Page:2010 constitution of Angola.djvu/3

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Remembering that the present Constitution represents the culmination of the constitutional transition initiated in 1991, following the passing of Law no. 12/91 by the Assembly of the People, enshrining multi-party democracy, guarantees of the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens and a market economy, changes extended later by Constitutional Revision Law no 23/92;

Reaffirming our commitment to the values and fundamental principles of the independence, sovereignty and the unity of a democratic state based on the rule of law, pluralism of political expression and organisation, the separation and balance between the powers of bodies that exercise sovereign power, the market economy and respect and guarantees for fundamental human rights and freedoms, which constitute the essential pillars supporting and structuring this Constitution;

Aware that a Constitution such as this, due to its shared values, principles and norms, is an important factor in national unity and a powerful driving force for the development of the state and society;

Solemnly striving to strictly fulfil and respect this Constitution and hoping that this may serve as a model for the behaviour of citizens, political forces and the whole of Angolan society;

Invoking and paying homage to the memory of all our heroes and each and every Angola man and woman who lost their lives in the defence of the fatherland;

Faithful to the deepest wishes of the Angolan people for stability, dignity, liberty, development and the building of a modern, prosperous, inclusive, democratic and just country;

Committed to providing a legacy for future generations and to the exercise of our sovereignty;

We hereby pass this Constitution as the Supreme and Fundamental Law of the Republic of Angola.


Article 1
(The Republic of Angola)
