 150ct77; A909617.

A909618. A Boo)c on soul-ninning. By Guy Billiam Lowther. Jr. 8 p. e Guy Louther; 15Jun77: A909618.

A909619. The Devil. By Guy Uilliam Lowther, Jr. 11 p. e Guy Lowther; 150ct77; A909619.

A909620. Fruit Gifts, Inc. of Houston 1977-78 catalog. 19 p. 6 Fruit Gifts, Inc. of Houston; 260ct77: A909620.

A909621. Profiles. By Glenn Edward Beais, Sr. 1 V. e Glenn E. Bemis (in notice: Glen Bemis): 1NOV77; A909621.

A909622. The Hole of cluster analysis in computer assisted mass appraisal. By David L. Jensen. 75 p. e Lincoln Institute of Land Policy; 7Jul77; A909622.

A909623. Loop the ring game; rules E regulations. 5 p. Appl. au: Patrocinio H. Cordero (Pat H. Cordero). Pat H. Cordero; 1Nov77; A909623.

A909621(. A Roodworlters" library: selected and annotated for woodworkers, carvers and amateur craf tworlcers. By Arthur L. DeVolder. 72 p. C Arthur L. DeVolder; mov77: A90962l».

A9Q962S. Specialty sporting goods, fall '77. 7 p. Appl. au; Thomas Arnon Felts. e Thomas A. Felts; 11Jov77; A909625.

A909626. What to do before, during and after a bank robbery! 22 p. Appl. au: (I. L. Shay. e M. L. Shay; 5llay77 (in notice: 1976) : A909626.

A909627. The Underground shopper. 6th ed. , 1978, Dallas/Fort Sorth. 136 p. Appl. au: Sue Goldstein. C Sus&nn Publications, Inc.; 15Sep77; A909627.

A909628. Dear Hollywood: I think I love you. lours truly, Uinta Braasch. By Uinta Braasch (Arminta J. Braasch), illus. by Nancy Bettencourt. 225 p. NM: coa- pilation, illus. 6 additions. @ Binta Braasch: 270ct77: A909628.

A909629. Dim sum 2: selected favorite recipes. By Lonnie Hock. 30 p. Appl. states all new except 2 recipes prev. pub. in Dim sum cookbook. e Lonnie Mock; 2aoct77; A90 9629.

A909630. The Silver Dollar Beading Club history and methodology. By Paul D. Swanson & Doris Swanson. 5 p. Paul D. Swanson; 1HOV77; A909630.

A909631. Some causes of reading deficiency; presented to the Annual Congress of the Linguistic Society of Papua, Kew Guinea, Sep. 26-30, 1974. By Paul D. Swanson, issued by the Silver Dollar Beading Club. 12 p. e Paul D. Swanson; 11lov77: A909631.

A909632. Applied Concepts, Inc. electronic chess game: Boris. Instruction manual. 11 p- e Applied Concepts, Inc.; 100ct77; A909632.

A909633. SCAEAB. Vol. 15, no. 16, June 15, 1977. 9 p. Appl. au: J. G. Hillenin. J. a. iillemin; 150ct77; A909633.

A90963II. SCAEAB. Vol. 15, no. 14, Hay 15, 1977. 9 p. Appl. au: J. K. uillemiu. O J. H. Billeain; 150ct77; A909634.

A909635. SCARAB. Vol. 15, no. 15, June 1, 1977. 10 p. Appl. au: J. H. Hillemin. 6 J. H. Willeain; 150ct77; A909635-

A909636- Guide for school self-study. 12 p. Appl. au: Bichard V. Ekdahl. Q Inde- pendent Schools Association of the Southwest, Inc.; 280ct77; A909636.

A909637. Newport, EI, and vicinity telephone directory, November 1977. New England Telephone and Telegraph Company; 2Nov77; A909637.

A909638. Binsted, HN, telephone directory, October 1977. Issued by Gronseth Directory Service, Inc. Hinsted Telephone Company; 140ct77; A90963e.

A909639. Eide the Sugarcane Train. 1 v. e HcBand Enterprises, Inc.; 1Jun77; A90 963 9.

A909640. The Honte Carlo game. By Travenol. 1 V. Appl. au: HcBand Enterprises, Inc. e HcRand Enterprises, Inc.; SSep76; A909640.

A909641. The Hawaii game. 1 v. Q HcBand Enterprises, Inc.; 1Jun77; A909641.

A909642- Avaion: a North Carolina town of joy and tragedy. By Ola Haie Foushee. 101 p. O Ola Haie Foushee (Hrs. John H. Foushee); 21Sep77; A909642.

A909643. Hemphis consumer panel study: grocery and drug. Beport no. 65: first 6 months of 1977. 104 p. Appl. au: John N. Anderson. Memphis Publishing Company: 7Sep77; A909643.

A9a9644. Beport of the Committee on Finance and Taxation for the 250th annual town aeeting. Author £ editor: Howard Hansen. 32 p. Add. ti: stoughton town aeetings, 1727. 6 on layout & historical material; Howard Hansen; 11ipr77; A909644.

A9a9645. Handbook on accreditation: guidelines for accreditation by contract. 114 p. NH: additions. National Association of Private, Nontraditional Schools and Colleges a.k.a. NASC-NAPNSC; 10Aag77; A909645.

A909646. Boogie monster. 1 p. Appl. au: Elaer Lee Penerton* Jr. (Cain Penerton) Cain Penerton, pseud, of Elmer Lee Penerton, Jr.; 2Aug77; A909646.

A909647. I believe I've learned how to make love burn. 1 p. Appl. au: Elmer Lee Penerton, Jr. (Cain Penerton) Cain Penerton, pseud, of Elaer Lee Penerton* Jr.; 2Aug77; A909647.

A909648. I' a not in love. 1 p. Appl. au: Elaer Lee Penerton, Jr. (Cain Penerton) Cain Penerton, pseud, of Elaer Lee Penerton, Jr.; 2Aug77; A909.648.

A909649. Tomorrow is just a dream. 1 p. Appl. au: Elaer Lee Penerton, Jr. (Cain Penerton) Cain Penerton, pseud, of Elmer Lee Penerton, Jr.; 2Aug77; A909649.

A909650. Authentic early 18-century colonial, carefully restored and modernized, overlooking Inner Edgartown Harbor. No. 52137. Folder. Previews, Inc.; 30ct77; A909650.

A909651. An Artist's place in the country. No. 52143. Folder. Previews, Inc.; 30ct77; A909651.

A909652. A Home for exuberant living. No. 55321. Folder. Previews, Inc.; 30ct77; A909652.

A909653. 104-acie vacation camp in Belgrade Lakes. No. 52116. Folder. S Previews, Inc. ; 30ct77; A909653.

A909654. 116-acre gentleman's farm. No. 52138. Folder. O Previews, Inc. ; 30ct77; A909654.

A9Q9655. Mouse island. No. S2135. Folder. Previews, Inc.; 30ct77: A909655.

A909656. Somebody's music. Poems by Patricia Nealy. 41 p. NM: 7 additional poems. Patricia Nealy; 15Sep77; A909'656.

A909657. MSS: spot facing for bronze, iron and steel flanges- SP-9. 1977 ed. folder (3 p.) Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.; 26Sep77; A909657.

A909658. MSS: cast iron plug valves, flanged and threaded ends. SP-78. 1977 ed. 9 p.

O Manufacturers Standardization Society of


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