Page:4SIGHT manual- a computer program for modelling degradation of underground low level waste concrete vaults (IA 4sightmanualcomp5612snyd).pdf/99

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18. Global variables.

Most of these are variables that will be changed by the input file. The listing is broken into major groups: material parameters, scaling parameters, etc.

19. Transport parameters. These are the parameters defined at each element that determine the rate of transport. These include the inverse formation factor , pressure , and the porosity .

⟨Global variables 4⟩
 real [NUM_CELLS];    /* changing formation factor */
 real [NUM_SURFACES];     /* changing formation factor at the surface */
 real [NUH.SURFACES];      /* Pressure */
 real [NUM_CELLS];     /* current porosity */
 real [NUM_SURFACES];    /* porosity at the surface */
 real [NUM_SURFACES];     /* previous porosity at concentration */
 real litre[NUM_SURFACES];     /* litres of solution (surface area)*/     
 real strength [NUM_SURFACES];     /* strength in psi */
 int FIRST_CELL = 0;     /* first active cell  number */

20. User specified parameters. These parameters determine the ultimate properties of the sample. Although default values are given, user specified values will override these values.

⟨Global variables 4⟩ 
 MATERIAL thickness =  {1.0,TRUE};     /* roof thickness */
 MATERIAL neutral-axis.depth = {0.75, TRUE};     /* depth of neutral axis */
 MATERIAL  = {2.5- 10E-18,TRUE};     /* ultimate permeability */
 MATERIAL  = {5.7 10E-12,TRUE};     /* ultimate diffusivity */
 MATERIAL head = {5.0, TRUE};     /* external pressure head */ 
 MATERIAL wc = {0.45, TRUE};     /* water:cement */
 MATERIAL Youngs = {20.0E-06,TRUE};     /* Young’s modulus */
 MATERIAL  = {, TRUE};     /* linear strain coefficient */
 MATERIAL CE = {350., TRUE};     /* conc. sulfate as ettringite */
 MATERIAL roughness = {1.0, TRUE};     /* roughness factor */
 MATERIAL  = {10.0,TRUE};     /* fracture surface energy */ 
 MATERIAL  = {0.2,TRUE};     /* Poisson ration */

21. Scaling parameters.

⟨Global variables 4⟩ 
 real  = 0.010;   /* length of ELEMENTS so that ΔX = 1 * /
 real  = ;       /* scaling diffusivity */
 real  = ;       /* scaling permeability */
 real  =1.0;        /* dimensionless time increment */
 real [NUM_SURFACES];       /* dimensionless length between each cell */