Page:AJWall Indian Snake Poisons.djvu/22

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12.15 P.M. Respirations 48,

12.26 P.M. Eespirations 44, occasionally a deep respiration; dozing.

12.29 P.M. Eespirations 36.

12.32 p.m. Respirations 28; very regular; asleep.

12.35 P.M. Respirations 24; respiratory movement very slight; still sleeping.

12.37 P.M. Respirations 24.

12.40 P.M. Respirations 22.

12.43 P.M. Awoke suddenly with a start, probably aroused by flies ; chewing movement of lips and jaws.

12.45 P.M. Attempting unsuccessfully to rise; staggered about on his fore-legs.

12.47 P.M. Respirations 26; hardly perceptible, of a somewhat spasmodic character, and lasting an exceedingly short time; salivation.

12.49 P.M. Pupils about normal.

12.50 P.M. Convulsive twitchings of the whole body.

12.52 P.M. Tongue hanging out; convulsions much stronger.

12.55 P.M. No trace of normal respiratory movement, only convulsions : micturition.

12.56 P.M. Pupils slightly contracted.

12.58 P.M. Convulsions are becoming feebler.

12.59 P.M. No convulsive or respiratory movement whatever; pulse 120.