Page:A Bayard from Bengal.djvu/175

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in my poor little eggs than in any other bird's!" "That may be," replied the Serpent, "but I must live somehow!"

"No outsiders there—only just their own particular set!" said the Cocksparrow, when he came home after having been to tea with the Birds of Paradise.

The Elephant was dying of starvation, and a kind-hearted person presented him with an acidulated drop.

Note.—It is well-nigh incredible that any Philosopher should be so ignorant of Natural History as to imagine that any Elephant would accept an acid drop, even if it was on its last legs for want of nutrition.
The conclusion of this anecdote would seem to be either lost, or unfit for publication.—H. B. J.

There was once a famous Violinist who serenaded his Mistress every evening, performing the most divine melodies upon his instrument.

But all the while she was straining her ears to listen to a piano-organ round the corner which was playing "Good-bye, Dolly Gray!"