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Chapter I—Mining Enforcement, Safety Admin.
§ 11.2


11.172 Canisters and cartridges in parallel; resistance requirements.

11.473 Canisters and cartridges; color and markings; requirements.

11.174 Filters used with canisters and cartridges; location; replacement.

11.175 Breathing tubes; minimum requirements.

11.176 Harnesses; installation and construction; minimum requirements.

11.177 Respirator containers; minimum requirements.

11.178 Half-mask facepieces, full facepieces, hoods and helmets, and mouthpieces; fit; minimum requirements.

11.179 Facepieces, hoods and helmets; eyepieces; minimum requirements.

11.180 Inhalation and exhalation valves; minimum requirements,

11.181 Head harnesses; minimum requirements.

11.182 Air velocity and noise levels; hoods and helmets; minimum requirements,

11.183 Pesticide respirators; performance requirements; general.

11.183-1 Breathing resistance teat; minimum requirements.

11.183-2 Exhalation valve leakage test; minimum requirements.

11.183-3 Facepiece test; minimum requirements.

11.183-4 Silica dust test; minimum requirements.

11.183-5 Lead fume test; minimum requirements.

11.183-6 Dioctyl-phthalate test; minimum requirements.

11.183-7 Bench tests; minimum requirements.

AUTHORITY: Secs. 2023(h), 204, and 608, 83 Stat. 743, 764 and 803; 30 U.S.C. 842(h). 844 and 957; secs. 2, 8, and 5, 36 Stat. 370, as amended 37 Stat. 681; 30 U.S.C. 3. 5, and 7; sec. 8(g), 84 Stat. 1600; 29 U.B.C. 657(g).

SOURCE: 37 FR 6244, Mar. 25, 1972, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart A—General Provisions

§ 11.1 Purpose.

The purpose of the regulations contained in this Part 11 is: (a) To establish procedures and prescribe requirements which must be met in filing applications for joint approval by the Bureau of Mines and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of respirators or changes or modifications of approved respirators; (b) to establish a schedule of fees to be charged each applicant for the inspections, examinations, and testing conducted by the Institute under the provisions of this part: (c) to provide for the issuance of certificates of approval or modifications of certificates of approval for respirators which have met the applicable construction, performance, and respiratory protection requirements set forth in this part; and (d) to specify minimum requirements and to prescribe methods to be employed by the Institute and by the applicant in conducting inspections, examinations, and tests to determine the effectiveness of respirators used during entry into or escape from hazardous atmospheres.

[37 FR 6246, Mar. 26, 1972, as amended at 38 FR 6993, Mar. 15, 1973]

§ 11.2 Approved respirators.

(a) Until September 30, 1974, respirators or combination of respirators shall be approved for use in hazardous atmospheres where such respirators or combinations of respirators are maintained in an approved condition and are the same in all respects as those respirators:

(1) For which a certificate of approval has been issued under his part; or

(2) Fabricated, assembled, or built under any approval or any modification thereof, issued by the U.S. Bureau of Mines, Department of the Interior, in accordance with the schedules set forth in this paragraph;

(i) Self-contained Breathing Apparatus, Bureau of Mines Schedules 13, March 5, 1919; 13A, January 21, 1930; 13B, August 12, 1935; 13C, July 9, 1946; 13D, September 22, 1956, and 13E, July 19, 1968.

(ii) Gas Masks, Bureau of Mines Schedule 14F, April 23, 1955.

(iii) Supplied-air Respirators, Bureau of Mines Schedule 19B, April 19, 1955.

(iv) Filter-type Dust, Fume, and Mist Respirators, Bureau of Mines Schedule 21B, January 19, 1965.

(v) Nonemergency Gas Respirators, Bureau of Mines Schedule 23B, August 4, 1959.

(b) After September 30, 1974, respirators or combinations of respirators shall be approved for use in hazardous atmospheres where such respirators or combinations of respirators are maintained in an approved condition and are the same in all respects as those respirators: (1) For which a certificate of approval has been issued under this part; or (2) fabricated, assembled, or built under any approval or any modification thereof issued by the U.S. Bureau of Mines in
