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banners and its pranving horacs and ida rambh cannon, had mearehod into tho shadewavorkd. ‘T yory ground that it had trod was aaered s anda who fingered the dusty volumes whieh hold the rece of its deeds would feol a strmige ive come yatt Wi and thrill with a enddon four of Hle--that was sn {le ing and #9 littl to be uuderatootl. ‘There were hq hood momovics in Montagne’s mind, of linus of at seoration, when tho vision had lexceuded upon hi and he had ang with face hidden in his Iranian,

Tt war for the Ropublio thib theae men had wtere for him and hia chiklron--that a gevernniont af t people, by tha peoplo, for the peoples, miighie abet por from the earth, And with the orgrin-music of | Gotiysburg Addvors ooboing within him, tha hoy I his soul upon the altay of his country. Choy hk li yo raush for him—and now, was there anything 1 ho could do? A dozon yours had jawed sine th and atill ho Imow tut deop within binie--decper tl all other purposea, then all thoughts af wealbh | fama and power—was the purpose that fhe umn ¢ had died for tho Ropublis should fhid him worthy thoir trust.

The singing had atoppod, and Judge Bilis wan abit ing bofore him, Tho Judge was about to pi, and] hia caressing volos he said that he weld hope ta Montague again, Thon, sooing that General Pren was also standing up, Montague threw all thaw that had gripped him, and shoul: luneds with the ii drummer, and with Suldon and Anderam and all - obhera of his droam poople. A fey minutes 1 ho found himsolf outside the hotel, drinking 4 draughta of tho cold Novombur air.