Page:2500 books for the prison library (1933).djvu/53

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MACHIAVELLI, Niccolo. Florentine history. Everyman's $1
OKEY, Thomas. Story of Venice. 1905 Dutton $2
SICHEL, Edith. Renaissance. Holt $1
TREVELYAN, G. M. Garibaldi and the
making of Italy. Longmans $2
TREVELYAN, J. P. Short history of the Italian people. 1920 Putnam $5
WILSTACH, Paul. Italian holiday. McBride $1


ELLIS, Havelock. Soul of Spain. 1926 Houghton $2.25
ELSNER, Eleanor. Spanish sunshine. Century $1.50
FRANCK, H. A. Four months afoot in Spain. Star bks $1
GORDON, Jan & Gordon, C. J. Two vagabonds in Spain. 1931 McBride $1
HUTCHEON, J. E. Things seen in Madeira. 1928 Dutton $1.50
IRVING, Washington. Alhambra. Macmillan $2
———Conquest of Granada. Putnam $2.50
McBRIDE, $2.50 R. M. Spanish towns and pie. 1931 McBride $1
MADARIAGA, Salvador de. Spain. 1930 Scribner $5
SEDGWICK, H. D. Spain; a short history. 1925 Little $3.50


BEAZLEY, C. R. & others. Russia from the Varangians to the Bolsheviks. 1918 Oxford $2.85
CHAMBERLIN, W. H. Soviet Russia, rev ed 1931 Little $3.50
DARLING, J. N. Ding goes to Russia. 1932 McGraw $2.50
EDDY, Sherwood. Challenge of Russia. 1931 Farrar $2.50
HINDUS, Maurice. Humanity uprooted. Blue ribbon bks $1
———Red bread. 1931 H. Smith $3.50
HOOVER, C. B. Economic life of Soviet Russia. 1931 Macmillan $3
MARSHAK, I. I. New Russia's primer. 1931 Houghton $1.75
MILIUKOV, P. N. Russia, to-day and to-morrow. 1922 Macmillan $2.25
PLATONOV, S. F. History of Russia, new ed 1929 Macmillan $2
THOMPSON, Dorothy. New Russia. 1928 Holt $3
WHITE, W. C. These Russians. 1931 Scribner $3


BECKETT, S. J. Fjords and folk of Norway. 2d ed 1928 Dodd $3
FRANCK, H. A. Scandinavian summer. Grosset $1
HOLLAND, Clive. Denmark, the land of the sea kings. 1928 Macmillan $2.50
McBRIDE, R. M. Finland and its people. 1925 McBride $1.50
———Norwegian towns and people. 1927 McBride $1.50
———Sweden and its people. 1924 McBride $1.50
STEFÁNSSON, Jon. Denmark and Sweden with Iceland and Finland. 1917 Putnam $2.50

949Minor European countries

ASHBY, Douglas. Things seen in Switzerland. 1928 Dutton $1.50
CLARK, C. U. Bessarabia, Russia and Roumania. 1927 Dodd $3.50
DAVIS, W. S. Short history of the Near East. 1922 Macmillan $3
ESSEN, Leon van der. Short history of Belgium. 2d rev and enl ed Univ of Chicago press $1.50
FRANCK, H. A. I discover Greece. 1929 Century $4