Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/993

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JUL-DEC. 1977

»9>0»80 (con.) Julia Har Bblecs Quick. Microfilm. O Julia Hay Ehlers Quick; 1«Oct77; »910U80.

A910I481. The Social fuDction of the alehouse in early BOdero London. By Alan Jay Epstein. BicrofilB. C Alan Jay Epstein; l«pct77; A9101481.

A9101482. Bicarda Huch and the Gecmao HOBeo*s uoyeneot. By aiciaii Hedy Frank, aicrofila. Hiriaa Hedy Prank; 1UOct77; A910lt82.

A910(483. A COBprehensive perforsance proiect in clarinet literature vitfa an essay on the quality diaensions of clarinet tone: a prelininary investigation. By Eduin Ernest Biley. HicrofilB. Eduin Ernest Biley; 1ltOct77: A910483.

A910lt8<l. Nicolas-Antoine Boulanqer: an eighteenth century naturalist and historian. By Hark Anthony Bledstein. HicrofilB. English t French. C Hark Anthony Bledstein; ll»Oct77: A910U84.

A910485. The Glory to be revealed hereafter: the interpretation of Boaans 8:18-25 and its place in Pauline theology. By Vincent offley Eareckson 3rd. HicrofilB. O Vincent Offley Eareckson 3rd; iaoct77; A9 10ite5.

A910486. Evangelization and acculturation aaong the Santee Dakota Indians, 1834-18611. By Bruce David Forbes. HicrofilB. O Bruce David Forbes; moct77; A910'»B6.

A910l<87. The Debate on the adainistra tion of aissions led by Jaaes Henley Thornvell in the Presbyterian Church, 1839-1861. By Kenneth Joseph Foreaan, Jr. Hicrofila. Kenneth Joseph Foreaan, Jr.; 1<tOct77; A910U67.

A910488. The Teralnology of iaprisonaent and forced detention in the Bible. By David Louis Bluaenfeld. Hicrofila. O David Lours Bluaenfeld; 1ilOct77: A910488.

A910<)89. The Visually evoked aaqnetic field of the huaan brain. Ey Douglas Scott Brenner. Hicrofila. Douglas Scott Brenner; mOct77; A910U89.

A9101I90. The Griselda legend in English literature. By Judith Bronfaaa. Hicrofila. Judith Bronfaan: 140ct77; A910it90.

A910491. A Contribution to the study of Tuscan aezzadria: the process of production on fifty-one leaseholds of the Ospedale di Santa Haria della Scala di Siena, 1591-1640. By Vito B. Caiati. Hicrofila. Vito B. Caiati; iaoct77; A910491.

A910492. "Put sastvile k gradu Herusaliau" by Jerotile Bacanin. By Bosiljka H. Kosovic. Hicrofila. BosiUka H. Kosovic; 140ct77: A9 10492.

A910493. The Effects of conservation training on reading readiness in kindergarten pupils. By Kathleen pieqdon Roberts. Hicrofila. Kathleen Pieqdon Boberts; 140ct77: A910493.

A9ia«94. The Poetry of John Ashbery. By Neva Gibson Lyons. Hicrofila. Neva Gibson Lyons; 140ct77; A910494.

A910495. Application of a utility-cost decision model to a coaparison of intentionally childless couples and parent couples. By nary fiuth Haailton. Hicrofila. O Hary Buth Haailton; 1«Oct77; A910II95.

A910496. The Chaaber ausic of Charles Koechlin (1867-1950) By Elise Kuhl Kirk. HicrofilB. Appl. states ail new except ausical exaaples throughout dissertation. O Elise Kuhl Kirk; l«0ct77; A910496.

A910497. A Synthesis of American Indian ausic as derived froa culture: exaaination of style, perforaance practices, and aesthetics for ausic education. By Hartha Head Giles. Hicrofila. O Hartha Head Giles; 140ct77; A910497.

A910498. Born in silence: an analysis of aodern French aiae. By Hira Felner. Hicrofila. O Hira Felner; 140ct77 (in notice: 1976) ; A910498.

A910499. Six children in a typical low socio- econoaic school: case study research. By Hadine Uilliaas SHeazy. Nicrofilm. O Hadine Uilliaas Sveazy; 140ct77; A910499.

A910500. Alienation: an analysis and a test. By Steven Handwerker. Hicrofila. Steven Handverker; 140ct77; A9iaS0a.

A910501. The Foraging strategy of the howler Bonkey in the tropical forest of Barro Colorado Island, Panaaa. By Katharine Hilton. Katharine Hilton; 140ct77; A910501.

A910502. Issues at the interface of centralized and decentralized planning. By Hurray H. Kiok. Hicrofila. O Hurray U. Kick; 140ct77: A910502.

A910503. Baule art as the expression of a world view. By Susan Hullin Vogel. Hicrofila. Susan Hullin Vogel; 140ct77: A910503.

A910504. fiegional aanuf acturing economic growth: an empirical analysis of the inpact of the dominant industry. By Stanley Cecil Binston Salvary. Hicrofila. O Stanley Cecil Binston Salvary; 140ct77; A910504.

A910505. The Prose Banuscripts of Percy Bysshe Shelley: an edition with notes and coaaentary. By Sally Laura Hyaan. Hicrofila. O Sally Laura Hyaan; 140ct77 (in notice: 1976); A910505.

A910S06. An Investigation of the relationship between the supervisory orientation and organizational behavior in public eleaentary schools in the Philippines. By Caraela Cristobal San Diego. HicrofilB. O Caraela Cristobal San Diego; 140ct77; A910506.

A910S07. tilliaa Butler yeats and India. Bj John Joseph Lynch. Hicrofila. Jolin Joseph Lynch; 140ct77; A910507.

A910503. A Horpbological analysis of the historical tales of seaen Ivanovic Saxovskoj. By Janet Lynn Boffaan. Hicrofila. Janet Lynn Uotfaan; 140ct77; A910508.

A910S09. The Relationship of perceptions of sex roles and occupational choice aaong woaen. By Diane L. Goitz. Hicrofila. O Diane L. Goltz; 1«Oct77; A910509.

ASIOSIO. PeLSOnality« achieveaent variables and dogaatisB level difference between androgynous and traditional feainine career professional women. By Peggy Pope Snyder. Hicrofilm. O Peggy Pope Snyder; 140ct77; A910510.

A910511. A Test of a relevance-expectancy model relating attitudes and behavior. By Ira Jay Horrow. Hicrofila. O Ira Jay Borrow; 140ct77: A910511.

A9iaS12. Bobert Hayden and Gwendolyn Brooks: a critical study. By Charles Henry Lynch. HicrofilB. Charles Henry Lynch; 140ct77; A91C512.

A910513. The EconoBic deterainants of waste oil recycling. By Sonia P. Haltezou. Hicrofila. Sonia P. Haltezou; 140ct77; A910S13.

A910514. Litigation bearing upon woaen in secondary and higher education. By Anita Faye Johnston. Hicrofila. Anita Faye Johnston; 140ct77: A910514.

A910515. The Tragic sense in the Old French epic; a reading of La Chanson de Boland, Goraond ct Iseabart, Baoul De Caabrai, Girart De Boussillon. By Hichaeleen O'Bourke Patterson. Hicrofila. Hichaeleen 0*Eourke Patterson; 140ct77; A91051S.

A9ia516. Creativity and ausic education: comparing two aetbods of teaching junior high school general ausic. By Cornelia Hay Bates Hadsen. Hicrofila. Cornelia Hay Bates Hadsen; 1SAug77; A910516.

A910517. The Belative earnings position of the labor force outaigrating froa the Ozarks region of the Onited States, 1960-1970. By Anjaiia p. Desai. Hicrofila. Anjana P. Desai; 140ct77 (in notice: 1976); A910517.

A910518. The Oppenheiaer case: a reconsideration of the role of the Defense Departaent and national security. By Steven Leonard Uewaan. Hicrofila. O Steven Leonard Newman; 140ct77; A910S18.

A9ia519. Alicia Horales, et al. versus Jaaes Turman, et al.: a case study of juvenile justice. By Susan uebel Finley. Hicrofilm. C Susan Bebel Finley; 140ct77; A910519.

A910S20. The Effect of debt-servicing and aid-tying on the grant element in foreign economic assistance. By Patricia Lee Phelps. Hicrofila. Patricia Lee Phelps; 140ct7J; A910520.

A910 521. Hanuel Puig; the aesthetics of cineaatic and psychological fiction. By Araando Baldonado. Hicrofila. Araando

Haldonado; lUOct??; A910S21.


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