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violonoa, To was in a feeway of excitemont, yy thin way and that, and louning aver the throng pi about him. Beoanso of a pursing: trate the two nob hear a soul.

“A Sooiuint 1? axalalinet Monliggie, wonder “What do thay want ?”

“Tm nob ame,” wild (he ather, They war ovorthrow the gayernment.”

The train passed, and thon the mus woreda to then: “They fores you to init palace, ane they pub you info tenenionts | They farce yon fo fine raiment, and then (hey dees you in raps | foroo you to build jails, and thin they feck yor: them! ‘hey fores you ta make yoni, and then shoot yon with them! ‘They wen the paolitiessk yaa and thoy name the candidates, amd trick you voting for thom—and they enlbit this bow t "Phey you Inta womics and simul you fe shont yaar bara —and thoy oallit order) ‘They takes pew: of cole vag and oall ib the (lay aad teach you to Tet yer bo shot-—aad thoy call ib preteintoan ? Wiyat, bust. all the time, you do flue woels amd Gey poet the dn —thoy, gho mustorn id owners, nd yor faoda —-foole

Tho man’s volvo had maunteal fe a eer, at flung his hands into the air and broke into je laughtor, ‘Thon same another train, irl Aton could nob hear him; hut he vauld sen Chat fie rushing on in tho torrent of hin deninteiad ion,

Montagna atiood rooted ti this npot ye wa she to tho dopthy of hia boing dus could searenty en himeelf as ho- stood Chore, Efe dongesd to spring ward ta heard-the mat where he atuel, te ehout down, to robuke bim before thu erpwel.