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Steele and Sussman
The Art of the Interpreter

We have thrown the baby out with the bath water. The very purpose of referential transparency is to permit programs to be divided into parts so that each part can be separately specified without a description of its implementation. The desirable result is that pieces can be separately written and debugged. {Note Debugging}

On the other hand, if we give up absolute referential transparency, we can fix the top level loop. The basic problem is that we really want procedures defined at top level to be able to refer to procedures defined later. The problem with pure lexical scoping is that the &PROCEDURE-objects are created too early, when the desired environment is not yet available. We must arrange for them to be constructed at a later time. We could simply use the environment in use by the caller at the time of invocation (reverting to dynamic scoping). But dynamic scoping would lose a great deal of referential transparency and abstractive power. Procedures must not be allowed to refer to variables internal to other procedures, but only to top-level variables existing at the time they are called. Therefore only the future top-level environment is to be included in the &PROCEDURE-object when it is eventually constructed. In this way free variable references will be dynamic only with respect to the top-level environment.

Considering our dynamically-scoped interpreter above (see Figure 5), we would be led to modify APPLY again, to combine the best properties of the dynamically and lexically scoped interpreters. Indeed, the two kinds of function can easily coexist. We borrow the code involving the passing of PROCEDURES (including the DRIVER-LOOP, modified to initialize ENV to PROCEDURES) from the recursion-equations interpreter (Figures 1 and 2), the code for using this top-level environment from the dynamically-scoped interpreter (Figure 5), and the code for constructing &PROCEDURE-objects for LAMBDA-expressions from the lexically-scoped interpreter (Figure 7). The result appears in Figure 9.