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in his breath, as if a-apasa of pain had she hin.

Ab dawn two brigades bud eharged and tho places, ‘Tho enemy returned to the attac twenty luurs theronfter the tavo armies fough rogiinent after regiment and brigade afte: into tho tronohos. ‘Chore way a pouring rain amako Ining blael about thom ; they could tho flaxhos of tho guns, and the fices of thio on dunt there,

Tho Colonel deseribed the approavh of dua Thoy lay down for a momonb dt a xWILDLD, minico-bulls sang like swarming oun, ancl blades af the grass above than. "Chon they over ground that ran with lumatt blood, trenches tha bodies of dend and dying mon . deop, and wort trauplod out of aipht in the the foot of those who fought, Thay woul behind tha works, lifting their gunn high a heuds, and firing inte the throngs an the otf agen and again mon sprang pou the bra end firod thoir muskota, and thon tell dod

ragged up canton, one after anather, and bl through the logs, and raked the ground with of eanigtes,

While tho Colonol rad, still in dis valm, offnct value, you might san mon loaudug, For thoir alinirs, hands elonehod, teuth vet, They They know! Unt there ever before been a. history who browstavorks had Linon churged | lory } ‘Ewonty-fow mon it the oxew of one 8 only two unhurt One fron aponge-buaki thirty-nine bullet ‘helos shot through it 1 A) blasts ol canistar swooping tho tronches, end