Page:A Biographical Dictionary of the Celebrated Women of Every Age and Country (1804).djvu/39

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Philip returned in 1192; and history takes no other notice of Alice afterwards, than to mention some religious foundations. She died at Paris, and was buried at the abbey de Pontigny, founded by her father.

F. C. Histoire de la Rivalite, par M. Gaillard.


A Provençal Poetess, born at Chateauneuf.

ALOARA, an Italian Princess. Died 992.

Daughter of a count named Peter, of whom history makes no other mention, than that he was her father. She was married to Pandulph, surnamed Ironhead, who stiled himself prince, duke, and marquis. He was, in reality, prince of Capua and Benevento, by inheritance; and the emperor Otho II. created him duke of Spoleto, and marquis Camerino, which rendered him the most potent prince then in Italy. He died at Capua, in 981, leaving five sons by Aloara; Landulph IV. prince of Capua and Benevento; Pandulph, prince of Salerno; Atenulph, entitled count, and also marquis, perhaps of Camerino; Landenulph, prince of Capua; and Laidulph, who succeeded him.

Landulph IV. perished in battle, fighting for the emperor, in 982, against the Greeks and Saracens. His brother Landenulph succeeded him; but, being very young, Otho, in investing him with the principality of Capua, desired Aloara might govern during her life conjointly with him. This decree was also confirmed by Theophania, widow of Otho, and regent, during the minority of Otho III. Aloara began to reign in 982.
