Page:ABC of Library Science.pdf/25

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11 has elevated Library Science to the level of a dis- elpline and secured recognition for it as a science so that the laws are rightly called "Five Laws of Library Science". FIVE LAWS are as The five laws of library science follows:- 1. Books are for use. 2. Every reader, his or her book. Every book, its reader. 3. 4. Save the time of the reader. 5. Library is a growing organism. Within the compass of this chapter it is not pos- sible to describe completely the scope and influence of these basic laws on all the domains of Library Science. Therefore, each law is taken one by one and only some aspects of its influence on the col- lection, organisation and service are indicated. FIRST LAW The first law "Books are for use" serves to bring out clearly the basic truth that mere collec- tion of books in a library is not to be an end in itself. A library should acquire, organise and pre- serve books solely for use. All the endless routine such as book selection, book ordering, cataloguing and classification in a library is done to satisfy the Arst law. To start with, it must be remembered that books are collected for the purpose of enabling the people to read them. Mere voluminous collection of