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Chapter 104
Criminal Code

3. Any report filed pursuant to this chapter regarding "diagnosis, treatment, or treatment plans" must be kept confidential and may be reviewed only by the court or an appellate court, the state, the defense, the facility providing treatment as required by order of the court, and any other person as directed by the court.

SECTION 3. AMENDMENT. Section 12.1-04-06 of the North Dakota Century Code is amended and reenacted as follows:

12.1-04-06. Examination - Temporary commitmentdetention for purposes of examination.

Whenever there is reason to doubt the defendant's fitness to proceed, the court may order thetemporary detention of the defendant for the purpose of an examination by a tier 1a mental health professional. The temporary detention must be in the least restrictive appropriate setting, including the state hospital, the life skills and transition center, or other suitable facility for a reasonable period, not to exceed thirty days, for such examination. In lieu of detention, the court may allow the defendant to remain in the defendant's present residential setting or other suitable residential setting for the purpose of evaluation by a suitable facility or personnelexamination, subject to any reasonable limitation the court may impose. A human service center may not be considered a suitable facility and may not be considered suitable personnel under this section unlessif the court is aware an inquiry was made before the court ordered the evaluation to ensure appropriate resources exist at the human service center being ordered to conduct the evaluationexamination. The court, by subsequent order and for good cause shown, may extend the detention for a period not to exceed thirty additional days. While the defendant is detained, the defendant's legal counsel, family, and others necessary to assist in the defendant's case must have reasonable opportunity to examine and confer with the defendant.

SECTION 4. AMENDMENT. Section 12.1-04-07 of the North Dakota Century Code is amended and reenacted as follows:

12.1-04-07. Examination - Report - Hearing when contested.

1. The report of the examining psychiatrists or psychologists must be given in writing to the court within three days of expiration of the period of commitment or, if the defendant is not committed, within thirty days after the outpatient evaluation. The court shall cause copies to be delivered to the prosecutor and counsel for the defendant.Whenever there is reason to doubt the defendant's fitness to proceed, the court shall order the defendant be examined by a tier 1a mental health professional.

2. An examination must occur within fifteen days from notice of entry of the order served upon the tier 1a mental health professional. Attorneys shall disclose any materials necessary to examine the fitness of the individual to the tier 1a examiner contemporaneously with the order. For good cause shown, the court may grant an extension allowing an additional seven days to complete the examination.

3. The report of the examining mental health professional, whether for a retrospective evaluation of fitness or an evaluation of the defendant's current fitness, must be provided to the court in writing within thirty days of the date of the examination.

4. The report must include: