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Toco. *Cloneral Montaguo's non ?" he oriet then ho seized the other's lund in both of his, ing, "My boy ! my hoy ! I'm glad to see you

Now Montague was no boy--ho was a mun o. and rather sodate in his appearance and manuo was onough in his six feet one to have made tow round and rubiond little Major. And yet it. to him quite propor thnk die olher should neds so. He was back in his hoyhood to-night-h boy whonevor anyono mentioned the namo a Thorno.

"Perhaps you have heard your father apouk ( asked the Major, eagerly; and Montague PD "A thousand times."

Ho was tompted to add that the vision th before him wns of a stout gentleman hangin grape-vino, while a wholu hattery of artiller; him thoir target.

Perhaps it was irreverent, but that was whi tugno had always thought of, ever sincs ho h laughed over the talo his father told. It l poned ono January aftornoon in the Wilderness. tho torriblo battle of Chancellorsvillo, when Ma father had boon a rising young staff-officor, ent fallon to his lot to carry to Major Thorno w] suroly the most torrifying arder that over a offloor received. It was in the orisis of the when the Army of the Potomne was repling be onslaught of Stonowall Jackson's columns. Th no one to stop thom-and yet they must be a for the whole right wing of the army was goi that oavalry regiment had charged full tilt 1 the thickets, and into a solid wall of infant artillery. The orash of their volley was bli