Page:4SIGHT manual- a computer program for modelling degradation of underground low level waste concrete vaults (IA 4sightmanualcomp5612snyd).pdf/115

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printf("\"Chloride failure (yr)\"\t\t %8.01f\n", chloride_failure_year);
perm_factor = MAX(_0/, 1.0) * MAX (head.value/10., 1.0);
if (crack_width.value == 0.0) {
   crack-factor = 1.0;
else {
  if (sample_length = crack-depth > 0.05 * sample_length)
     crack-factor = sample.length/(sample_length crack_depth);
  else crack_factor = 10.0;
T = 1.0/(64.0 * perm_factor * crack_factor * anion [Cl].n * do);
sulfate_rate_ms = Youngs.value SQR(.value) * anion [S04].c[FIRST_CELL] * CE.value *
     /(roughness.value *  .value * (1 - ν.value)); /* m/sec */
sulfate_rate= sulfate_rate_ms (L/); /* /math>\Delta T</math> */
if (sulfate_rate > 0.0) sulfate failure.year =  * (MaxDepth L)/sulfate_rate_ms;
else sulfate failure_year= 1.0-10E10;
printf("\"Sulfate failure (yr)\"\t\t%8.0lf\n", sulfate_failure_year);
     /* calculate number of days until termination */
earliest failure_day = 365. MIN (sulfate failure_year, chloride_failure_year);
    /* determine intervals between print outs */
print_day_interval = MIN( earliest_failure_day, MaxDay.value)/PRINT_OUTS;
Pout (/(* )) *  * g * head.value;
dP = (/(* )) *  * g * (sample_length/NUM_CELLS); /* change per cell */
for (k = 0; k< NUM_SURFACES; k++) {
  [k] = 6;
  -1[k] = ;
  [k] = Pout + (real) (NUM_SURFACES — k − 1)/(NUM_SURFACES — 1);
(Initial estimate of pH 50)

42. The material parameters of the concrete must be determined based upon the information given by the user. Missing pieces of information must be calculated from established relationships. The . is_default portion of the material data determines whether the user specified the value.

(Establish material parameters of concrete 42) =

if (.is_default != TRUE) { /* calculate porosity */
if (wc.is_default == TRUE) wc.value = (log10 (10000. .value) +9.84)/6.0;
if (.is_default == TRUE) 
      /* kinfty.value = 1.0E-18*(0.8904+.002525*exp(15.07* wc.value)); */
   value pow(10.0, (5.0* wc.value - 21.0));
if (.is_default != TRUE) {
   if (.is_default = TRUE) {
      .value = 1.0-10E04 * pow(10.0, 6.0 * wc.value - 9.84);
      if (wc.is_default = TRUE) wc.value = (log10 (10000. .value) +9.84)/6.0;
if (wc.is_default != TRUE) {   /* calculate diffusivity and porosity */