Page:4SIGHT manual- a computer program for modelling degradation of underground low level waste concrete vaults (IA 4sightmanualcomp5612snyd).pdf/31

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HEAD = 2.0
CRACK = 0.000100 AT 2.0 DEPTH 0.25
DEPTH = .2000
TIME = 100000

To use this input file, simply include example.dat at the DOS command line. To save the results, redirect the output to a file:


In this example, the output is stored in EXAMPLE.OUT, an ASCII file which can be imported into any spreadsheet program.

NOTE: This calculation required 90 seconds to complete on a personal computer equipped with a 80486 microprocessor operating at 66MHz.

5.1Internal Parameters.

4SIGHT outputs all of the parameters the user has specified ("USER"), along with default and calculated values ("DEFAULT").

"       This is 4SIGHT (Version 1.0)"

"THICKNESS "   1.00000 "(m)      " "USER"
"DIFF      "   5.0e-12 "(m^2/sec)" "USER"
"PERM      "   9.8e-13 "(m/sec)  " "DEFAULT"
"WC        "   0.40000 "         " "USER"
"HEAD      "   2.00000 "(m)      " "USER"
Sulfate Attack Parameters:
"YOUNGS    "   2.0e+10 "(N/m^2)  " "DEFAULT"
"BETA      "   1.8e-06 "         " "DEFAULT"
"CE        "  350.00000 "(Mol/m^3)" "DEFAULT"
"ROUGHNESS "   1.00000 "         " "DEFAULT"
"GAMMA     "  10.00000 "(J/m^2)  " "DEFAULT"
"POISSON   "   0.20000 "         " "DEFAULT"

"DEPTH     "   0.20000 "(m)      " "USER"
"REBAR     "   0.80000 "(m)      " "USER"
"TIME      "    100000 "(day)    " "USER"
"CRACK =  0.00010 AT  2.00000 DEPTH  0.25000"
"Chloride failure (yr)"      1743
"Sulfate failure (yr)"       447