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impeachment and removal from office Art. XVI
- See Impeachment of Officers
legislative houses, selection and fixing of pay of officers, employees Art. III, §9
legislator disqualified from other public office during term Art. III, §3
Legislature, officers disqualified from serving as members of Art. III, §3
oath of office required Art. XXI, §3
removal of officers not subject to impeachment Art. XVI, §4
vacancies in office, appointments to fill Art. IV, §3
judicial vacancies Art. V, §11
legislative vacancies Art. III, §10


annual report of financial condition, publication Art. XVII, §12
common carriers, status of railroads as Art. XVII, §15
competing lines, consolidation prohibited Art. XVII, §14
connecting lines and service Art. XVII, §16
discriminatory practices, legislative power to prevent Art. XVII, §17
forfeiture of property and franchises as means of enforcing laws Art. XVII, §17
public stock records and reports required Art. XVII, §12
rates and charges subject to legislative regulation Art. XVII, §15
right of way taken, fee remains in owner Art. VI, §13
rolling stock subject to execution Art. XVII, §13
street railway, consent of local authorities required Art. XVII, §10
Real Property
corporation, restrictions on real estate held Art. XVII, §7
legislative reapportionment required after federal census Art. III, §5
Redfield State Hospital and School
constitutional status as state institution Art. XIV, §1
governance Art. XIV, §2
power reserved by people, implementation Art. III, §1
Register of Deeds
Legislature, disqualification from service in Art. III, §3
conscientious objectors not compelled to do military duty Art. XV, §7
establishment of religion prohibited Art. VI, §3
freedom of religion Art. VI, §3
compact with United States Art. XXII
schools to be free from sectarian influence Art. VIII, §16
compact with United States Art. XXII
textbooks may be loaned Art. VIII, §20
Right To Work
union membership, requiring or prohibiting prohibited Art. VI, §2
Rural Credits
state system of credit authorized Art. XIII, §1