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  • T am a Jawyer,” said Montagne. “Eb exp


Tho Judge’s quiek ylanwe dad deen tadcin moasure of the tall, handveme nem before bin his raven-bluel. heir wand grave Teataren, You givo us a chanee ta try your mettle. fie said thon, as others approached to ment him, aud) fareod fo passion, he laid ae cnressiny head om taguo’n wy, Whispering, with arly snacite, oD aay

Monteguo felt hia heart bento lithe fate. 0) not welcomek hia brothers iupyrestion thet nothing of the syeophant tn him; dent die mer work and to aueawd, and he keuew what the { of a man dike Tndye lin weokk mean fo him, the Judge was the idel of Now York's lasines politicnl aristoartey, and the cloorwnya of fy yiolded at his toneh.

Thore were rowa of chides in ote of dhe ram here two or threes lnmdred morn were yat here, word stands of Tatble-thya in the corms, each them a agvell of trays histary, ta on Dike Mow who undorstocd, Tis oye ronmen over thon the seovotary was reading minutes of heck ip: Other yontine annoueenenta, Clea he Heep ‘wiudy tho assemblage, here wore ment with an ond men with ono Jeane Coblorings abst sellin years af age, stong blind, and led about by lin te Tho Loyal Legion was an oltivers! evpnaiantion to that oxtont aristoeratio ; butt world) ¥ stats ea for nothing in it samu of ity mother wes ntvuy tO exist on their pension, and were vs much th ol as a man tke Goneral Veenties, whe wut pred of one of the olty’s Inagent banka, ancl ae rink ait, ln Now York's uncamanding of that tern.