Page:2017 Report on the Work of the Government.pdf/7

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contributions,[1] and cut the price of electricity.

We boosted efforts to strengthen areas of weakness and undertook major initiatives that both help to meet urgent needs today and promise long-term benefits.

Third, we worked hard to deepen reform and opening up, further strengthening the vitality of development.

Reform was deepened across the board, and a good number of landmark and pillar reform initiatives were undertaken. To balance the government-market relationship-the pivotal issue in economic structural reform—we continued reforms to streamline administration, delegate powers, and improve regulation and services. My administration's goal of cutting the number of items requiring government review by a third had been achieved ahead of schedule. On that basis, last year we cancelled the requirement on a further 165 items for review by State Council departments and authorized local governments. We also overhauled and standardized 192 items of intermediary services for government review as well as 220 items of approvals and accreditations for professional qualifications. We deepened institutional reforms in the business sector. We introduced an oversight model of random inspection and public release across the board,[2] made operational and post-operational oversight more effective, and promoted the Internet Plus government services model.

We pushed ahead with reforms to restructure and reorganize state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and introduce into them mixed ownership structures. We established a review system to ensure fair competition. We deepened resource tax reforms.

We improved measures for separating rural land ownership rights, contract rights, and management rights, and established a mechanism for determining whether people have been lifted out of poverty. We made progress in reforming the science and technology management system, gave greater autonomy to colleges and research institutes, and adopted profit distribution policies oriented toward increasing the value of knowledge. We opened up the elderly services market. We expanded the trials of comprehensive reforms in public hospitals and deepened reform of the evaluation and approval systems for medicine and medical equipment.

  1. This includes old-age insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance, workers' compensation, maternity insurance, and housing provident fund schemes.
  2. The model comprises inspections of randomly selected entities by randomly selected inspectors and the public release of inspection results.