Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/977

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A909818 - A909858
JUL-DEC. 1977

4909817 (con.) 1808-1975. By Stanford Jay Shaw £ Ezel Karal Shan. 518 p. Caabrldqe Oniyersity Press; 27llay77: A909817.

i90981B. History of the desceodants of Jacob Gochenour. By Robert Lee Evans. 701 p. Eobert Lee Evans; «&uq77: A909818.

4909819. Two centuries of Virqinia cookinq; the Haw Branch Plantation cookbook. By Gibson Jefferson acConnauqhey. 346 p. G Gibson Jefferson acConnauqhey; 270ct77 ; 4909819.

4909820. The Postmarks of Hexico, 187it-1900. By Karl B. SchiiBer* assisted by Donald B. Rhitehead. U48 p. C Heiico Elahurst Philatelic Society International, Inc.; 210ct77; 4909820.

4909821. Alien. By John Iqo, Jr. 5)4 p. HH: additional poeas & revision. O John Iqo» Jr.; 2Jun77: 4909821.

4909822. Swisher County history. By Grace floran Evans. 326 p. Appl. au: Thelaa Bay. Appl. states all text new except prev. pub. material. C Thelaa Bay; 14Jul77; A9a9822.

4909823. Flaw qrowth and fracture; proceedinqs of the Tenth National Syaposiaa on Fracture Hechanics. 519 p. Syaposiua held in Philadelphia. 23-25 4uq. 1976. 4aerican Society for Testinq and Materials; 10ct77; 4909823.

490982*. 4nnual book of 4STH standards, 1977. Pt. 14: concrete C aineral aqqreqates (includinq aanual of concrete testinq) 772 p. 4aerican Society for Testinq and Materials; 10ct77; 4909821.

4909825. Down went BcGinty: El Paso in the wonderful nineties. By Conrey Bryson, illus. : Bassel lolfe. 150 p. O Texas Bestem Press, The Ooiversity of Texas at El Paso: 230ct77; 4909825.

4909826. History of the town of Burlinqton, Penobscot County, Maine, froa settleaent to 1975. Vol. 1: alonq the Passaduakeaq. Compiled by 41ao H. Hawkins. 264 p. 4dd. ti: History of Burlinqton, Maine; History of Burlinqton, Penobscot County, Maine, froa settleaent to 1975. 41an H. Hawkins: 10Sep77; 4909826.

4909827. The Shakespeare revolution: criticisa and perforaance in the twentieth century. By J. L. Styan. 292 p. O Cambridqe University Press; 27May77; 4909827.

4909828. 4 Poetic for socioloqy: toward a loqic of discovery for the human sciences. By Bichard Harvey Brown. 302 p. Caabridqe Oniversity Press; 29Jul77; A909828.

4909829. Many liqhts alonq the shore. By J. S. Bedinqfield, coapiled e edited by Elaer H. Hunt. 172 p. Elmer H. Hunt; 3Scp77; 4909829.

4909830. Index to History of Delaware, 1609-1888, by J. Thomas Scharf. Vol. 1-3. Edited by Gladys a. Coqhlan & Dale Fields. The Historical Society of Delaware; 1»Jul76; 4909830.

4909831. Library of Conqrcss cataloq, books: sub-jects, 1970-1974. Vol. 26-30. Appl. au: Bowman and Littlefield. NM: editinq. arr. £ additional text. O Littlefield, Adams and Coapany; 24Mar77 (in notice: 1976): 4909831.

4909832. The Columbia Gorqe story. By Esther aarren. 122 p. Esther larren; 27JU177; 4909832.

4909833. Man of La Mancha. 1 v. O Gloria Enterprises, Inc.; 12Auq77: 4909833.

4909834. Grease. 1 v. 6 Gloria Enterprises, Inc.; 15Jan77; 4909834.

4909835. Kinqs in korner. By Deletes M. £ Larry L. Bell. 1 V. Add. ti: Kinqs in korner qame. O Delores M. Bell; 23May77; A909835.

A909836. Last will and testament: Elvis A. Presley. 13 p. Add. ti: Last will and testaaent of Elvis A. Presley. Appl. au: Frans J. Labranche, Jr. £ Gail Shutz. O Eppe, Ltd.; 304uq77; 4909836.

4909837. Lampoon letters and bits. By Jon Field. 28 p. Jon Field: 70ct77; A909837.

A909838. The liar in Viet Nam. 1 p. Appl. au: Mary Bichardson. Mary fiichardson; 6Sep77; A909838.

A909839. The A-B-C's of life. 1 p. Appl. au: Mary Bichardson. 6 Mary Bichardson; 6Sep77; A909839.

4909840. True rules. 1 p. Appl. au: Linda Ann Mok (Linda Barr Nok) 6 Linda Barr Mok; 5Dec74; A909840.

A909841. Icarus wax. Poeas by J. F. leaqer £ photos by Ken Osthiaer. 40 p. KM: editorial coapilation £ new text. J. F. Yeaqer; 14Sep77; A909841.

A909842. Trust account classification and equity exposure. Developed by Darrell H. Allen, John H. Coulter, James fi. Hillenkamp £ Fay L. Thompson. 3 p. O Onlted States National Bank of Oregon; 1Apc77; A909842.

A909843. Barry Bertoia; Art Gallery, Marshall Oniversity, Huntington, Hest Virginia, Sept. 26-llov. 4, 1977. 1 v. NM; revisions, additions £ some photos. Art Gallery, Marshall Oniversity; 26Sep77: A909843.

4909844. 16 P.F. , form Fx. 8 p. Institute for Personality and 4bility Testinq; 20Jan77; 4909844.

4909845. 16 P.F. , form Gx. 8 p. O Institute for Personality and 4bility Testing: 20Jan77; 4909845.

4909846. MAP: Multidiaensional assessment and planninq fora. By D. Corydon Hammond £ Kay Stanfield (Kay Stanfleld Packard) Folder. NM: editorial revision £ coapilation. O Institute for Personality and Ability Testinq; 11Jui77; 4909846.

4909847. 16 PF research bibliography, 1971-1976. Catalog no. S4 047. Compiled by Mary 4na Hussonq, Jay L. Sheraan £ Gerald B. Ferris. 32 p. 4ppl. au: Institute for Personality and 4bility Testing. O Institute for Personality and 4bility Testing; 8Jul77; 4909847.

4909848. Financial aid estimator. Folder. Appl. au: Alan M. Donley. O Financial Analysis Service, a division of Donley, Bichardson and Associates, Inc. (in notice: Donley, Bichardson and Associates, Inc.) ; 23Sep76; A909848.

A909849. Financial aid worksheet. Polder. Appl. au: Alan M. Donley. Financial Analysis Service, a division of Donley, Bichardson and Associates, Inc. (in notice: Donley, Bichardson and Associates, Inc.); 23Sep76; A90984S.

A909850. Financial analysis service; financial need analysis aanual, 1977-78. 60 p. Add. ti: Need analysis aanual (F.A.S.) 1977-78. Appl. au: Alan M. Donley. Financial Analysis Service, a division of Donley, Bichardson and Associates, Inc. (in notice: Donley, Bichardson and Associates, Inc.); 10Jan77; A909850.

A909851. May the sod rest lightly; Thomas 0*Conner, Halifax Court House, Virginia, 1836, Knoxville, Tennessee, 1882. By Bebecca Hunt Moulder. 247 p. NM: additions £ coapilation. The Bebecca Hunt Moulder Trust; 31Auq77; A909851.

A909852. Uealdton, Bingling, lilson, OK, telephone directory, Septeaber 1977. O Southwestern Bell Telephone Coapany; 7Sep77; A909852.

A909853. El Beno, OK, telephone directory, Septeaber 1977. C Southwestern Bell Telephone Coapany: 7sep77; A909853.

A909854. Newport, Grubbs, Oil Trough, Tupelo, AB, telephone directory, Septeaber 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Coapany; 19Sep77: 4909854.

4909855. Prayer and the devotional life; leader guide. By Dale S. Bringaan £ Frank V. Klos, edited by David H. Gieschen. 64 p. Prev. pub. in 1964. Na: rev. ed . containing additions, editorial revisions £ updating. O Parish Life Press; 210ct77; A909855.

A909856. Cliaate for ainistry: developing, working in, living in a ministering community; resources for parish leaders. By Judith aciilliaas, edited by Frank B. Klos. 32 p. Parish Life Press; 130ct77; A909B56.

A909857. The Gift of time. By aargaret Ehlen ailler, Bobert Miller, Loretta VanderVeen £ Carl VanderVeen, illustrated by Judy Binkowski. 40 p. Morehouse-Barlow company. Inc.; 26Sep77; A909857.

A909858. The Compendium of multifaaily housing. 4uq. 1977 suppl. Editor: Daniel a. Street. Sheets. 4ppl. au: National 4ssociation of Hoae Builders. 4ppl. states no copyright requested on Government materials. National 4ssociation of Hoae Builders; 44ug77;



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