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Guy L. Steele Jr.
Debunking the "Expensive ..." Myth

[Nei76] Neighbors, Michael A. "Assuring Software Reliability." Computer Decisions 8, 12 (December 1976), 44-46.

[Pre75] Presser, Leon. "Structured Languages." Proc. National Computer Conference 1975. Reprinted in SIGPLAN Notices 10, 7 (July 1975), 22-24.

[Sch77] Scheifler, Robert W. "An Analysis of Inline Substitution for a Structured Programming Language." Comm. ACM 20, 9 (September 1977), 647-654.

[Ste76a] Steele, Guy Lewis Jr., and Sussman, Gerald Jay. LAMBDA: The Ultimate Imperative. AI Memo 353. MIT AI Lab (Cambridge, March 1976).

[Ste76b] Steele, Guy Lewis Jr. LAMBDA: The Ultimate Declarative. AI Memo 379. MIT AI Lab (Cambridge, November 1976).

[Ste77a] Steele, Guy Lewis Jr. Compiler Optimization Based on Viewing LAMBDA as RENAME plus GOTO. S.M. Thesis. MIT AI Lab (Cambridge, May 1977).

[Ste77b] Steele, Guy Lewis Jr. "Fast Arithmetic in MacLISP." Proc. 1977 MACSYMA Users' Conference. NASA Sci. and Tech. Info. Office (Washington, D.C., July 1977), 215-224.

[Ste77c] Steele, Guy Lewis Jr. "Macaroni is Better than Spaghetti." Proc. AI and Programing Languages Conf. (Rochester, New York, August 1977). SIGPLAN Notices 12, 8, SIGART Newsletter 64 (August 1977), 60-66.

[Str71] Strong, H.R., Jr. "Translating Recursion Equations into Flow Charts." Journal of Computer and System Sciences 5, 3 (June 1971), 254-285.

[Sus75] Sussman, Gerald Jay, and Steele, Guy Lewis Jr. SCHEME: An Interpreter for Extended Lambda Calculus. AI Memo 349. MIT AI Lab (Cambridge, December 1975).

[Syk77] Sykes, Roy A., Jr. "Whizbang of the Month: Branching and Iteration." Scientific Time Sharing Corporation News 2, 10 (Bethesda, Maryland, January-February 1977), 5-6.

[Weg71] Wegbreit, Ben. "The ECL Programming System." Proc. AFIPS 1971 FJCC, Vol. 39. AFIPS Press, Montvale, N.J. pp. 253-262.

[Weg74] Wegbreit, Ben, et al. ECL Programmer's Manual. Technical Report 23-74. Center for Research in Computing Technology, Harvard U. (Cambridge, December 1974).

[Wul71] Wulf, W.A., Russell, D.B., and Habermann, A.N. "BLISS: A Language for Systems Programming." Comm. ACM 14, 12 (December 1971), 780-790.

[Wul73] Wulf, William A., and Shaw, Mary. "Global Variable Considered Harmful." SIGPLAN Notices 8, 2 (February 1973), 28-34.

[Wul75] Wulf, William A., et al. The Design of an Optimizing Compiler. American Elsevier (New York, 1975).

[You75] Yourdon, Edward. Techniques of Program Structure and Design. Prentice-Hall (Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1975).