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Criminal Code
Chapter 110

the substance was obtained directly from, or pursuant to, a valid prescription or order of a practitioner while acting in the course of the practitioner's professional practice, or except as otherwise authorized by this chapter, but any person who violates section 12-46-24 or 12-47-21 may not be prosecuted under this subsection.

b. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, any person who violates this subsection is guilty of a class A misdemeanor for the first offense under this subsection and a class C felony for a second or subsequent offense under this subsection.

c. If, at the time of the offense the person is in or on the real property comprising a public or private elementary or secondary school or a public career and technical education school, the person is guilty of a class B felony, unless the offense involves marijuana.

d. A person who violates this subsection by possessing:

(1) Marijuana in an amount of less than one-half ounce [14.175 grams] is guilty of an infraction.

(2) At least one-half ounce [14.175 grams] but not more than 500 grams of marijuana is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.

(3) More than 500 grams of marijuana is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.

e. If an individual is sentenced to the legal and physical custody of the department of corrections and rehabilitation under this subsection, the department may place the individual in a drug and alcohol treatment program designated by the department. Upon the successful completion of the drug and alcohol treatment program, the department shall release the individual from imprisonment to begin any court-ordered period of probation.

f. If the individual is not subject to any court-ordered probation, the court shall order the individual to serve the remainder of the sentence of imprisonment on supervised probation subject to the terms and conditions imposed by the court.

g. Probation under this subsection may include placement in another facility, treatment program, or drug court, or veterans treatment docket. If an individual is placed in another facility or treatment program upon release from imprisonment, the remainder of the sentence must be considered as time spent in custody.

h. An individual incarcerated under this subsection as a result of a second probation revocation is not eligible for release from imprisonment upon the successful completion of treatment.

i. A person who violates this subsection regarding possession of five or fewer capsules, pills, or tablets of a schedule II, III, IV, or V controlled substance or controlled substance analog is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.